About Us
The Data Acquisition Group is a physics division support group (for both staff and users). We can be found on the second floor of Cebaf Center (F-Wing). We are also free to collaborate with outside groups where mutual benefit can be identified.
General inquiries, problems or comments can be sent to the CODA mailing list coda@jlab.org. This is a mailing list to which only members of the group are subscribed, you do not need to subscribe yourself. Email sent to this address will be forwarded to all members of the group.
Individual members of the group and their areas of expertise are listed below along with contact information.
Graham Heyes - Group Leader
CEBAF Center room F279 Tel: (757) 269-7030, heyes@jlab.org
David Abbott - User support, front-end hardware/software
CEBAF Center cubicle F268 Tel: (757) 269-7190, abbottd@jlab.org
William Gu (Custom hardware/electronics design)
CEBAF Center cubicle F280 Tel: (757) 269-5358, jgu@jlab.org
Vardan Gyurjyan (Run/Experiment control)
CEBAF Center cubicle F247 Tel: (757) 269-5879, gurjyan@jlab.org
Ed Jastrzembski (Custom hardware/electronics design)
CEBAF Center cubicle F273 Tel: (757) 269-7394, jastrzem@jlab.org
Bryan Moffit (Front-end software, Linux-based DAQ)
CEBAF Center cubicle F274 Tel: (757) 269-5660, moffit@jlab.org
Carl Timmer (Back-end software tools, cMsg, ET)
CC F272 Tel: (757) 269-5130 timmer@jlab.org