cMsg Messaging System
Go to the source code of this file.
Typedefs | |
typedef void * | cMsgSubscribeConfig |
typedef void( | cMsgShutdownHandler )(void *userArg) |
typedef void( | cMsgCallbackFunc )(void *msg, void *userArg) |
Functions | |
int | cMsgConnect (const char *myUDL, const char *myName, const char *myDescription, void **domainId) |
int | cMsgReconnect (void *domainId) |
int | cMsgSend (void *domainId, void *msg) |
int | cMsgSyncSend (void *domainId, void *msg, const struct timespec *timeout, int *response) |
int | cMsgFlush (void *domainId, const struct timespec *timeout) |
int | cMsgSubscribe (void *domainId, const char *subject, const char *type, cMsgCallbackFunc *callback, void *userArg, cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, void **handle) |
int | cMsgUnSubscribe (void *domainId, void *handle) |
int | cMsgSubscriptionPause (void *domainId, void *handle) |
int | cMsgSubscriptionResume (void *domainId, void *handle) |
int | cMsgSubscriptionQueueClear (void *domainId, void *handle) |
int | cMsgSubscriptionQueueCount (void *domainId, void *handle, int *count) |
int | cMsgSubscriptionQueueIsFull (void *domainId, void *handle, int *full) |
int | cMsgSubscriptionMessagesTotal (void *domainId, void *handle, int *total) |
int | cMsgSendAndGet (void *domainId, void *sendMsg, const struct timespec *timeout, void **replyMsg) |
int | cMsgSubscribeAndGet (void *domainId, const char *subject, const char *type, const struct timespec *timeout, void **replyMsg) |
int | cMsgMonitor (void *domainId, const char *command, void **replyMsg) |
int | cMsgReceiveStart (void *domainId) |
int | cMsgReceiveStop (void *domainId) |
int | cMsgDisconnect (void **domainId) |
int | cMsgSetShutdownHandler (void *domainId, cMsgShutdownHandler *handler, void *userArg) |
int | cMsgShutdownClients (void *domainId, const char *client, int flag) |
int | cMsgShutdownServers (void *domainId, const char *server, int flag) |
int | cMsgGetConnectState (void *domainId, int *connectState) |
int | cMsgSetUDL (void *domainId, const char *udl) |
int | cMsgGetCurrentUDL (void *domainId, const char **udl) |
int | cMsgGetServerHost (void *domainId, const char **ipAddress) |
int | cMsgGetServerPort (void *domainId, int *port) |
int | cMsgGetInfo (void *domainId, const char *command, char **string) |
char * | cMsgPerror (int errorCode) |
int | cMsgFreeMessage (void **vmsg) |
void * | cMsgCreateMessage (void) |
void * | cMsgCreateNewMessage (const void *vmsg) |
void * | cMsgCopyMessage (const void *vmsg) |
int | cMsgInitMessage (void *vmsg) |
void * | cMsgCreateResponseMessage (const void *vmsg) |
void * | cMsgCreateNullResponseMessage (const void *vmsg) |
int | cMsgWasSent (const void *vmsg, int *hasBeenSent) |
int | cMsgGetVersion (const void *vmsg, int *version) |
int | cMsgGetGetRequest (const void *vmsg, int *getRequest) |
int | cMsgSetGetResponse (void *vmsg, int getReponse) |
int | cMsgGetGetResponse (const void *vmsg, int *getReponse) |
int | cMsgSetNullGetResponse (void *vmsg, int nullGetResponse) |
int | cMsgGetNullGetResponse (const void *vmsg, int *nullGetResponse) |
int | cMsgGetDomain (const void *vmsg, const char **domain) |
int | cMsgGetPayloadText (const void *vmsg, const char **payloadText) |
int | cMsgSetSubject (void *vmsg, const char *subject) |
int | cMsgGetSubject (const void *vmsg, const char **subject) |
int | cMsgSetType (void *vmsg, const char *type) |
int | cMsgGetType (const void *vmsg, const char **type) |
int | cMsgSetText (void *vmsg, const char *text) |
int | cMsgGetText (const void *vmsg, const char **text) |
int | cMsgSetUserInt (void *vmsg, int userInt) |
int | cMsgGetUserInt (const void *vmsg, int *userInt) |
int | cMsgSetUserTime (void *vmsg, const struct timespec *userTime) |
int | cMsgGetUserTime (const void *vmsg, struct timespec *userTime) |
int | cMsgGetSender (const void *vmsg, const char **sender) |
int | cMsgGetSenderHost (const void *vmsg, const char **senderHost) |
int | cMsgGetSenderTime (const void *vmsg, struct timespec *senderTime) |
int | cMsgGetReceiver (const void *vmsg, const char **receiver) |
int | cMsgGetReceiverHost (const void *vmsg, const char **receiverHost) |
int | cMsgGetReceiverTime (const void *vmsg, struct timespec *receiverTime) |
int | cMsgSetByteArrayLength (void *vmsg, int length) |
int | cMsgResetByteArrayLength (void *vmsg) |
int | cMsgGetByteArrayLength (const void *vmsg, int *length) |
int | cMsgGetByteArrayLengthFull (const void *vmsg, int *length) |
int | cMsgSetByteArrayOffset (void *vmsg, int offset) |
int | cMsgGetByteArrayOffset (const void *vmsg, int *offset) |
int | cMsgSetByteArrayEndian (void *vmsg, int endian) |
int | cMsgGetByteArrayEndian (const void *vmsg, int *endian) |
int | cMsgNeedToSwap (const void *vmsg, int *swap) |
int | cMsgSetByteArray (void *vmsg, char *array, int length) |
int | cMsgSetByteArrayNoCopy (void *vmsg, char *array, int length) |
int | cMsgGetByteArray (const void *vmsg, char **array) |
int | cMsgSetReliableSend (void *vmsg, int boolean) |
int | cMsgGetReliableSend (void *vmsg, int *boolean) |
int | cMsgGetSubscriptionDomain (const void *vmsg, const char **domain) |
int | cMsgGetSubscriptionSubject (const void *vmsg, const char **subject) |
int | cMsgGetSubscriptionType (const void *vmsg, const char **type) |
int | cMsgGetSubscriptionUDL (const void *vmsg, const char **udl) |
int | cMsgGetSubscriptionCueSize (const void *vmsg, int *size) |
int | cMsgToString (const void *vmsg, char **string) |
int | cMsgToString2 (const void *vmsg, char **string, int binary, int compact, int noSystemFields) |
int | cMsgPayloadToString (const void *vmsg, char **string, int binary, int compact, int noSystemFields) |
void | cMsgTrim (char *s) |
void | cMsgTrimChar (char *s, char trimChar) |
void | cMsgTrimDoubleChars (char *s, char trimChar) |
int | cMsgAddHistoryToPayloadText (void *vmsg, char *name, char *host, int64_t time, char **pTxt) |
int | cMsgSetHistoryLengthMax (void *vmsg, int len) |
int | cMsgGetHistoryLengthMax (const void *vmsg, int *len) |
int | cMsgPayloadGet (const void *vmsg, char **names, int *types, int len) |
int | cMsgPayloadGetInfo (const void *vmsg, char ***names, int **types, int *len) |
int | cMsgPayloadGetCount (const void *vmsg, int *count) |
int | cMsgPayloadContainsName (const void *vmsg, const char *name) |
int | cMsgPayloadGetType (const void *vmsg, const char *name, int *type) |
int | cMsgPayloadRemove (void *vmsg, const char *name) |
int | cMsgPayloadCopy (const void *vmsgFrom, void *vmsgTo) |
int | cMsgPayloadUpdateText (const void *vmsg) |
int | cMsgPayloadGetFieldText (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const char **val) |
void | cMsgPayloadPrint (const void *vmsg) |
const char * | cMsgPayloadFieldDescription (const void *vmsg, const char *name) |
int | cMsgPayloadSetFromText (void *vmsg, const char *text) |
int | cMsgPayloadSetSystemFieldsFromText (void *vmsg, const char *text) |
int | cMsgPayloadSetAllFieldsFromText (void *vmsg, const char *text) |
void | cMsgPayloadReset (void *vmsg) |
void | cMsgPayloadClear (void *vmsg) |
int | cMsgHasPayload (const void *vmsg, int *hasPayload) |
int | cMsgGetBinary (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const char **val, int *len, int *endian) |
int | cMsgGetBinaryArray (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const char ***vals, int **sizes, int **endians, int *count) |
int | cMsgGetMessage (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const void **val) |
int | cMsgGetMessageArray (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const void ***val, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetString (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const char **val) |
int | cMsgGetStringArray (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const char ***array, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetFloat (const void *vmsg, const char *name, float *val) |
int | cMsgGetFloatArray (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const float **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetDouble (const void *vmsg, const char *name, double *val) |
int | cMsgGetDoubleArray (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const double **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetInt8 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, int8_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetInt16 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, int16_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetInt32 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, int32_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetInt64 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, int64_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetUint8 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, uint8_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetUint16 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, uint16_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetUint32 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, uint32_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetUint64 (const void *vmsg, const char *name, uint64_t *val) |
int | cMsgGetInt8Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const int8_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetInt16Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const int16_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetInt32Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const int32_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetInt64Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const int64_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetUint8Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint8_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetUint16Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint16_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetUint32Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint32_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgGetUint64Array (const void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint64_t **vals, int *len) |
int | cMsgAddInt8 (void *vmsg, const char *name, int8_t val) |
int | cMsgAddInt16 (void *vmsg, const char *name, int16_t val) |
int | cMsgAddInt32 (void *vmsg, const char *name, int32_t val) |
int | cMsgAddInt64 (void *vmsg, const char *name, int64_t val) |
int | cMsgAddUint8 (void *vmsg, const char *name, uint8_t val) |
int | cMsgAddUint16 (void *vmsg, const char *name, uint16_t val) |
int | cMsgAddUint32 (void *vmsg, const char *name, uint32_t val) |
int | cMsgAddUint64 (void *vmsg, const char *name, uint64_t val) |
int | cMsgAddInt8Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const int8_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddInt16Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const int16_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddInt32Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const int32_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddInt64Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const int64_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddUint8Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint8_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddUint16Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint16_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddUint32Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint32_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddUint64Array (void *vmsg, const char *name, const uint64_t vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddString (void *vmsg, const char *name, const char *val) |
int | cMsgAddStringArray (void *vmsg, const char *name, const char **vals, int len) |
int | cMsgAddFloat (void *vmsg, const char *name, float val) |
int | cMsgAddDouble (void *vmsg, const char *name, double val) |
int | cMsgAddFloatArray (void *vmsg, const char *name, const float vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddDoubleArray (void *vmsg, const char *name, const double vals[], int len) |
int | cMsgAddBinary (void *vmsg, const char *name, const char *src, int size, int endian) |
int | cMsgAddBinaryArray (void *vmsg, const char *name, const char *src[], int number, const int size[], const int endian[]) |
int | cMsgAddMessage (void *vmsg, const char *name, const void *vmessage) |
int | cMsgAddMessageArray (void *vmsg, const char *name, const void *vmessage[], int len) |
char * | cMsgFloatChars (float f) |
char * | cMsgDoubleChars (double d) |
char * | cMsgIntChars (uint32_t i) |
int | cMsgGetUDL (void *domainId, char **udl) |
int | cMsgGetName (void *domainId, char **name) |
int | cMsgGetDescription (void *domainId, char **description) |
int | cMsgGetReceiveState (void *domainId, int *receiveState) |
cMsgSubscribeConfig * | cMsgSubscribeConfigCreate (void) |
int | cMsgSubscribeConfigDestroy (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config) |
int | cMsgSubscribeSetMaxCueSize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int size) |
int | cMsgSubscribeGetMaxCueSize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int *size) |
int | cMsgSubscribeSetSkipSize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int size) |
int | cMsgSubscribeGetSkipSize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int *size) |
int | cMsgSubscribeSetMaySkip (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int maySkip) |
int | cMsgSubscribeGetMaySkip (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int *maySkip) |
int | cMsgSubscribeSetMustSerialize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int serialize) |
int | cMsgSubscribeGetMustSerialize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int *serialize) |
int | cMsgSubscribeSetMaxThreads (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int threads) |
int | cMsgSubscribeGetMaxThreads (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int *threads) |
int | cMsgSubscribeSetMessagesPerThread (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int mpt) |
int | cMsgSubscribeGetMessagesPerThread (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, int *mpt) |
int | cMsgSubscribeSetStackSize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, size_t size) |
int | cMsgSubscribeGetStackSize (cMsgSubscribeConfig *config, size_t *size) |
int | cMsgSetDebugLevel (int level) |
This is the one necessary header file for all cMsg C users. C++ users must include cMsg.hxx instead, which includes this file.
cMsg is a simple, abstract API to an arbitrary underlying message service. It is powerful enough to support synchronous and asynchronous point-to-point and publish/subscribe communication, and network-accessible message queues. Note that a given underlying implementation may not necessarily implement all these features.
The abstraction relies on the important concept of a "domain", specified via a "Universal Domain Locator" (UDL) of the form:
The domain type refers to an underlying messaging software implementation, and the domain info is interpreted by the implementation. Generally domains with different UDL's are isolated from each other, but this is not necessarily the case. For example, users can easily create gateways between different domains, or different domain servers may serve into the same messaging namespace.
The full domain specifier for the full cMsg domain looks like:
where node:port correspond to the node and port of a cMsg nameserver, and namespace allows for multiple namespaces on the same server. If the port is missing a default port is used. Parameters are optional and not specified at this time. Currently different cMsg domains are completely isolated from each other. A process can connect to multiple domains if desired.
Messages are sent via cMsgSend() and related functions. Messages have a type and are sent to a subject, and both are arbitrary strings. The payload consists of a single text string. Users must call cMsgFlush() to initiate delivery of messages in the outbound send queues, although the implementation may deliver messages before cMsgFlush() is called. Additional message meta-data may be set by the user (see below), although much of it is set by the system.
Message consumers ask the system to deliver messages to them that match various subject/type combinations (each may be NULL). The messages are delivered asynchronously to callbacks (via cMsgSubscribe()). cMsgFreeMessage() must be called when the user is done processing the message. Synchronous or RPC-like messaging is also possible via cMsgSendAndGet().
cMsgReceiveStart() must be called to start delivery of messages to callbacks.
In the cMsg domain perl-like subject wildcard characters are supported, multiple callbacks for the same subject/type are allowed, and each callback executes in its own thread.
See the cMsg User's Guide and the cMsg Developer's Guide for more information. See the cMsg Doxygen and Java docs for the full API specification.
typedef void( cMsgCallbackFunc)(void *msg, void *userArg) |
Callback function.
typedef void( cMsgShutdownHandler)(void *userArg) |
Shutdown handler function.
typedef void* cMsgSubscribeConfig |
Subscribe configuration.
int cMsgAddBinary | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char * | src, | ||
int | size, | ||
int | endian | ||
) |
This routine adds a named field of binary data to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
src | pointer to binary data to add |
size | size in bytes of data to add |
endian | endian value of binary data, may be CMSG_ENDIAN_BIG, CMSG_ENDIAN_LITTLE, CMSG_ENDIAN_LOCAL, or CMSG_ENDIAN_NOTLOCAL |
int cMsgAddBinaryArray | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char * | src[], | ||
int | number, | ||
const int | size[], | ||
const int | endian[] | ||
) |
This routine adds a named field of binary data to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
src | pointer to array of binary data arrays to add |
number | number of arrays of binary data to add |
size | array of sizes in bytes of binary data arrays to add |
endian | array of endian values of binary data arrays, may be CMSG_ENDIAN_BIG, CMSG_ENDIAN_LITTLE, CMSG_ENDIAN_LOCAL, or CMSG_ENDIAN_NOTLOCAL |
int cMsgAddDouble | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
double | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, double field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | double to add |
References CMSG_CP_DBL.
int cMsgAddDoubleArray | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const double | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, double array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of doubles to add (copy) |
len | number of doubles from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_DBL_A.
int cMsgAddFloat | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
float | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, float field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | float to add |
References CMSG_CP_FLT.
int cMsgAddFloatArray | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const float | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, float array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of floats to add (copy) |
len | number of floats from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_FLT_A.
int cMsgAddHistoryToPayloadText | ( | void * | vmsg, |
char * | name, | ||
char * | host, | ||
int64_t | time, | ||
char ** | pTxt | ||
) |
Adds arguments to the history of senders, senderHosts, and senderTimes of this message (in the payload). This method only keeps cMsgMessage_t.historyLengthMax number of the most recent names. This method is reserved for system use only.
When a client sends the same message over and over again, we do NOT want the history to change. To ensure this, we follow a simple principle: the sender history needs to go into the sent message (ie. over the wire), but must not be added to the local one. Thus, if I send a message, its local sender history will not change.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of sender to add to the history of senders |
host | name of sender host to add to the history of hosts |
time | sender time to add to the history of times |
pTxt | pointer filled with text representation of payload with the history items added (memory is allocated) |
References CMSG_CP_INT64_A, CMSG_ERROR, CMSG_OK, CMSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, cMsgGetInt64Array(), cMsgGetStringArray(), and cMsgPayloadContainsName().
int cMsgAddInt16 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int16_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 16-bit, signed int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 16-bit, signed int to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT16.
int cMsgAddInt16Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int16_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 16-bit, signed int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 16-bit, signed ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT16_A.
int cMsgAddInt32 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int32_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 32-bit, signed int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 32-bit, signed int to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT32.
int cMsgAddInt32Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int32_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 32-bit, signed int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 32-bit, signed ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT32_A.
int cMsgAddInt64 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int64_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 64-bit, signed int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 64-bit, signed int to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT64.
int cMsgAddInt64Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int64_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 64-bit, signed int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 64-bit, signed ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT64_A.
int cMsgAddInt8 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int8_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 8-bit, signed int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 8-bit, signed int to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT8.
int cMsgAddInt8Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int8_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 8-bit, signed int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 8-bit, signed ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_INT8_A.
int cMsgAddMessage | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const void * | vmessage | ||
) |
This routine adds a named cMsg message field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes. The string representation of the message is the same format as that used for a complete compound payload.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vmessage | cMsg message to add |
int cMsgAddMessageArray | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const void * | vmessage[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named field of an array of cMsg messages to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vmessage | array of cMsg messages to add |
len | number of messages from array to add |
int cMsgAddString | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char * | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named string field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | string to add |
int cMsgAddStringArray | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char ** | vals, | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named string array field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | strings to add |
len | number of strings to add |
int cMsgAddUint16 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint16_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 16-bit, unsigned int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 16-bit, unsigned int to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT16.
int cMsgAddUint16Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint16_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 16-bit, unsigned int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 16-bit, unsigned ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT16_A.
int cMsgAddUint32 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint32_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 32-bit, unsigned int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 32-bit, unsigned int to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT32.
int cMsgAddUint32Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint32_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 32-bit, unsigned int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 32-bit, unsigned ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT32_A.
int cMsgAddUint64 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint64_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 64-bit, unsigned int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 64-bit, unsigned int to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT64.
int cMsgAddUint64Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint64_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 64-bit, unsigned int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 64-bit, unsigned ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT64_A.
int cMsgAddUint8 | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint8_t | val | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 8-bit, unsigned int field to the compound payload of a message. Names may not begin with "cmsg" (case insensitive), be longer than CMSG_PAYLOAD_NAME_LEN, or contain white space or quotes.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
val | value of 8-bit, unsigned int to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT8.
int cMsgAddUint8Array | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint8_t | vals[], | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine adds a named, 8-bit, unsigned int array field to the compound payload of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to add |
vals | array of 8-bit, unsigned ints to add (copy) |
len | number of ints from array to add |
References CMSG_CP_UINT8_A.
int cMsgConnect | ( | const char * | myUDL, |
const char * | myName, | ||
const char * | myDescription, | ||
void ** | domainId | ||
) |
This routine is called once to connect to a domain. The argument "myUDL" is the Universal Domain Locator used to uniquely identify the cMsg server to connect to. It has the form:
The argument "myName" is the client's name and may be required to be unique within the domain depending on the domain. The argument "myDescription" is an arbitrary string used to describe the client. If successful, this routine fills the argument "domainId", which identifies the connection uniquely and is required as an argument by many other routines.
myUDL | the Universal Domain Locator used to uniquely identify the cMsg server to connect to |
myName | name of this client |
myDescription | description of this client |
domainId | pointer to pointer which gets filled with a unique id referring to this connection. |
void* cMsgCopyMessage | ( | const void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine copies a message. Memory is allocated with this function and can be freed by cMsgFreeMessage(). If the given message has a byte array that was copied in, it is copied again into the new message. Otherwise, if it has a byte array whose pointer was copied, the new message will point to the same byte array.
vmsg | pointer to message structure being copied |
References CMSG_OK, cMsgHasPayload(), and cMsgPayloadCopy().
Referenced by cMsgCreateNewMessage().
void* cMsgCreateMessage | ( | void | ) |
This routine creates a new, initialized message. Memory is allocated with this function and can be freed by cMsgFreeMessage().
Referenced by cMsgCreateNullResponseMessage(), and cMsgCreateResponseMessage().
void* cMsgCreateNewMessage | ( | const void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine copies the given message, clears the history, and is marked as NOT having been sent. Memory is allocated with this function and can be freed by cMsgFreeMessage().
vmsg | pointer to message being copied |
References cMsgCopyMessage().
void* cMsgCreateNullResponseMessage | ( | const void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine creates a new, initialized message with some fields copied from the given message in order to make it a proper "NULL" (or no message) response to a sendAndGet() request. Memory is allocated with this function and can be freed by cMsgFreeMessage().
vmsg | pointer to message to which response fields are set |
References cMsgCreateMessage().
void* cMsgCreateResponseMessage | ( | const void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine creates a new, initialized message with some fields copied from the given message in order to make it a proper response to a sendAndGet() request. Memory is allocated with this function and can be freed by cMsgFreeMessage().
vmsg | pointer to message to which response fields are set |
References cMsgCreateMessage().
int cMsgDisconnect | ( | void ** | domainId | ) |
This routine disconnects the client from the cMsg server. May only call this once if it succeeds since it frees memory.
domainId | address of domain connection id |
char* cMsgDoubleChars | ( | double | d | ) |
This routine returns a string representation of a double in the form of 16 hex chars of the IEEE754 representation. String points to internal static character array.
d | double value to convert |
char* cMsgFloatChars | ( | float | f | ) |
This routine returns a string representation of a float in the form of 8 hex chars of the IEEE754 representation. String points to internal static character array.
f | float value to convert |
int cMsgFlush | ( | void * | domainId, |
const struct timespec * | timeout | ||
) |
This routine sends any pending (queued up) communication with the server. The implementation of this routine depends entirely on the domain in which it is being used. In the cMsg domain, this routine does nothing as all server communications are sent immediately upon calling any function.
domainId | domain connection id |
timeout | amount of time to wait for completion |
int cMsgFreeMessage | ( | void ** | vmsg | ) |
This routine frees the memory allocated in the creation of a message. The cMsg client must call this routine on any messages created to avoid memory leaks.
vmsg | address of pointer to message structure being freed |
References CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetBinary | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char ** | val, | ||
int * | size, | ||
int * | endian | ||
) |
This routine returns the value of the given field as binary (byte array) if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned pointer's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
size | pointer filled with number of bytes in binary array |
endian | pointer filled with endian of data (CMSG_ENDIAN_BIG/LITTLE) |
int cMsgGetBinaryArray | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char *** | vals, | ||
int ** | sizes, | ||
int ** | endians, | ||
int * | count | ||
) |
This routine returns the value of the given field as an array of binary data (array of byte arrays) if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned pointer's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with array of byte arrays |
sizes | pointer filled with array of number of bytes in byte arrays |
endians | pointer filled with array of endian of data in byte arrays (CMSG_ENDIAN_BIG/LITTLE) |
count | pointer filled with number of element in each returned array |
int cMsgGetByteArray | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
char ** | array | ||
) |
This routine gets a message's byte array.
vmsg | pointer to message |
array | pointer to be filled with byte array |
int cMsgGetByteArrayEndian | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | endian | ||
) |
This routine gets the endianness of the byte array data. Valid returned values are:
vmsg | pointer to message |
endian | int pointer to be filled with byte array data endianness |
int cMsgGetByteArrayLength | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | length | ||
) |
This routine gets the region-of-interest length of a message's byte array.
vmsg | pointer to message |
length | int pointer to be filled with byte array length (in bytes) |
int cMsgGetByteArrayLengthFull | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | length | ||
) |
This routine gets the total length of a message's byte array.
vmsg | pointer to message |
length | int pointer to be filled with byte array's total length (in bytes) |
int cMsgGetByteArrayOffset | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | offset | ||
) |
This routine gets the region-of-interest offset of a message's byte array.
vmsg | pointer to message |
offset | int pointer to be filled with byte array offset index |
int cMsgGetConnectState | ( | void * | domainId, |
int * | connected | ||
) |
This routine gets the state of a cMsg connection. If connectState gets filled with a one, there is a valid connection. Anything else (zero in this case), indicates client is not connected. The meaning of "connected" may vary with domain.
domainId | domain connection id |
connected | integer pointer to be filled in with connection state, (1-connected, 0-unconnected) |
int cMsgGetCurrentUDL | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char ** | udl | ||
) |
This routine gets the UDL current used in the existing connection.
domainId | domain connection id |
udl | pointer filled in with current UDL or NULL if no connection |
int cMsgGetDescription | ( | void * | domainId, |
char ** | description | ||
) |
This routine gets the client description used in a cMsg connection. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the system structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
domainId | id of the domain connection |
description | pointer to pointer filled with the description |
int cMsgGetDomain | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | domain | ||
) |
This routine gets the domain of a message. When a message is newly created (eg. by cMsgCreateMessage()), the domain field of a message is not set. In the cMsg domain, the cMsg server sets this field when it receives a client's sent message. Messages received from the server will have this field set. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
domain | pointer to pointer filled with message's cMsg domain |
int cMsgGetDouble | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
double * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns the double given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_DBL.
int cMsgGetDoubleArray | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const double ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns the double array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_DBL_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetFloat | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
float * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a float of the given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_FLT, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetFloatArray | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const float ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns the float array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_FLT_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetGetRequest | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | getRequest | ||
) |
This routine gets the "get request" field of a message. The "get request" field indicates the message was sent by a sendAndGet call, if it has a value of 1. A value of 0 indicates it was not sent by a sendAndGet.
vmsg | pointer to message |
getRequest | integer pointer to be filled in with 1 if message sent by a sendAndGet and 0 otherwise |
int cMsgGetGetResponse | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | getResponse | ||
) |
This routine gets the "get response" field of a message. The "get reponse" field indicates the message is a response to a message sent by a sendAndGet call, if it has a value of 1. A value of 0 indicates it is not a response to a sendAndGet.
vmsg | pointer to message |
getResponse | integer pointer to be filled in 1 if message is a response to a sendAndGet and 0 otherwise |
int cMsgGetHistoryLengthMax | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine gets the maximum number of entries this message keeps of its history of various parameters (sender's name, host, time).
vmsg | pointer to message |
len | integer pointer to be filled inwith max number of entries this message keeps of its history of various parameters |
int cMsgGetInfo | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char * | command, | ||
char ** | string | ||
) |
This routine does general I/O and returns a string for each string argument.
domainId | id of the domain connection |
command | command whose value determines what is returned in string arg |
string | pointer which gets filled in with a return string (may be NULL) |
int cMsgGetInt16 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int16_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a 16 bit, signed integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_INT16, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetInt16Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int16_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns a 16 bit, signed integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_INT16_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetInt32 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int32_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a 32 bit, signed integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_INT32, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetInt32Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int32_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns a 32 bit, signed integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_INT32_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetInt64 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int64_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a 64 bit, signed integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_INT64.
int cMsgGetInt64Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int64_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns a 64 bit, signed integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_INT64_A, and CMSG_OK.
Referenced by cMsgAddHistoryToPayloadText().
int cMsgGetInt8 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int8_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns an 8 bit, signed integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_INT8, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetInt8Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const int8_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns an 8 bit, signed integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_INT8_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetMessage | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const void ** | val | ||
) |
This routine returns the value of the given field as a cMsg message if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned pointer's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
int cMsgGetMessageArray | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const void *** | val, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns the value of the given field as an array of cMsg messages if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned pointer's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with array value |
len | pointer to int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
int cMsgGetName | ( | void * | domainId, |
char ** | name | ||
) |
This routine gets the client name used in a cMsg connection. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the system structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
domainId | id of the domain connection |
name | pointer to pointer filled with the name |
int cMsgGetNullGetResponse | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | nullGetResponse | ||
) |
This routine gets the "NULL get response" field of a message. If it has a value of 1, the "NULL get response" field indicates that if the message is a response to a message sent by a sendAndGet call, when sent it will be received as a NULL pointer - not a message. Any other value indicates it is not a null get response to a sendAndGet.
vmsg | pointer to message |
nullGetResponse | integer pointer to be filled in with 1 if message is a NULL response to a sendAndGet and 0 otherwise |
int cMsgGetPayloadText | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | payloadText | ||
) |
This routine gets the payload text of a message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
payloadText | pointer to pointer filled with message's payload text |
int cMsgGetReceiver | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | receiver | ||
) |
This routine gets the receiver of a message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
receiver | pointer to pointer filled with message's receiver |
int cMsgGetReceiverHost | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | receiverHost | ||
) |
This routine gets the host of the receiver of a message. This field is NULL for a newly created message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
receiverHost | pointer to pointer filled with host of the message receiver |
int cMsgGetReceiverTime | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
struct timespec * | receiverTime | ||
) |
This routine gets the time a message was received (in seconds since midnight GMT, Jan 1st, 1970).
vmsg | pointer to message |
receiverTime | pointer to be filled with time message was received |
int cMsgGetReceiveState | ( | void * | domainId, |
int * | receiveState | ||
) |
This routine gets the message receiving state of a cMsg connection. If receiveState gets filled with a one, all messages sent to the client will be received and sent to appropriate callbacks . Anything else (zero in this case), indicates no messages will be received or sent to callbacks.
domainId | id of the domain connection |
receiveState | integer pointer to be filled in with the receive state |
int cMsgGetReliableSend | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int * | boolean | ||
) |
This routine gets whether the send will be reliable (default, TCP) or will be allowed to be unreliable (UDP).
vmsg | pointer to message |
boolean | int pointer to be filled with 1 if true (TCP), else 0 (UDP) |
int cMsgGetSender | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | sender | ||
) |
This routine gets the sender of a message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
sender | pointer to pointer filled with message's sender |
int cMsgGetSenderHost | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | senderHost | ||
) |
This routine gets the host of the sender of a message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
senderHost | pointer to pointer filled with host of the message sender |
int cMsgGetSenderTime | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
struct timespec * | senderTime | ||
) |
This routine gets the time a message was last sent (in seconds since midnight GMT, Jan 1st, 1970).
vmsg | pointer to message |
senderTime | pointer to be filled with time message was last sent |
int cMsgGetServerHost | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char ** | ipAddress | ||
) |
This routine gets the IP address (in dotted-decimal form) that the client used to make the network connection to itsserver. Do NOT write into or free the returned char pointer.
domainId | id of the domain connection |
ipAddress | pointer filled in with server IP address |
int cMsgGetServerPort | ( | void * | domainId, |
int * | port | ||
) |
This routine gets the port that the client used to make the network connection to its server.
domainId | id of the domain connection |
port | pointer filled in with server TCP port |
int cMsgGetString | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char ** | val | ||
) |
This routine returns the value of the given field as a string if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned pointer's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
int cMsgGetStringArray | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char *** | array, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns the string array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
array | pointer to array of pointers which gets filled with string array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
Referenced by cMsgAddHistoryToPayloadText().
int cMsgGetSubject | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | subject | ||
) |
This routine gets the subject of a message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
subject | pointer to pointer filled with message's subject |
int cMsgGetSubscriptionCueSize | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | size | ||
) |
This routine gets the cue size of a callback and is valid only when used in a callback on the message given in the callback argument.
vmsg | pointer to message |
size | pointer which gets filled with a callback's cue size or -1 if no information is available |
int cMsgGetSubscriptionDomain | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | domain | ||
) |
This routine gets the domain a subscription is running in and is valid only when used in a callback on the message given in the callback argument. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
domain | pointer to pointer filled with a subscription's domain or NULL if no information is available |
int cMsgGetSubscriptionSubject | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | subject | ||
) |
This routine gets the subject a subscription is using and is valid only when used in a callback on the message given in the callback argument. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
subject | pointer to pointer filled with a subscription's subject or NULL if no information is available |
int cMsgGetSubscriptionType | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | type | ||
) |
This routine gets the type a subscription is using and is valid only when used in a callback on the message given in the callback argument. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
type | pointer to pointer filled with a subscription's type or NULL if no information is available |
int cMsgGetSubscriptionUDL | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | udl | ||
) |
This routine gets the udl of a subscription's connection and is valid only when used in a callback on the message given in the callback argument. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
udl | pointer to pointer filled with the udl of a subscription's connection or NULL if no information is available |
int cMsgGetText | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | text | ||
) |
This routine gets the text of a message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
text | pointer to pointer filled with a message's text |
int cMsgGetType | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char ** | type | ||
) |
This routine gets the type of a message. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the message structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
vmsg | pointer to message |
type | pointer to pointer filled with message's type |
int cMsgGetUDL | ( | void * | domainId, |
char ** | udl | ||
) |
This routine gets the UDL used to establish a cMsg connection. If successful, this routine will return a pointer to char inside the system structure. The user may NOT write to this memory location!
domainId | id of the domain connection |
udl | pointer to pointer filled with the UDL |
int cMsgGetUint16 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint16_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a 16 bit, unsigned integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_UINT16, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUint16Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint16_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns a 16 bit, unsigned integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_UINT16_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUint32 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint32_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a 32 bit, unsigned integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_UINT32, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUint32Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint32_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns a 32 bit, unsigned integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_UINT32_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUint64 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint64_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a 64 bit, unsigned integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_UINT64, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUint64Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint64_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns a 64 bit, unsigned integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_UINT64_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUint8 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
uint8_t * | val | ||
) |
This routine returns an 8 bit, unsigned integer given field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
val | pointer filled with field value |
References CMSG_CP_UINT8, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUint8Array | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const uint8_t ** | vals, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns an 8 bit, unsigned integer array of the given field if it exists. Do NOT write into the returned array's memory location.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
vals | pointer filled with field array |
len | pointer int which gets filled with the number of elements in array |
References CMSG_CP_UINT8_A, and CMSG_OK.
int cMsgGetUserInt | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | userInt | ||
) |
This routine gets a message's user-defined integer.
vmsg | pointer to message |
userInt | integer pointer to be filled with message's user-defined integer |
int cMsgGetUserTime | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
struct timespec * | userTime | ||
) |
This routine gets a message's user-defined time (in seconds since midnight GMT, Jan 1st, 1970).
vmsg | pointer to message |
userTime | time_t pointer to be filled with message's user-defined time |
int cMsgGetVersion | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | version | ||
) |
This routine gets the cMsg major version number of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
version | integer pointer to be filled in with cMsg major version |
int cMsgHasPayload | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | hasPayload | ||
) |
This routine returns whether a message has a compound payload or not. It returns 0 if there is no payload and the number of items in the payload is there is one.
vmsg | pointer to message |
hasPayload | pointer which gets filled with the number of items if msg has compound payload, else 0 |
References cMsgPayloadGetCount().
Referenced by cMsgCopyMessage().
int cMsgInitMessage | ( | void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine initializes a message. It frees all allocated memory, sets all strings to NULL, and sets all numeric values to their default state.
vmsg | pointer to message structure being initialized |
References CMSG_OK.
char* cMsgIntChars | ( | uint32_t | i | ) |
This routine returns a unique string representation of a int in the form of 8 hex chars. String points to allocated memory which needs to be freed by caller to avoid a memory leak.
i | int value to convert |
int cMsgMonitor | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char * | command, | ||
void ** | replyMsg | ||
) |
This method is a synchronous call to receive a message containing monitoring data which describes the state of the cMsg domain the user is connected to. The time is data was sent can be obtained by calling cMsgGetSenderTime. The monitoring data in xml format can be obtained by calling cMsgGetText.
domainId | domain connection id |
command | string to monitor data collecting routine |
replyMsg | message received from the domain containing monitor data |
int cMsgNeedToSwap | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | swap | ||
) |
This method specifies whether the endian value of the byte array is the same value as the local host. If not, a 1 is returned indicating that the data needs to be swapped. If so, a 0 is returned indicating that no swap is needed.
vmsg | pointer to message |
swap | int pointer to be filled with 1 if byte array needs swapping, else 0 |
void cMsgPayloadClear | ( | void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine removes all the user-added items in the given message's payload. The payload may still contain fields added by the cMsg system. If there are no items left in the payload, this routine is equivalent to cMsgPayloadReset.
vmsg | pointer to message |
References cMsgPayloadUpdateText().
int cMsgPayloadContainsName | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name | ||
) |
This routine checks to see if a name is already in use by an existing field in the payload.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name to check |
Referenced by cMsgAddHistoryToPayloadText().
int cMsgPayloadCopy | ( | const void * | vmsgFrom, |
void * | vmsgTo | ||
) |
This routine copies the payload from one message to another. The original payload of the "to" message is overwritten.
vmsgFrom | pointer to message to copy payload from |
vmsgTo | pointer to message to copy payload to |
Referenced by cMsgCopyMessage().
const char* cMsgPayloadFieldDescription | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name | ||
) |
This routine returns a description of the given field name. Do NOT write to this location in memory.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to describe |
int cMsgPayloadGet | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
char ** | names, | ||
int * | types, | ||
int | len | ||
) |
This routine fills 2 arrays provided by the caller. One contains all the names of the items in the payload, and the second contains the corresponding data types of those items. Each element of the array of characters points to a string in the message itself which must not be freed or written to. The difference between this routine and cMsgPayloadGetInfo is that this routine allocates no memory so nothing needs to be freed.
vmsg | pointer to message |
names | pointer which gets filled with the array of names in a payload |
types | pointer to an array of ints which gets filled with type of data associated with each field name in "names" |
len | length of each of the given arrays, if arrays are different lengths give the smallest of the lengths |
int cMsgPayloadGetCount | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | count | ||
) |
This routine returns the number of payload items a message has.
vmsg | pointer to message |
count | pointer which gets filled with the number of payload items (0 for no payload) |
Referenced by cMsgHasPayload().
int cMsgPayloadGetFieldText | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
const char ** | val | ||
) |
This routine returns a pointer to the string representation of the given field. Do NOT write to this location in memory.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field |
val | pointer to pointer which is set to string representation of field |
int cMsgPayloadGetInfo | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
char *** | names, | ||
int ** | types, | ||
int * | len | ||
) |
This routine returns 2 arrays. One contains all the names of the items in the payload, and the second contains the corresponding data types of those items. It also returns the length of both arrays. Both arrays use allocated memory and must be freed by the caller. Each element of the array of characters points to a string in the message itself which must not be freed or written to. The difference between this routine and cMsgPayloadGet is that the other routine allocates no memory so nothing needs to be freed.
vmsg | pointer to message |
names | pointer which gets filled with the array of names in a payload |
types | pointer to an array of ints which gets filled with type of data associated with each field name in "names" |
len | pointer to int which gives the length of the returned arrays |
int cMsgPayloadGetType | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name, | ||
int * | type | ||
) |
This routine returns the type of data associated with the payload field given by the name argument. The returned type may have the following values:
CMSG_CP_BIN for binary
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of payload field |
type | pointer to int gets filled with type of data associated with field given by name |
Referenced by cMsgPayloadFieldDescription().
void cMsgPayloadPrint | ( | const void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine prints out the message payload in a readable form.
vmsg | pointer to message |
int cMsgPayloadRemove | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | name | ||
) |
This routine removes the named field if it exists.
vmsg | pointer to message |
name | name of field to remove |
void cMsgPayloadReset | ( | void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine resets the payload to its initial condition (no payload). It frees the allocated memory of the given message's entire payload and then initializes the payload components of the message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
int cMsgPayloadSetAllFieldsFromText | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | text | ||
) |
This routine takes a pointer to a string representation of the whole compound payload, including the system (hidden) fields of the message, as it gets sent over the network and converts it into the hidden system fields and payload of the message. This overwrites any existing system fields and payload.
vmsg | pointer to message |
text | string sent over network to be unmarshalled |
int cMsgPayloadSetFromText | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | text | ||
) |
This routine takes a pointer to a string representation of the whole compound payload, including the system (hidden) fields of the message, as it gets sent over the network and converts it into the standard message payload. All system information is ignored. This overwrites any existing payload and skips over any fields with names starting with "cMsg" (as they are reserved for system use).
vmsg | pointer to message |
text | string sent over network to be unmarshalled |
int cMsgPayloadSetSystemFieldsFromText | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | text | ||
) |
This routine takes a pointer to a string representation of the whole compound payload, including the system (hidden) fields of the message, as it gets sent over the network and converts it into the hidden system fields of the message. All non-system information is ignored. This overwrites any existing system fields.
vmsg | pointer to message |
text | string sent over network to be unmarshalled |
int cMsgPayloadToString | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
char ** | string, | ||
int | binary, | ||
int | compact, | ||
int | noSystemFields | ||
) |
This routine converts the message payload to an XML string.
vmsg | pointer to message |
string | is pointer to char* that will hold the malloc'd string |
binary | includes binary as ASCII if true, else binary is ignored |
compact | if true (!=0), do not include attributes with null or default integer values |
noSystemFields | if true (!=0), do not include system (metadata) payload fields |
int cMsgPayloadUpdateText | ( | const void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine updates the text representation of a message's payload. This routine is used internally and does not need to be called by the cMsg user.
vmsg | pointer to message |
Referenced by cMsgPayloadClear().
char* cMsgPerror | ( | int | error | ) |
This routine returns a string describing the given error condition. It can also print out that same string with printf if the debug level is set to CMSG_DEBUG_ERROR or CMSG_DEBUG_SEVERE by cMsgSetDebugLevel(). The returned string is a static char array. This means it is not thread-safe and will be overwritten on subsequent calls.
error | error condition |
int cMsgReceiveStart | ( | void * | domainId | ) |
This routine enables the receiving of messages and delivery to callbacks. The receiving of messages is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled.
domainId | domain connection id |
int cMsgReceiveStop | ( | void * | domainId | ) |
This routine disables the receiving of messages and delivery to callbacks. The receiving of messages is disabled by default. This routine only has an effect when cMsgReceiveStart() was previously called.
domainId | domain connection id |
int cMsgReconnect | ( | void * | domainId | ) |
This routine tries to reconnect to the server if a connection is broken. The domainId argument is created by first calling cMsgConnect() and establishing a connection to a cMsg server
domainId | domain connection id |
int cMsgResetByteArrayLength | ( | void * | vmsg | ) |
This routine resets the region-of-interest length of a message's byte array to its total length or zero if there is none.
vmsg | pointer to message |
int cMsgSend | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | msg | ||
) |
This routine sends a msg to the specified domain server. It is completely asynchronous and never blocks. The domain may require cMsgFlush() to be called to force delivery. The domainId argument is created by calling cMsgConnect() and establishing a connection to a cMsg server. The message to be sent may be created by calling cMsgCreateMessage(), cMsgCreateNewMessage(), or cMsgCopyMessage().
domainId | domain connection id |
msg | pointer to a message structure |
int cMsgSendAndGet | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | sendMsg, | ||
const struct timespec * | timeout, | ||
void ** | replyMsg | ||
) |
This routine gets one message from another cMsg client by sending out an initial message to that responder. It is a synchronous routine that fails when no reply is received with the given timeout. This function can be thought of as a peer-to-peer exchange of messages. One message is sent to all listeners. The first responder to the initial message will have its single response message sent back to the original sender. In the cMsg domain, if there are no subscribers to get the sent message, this routine returns CMSG_OK, but with a NULL message.
domainId | domain connection id |
sendMsg | messages to send to all listeners |
timeout | amount of time to wait for the response message |
replyMsg | message received from the responder; may be NULL |
int cMsgSetByteArray | ( | void * | vmsg, |
char * | array, | ||
int | length | ||
) |
This routine sets a message's byte array by copying "length" number of bytes into a newly allocated array. The offset is reset to 0 while the length is set to the given value. Any pre-existing byte array memory is freed if it was copied into the given message. If the given array is null, the message's byte array is set to null and both offset & length are set to 0.
vmsg | pointer to message |
array | byte array |
length | number of bytes in array |
int cMsgSetByteArrayEndian | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | endian | ||
) |
This routine sets the endianness of the byte array data. Valid values are:
vmsg | pointer to message |
endian | byte array's endianness |
int cMsgSetByteArrayLength | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | length | ||
) |
This routine sets the region-of-interest length of a message's byte array. This may be smaller than the full length of the array if the user is only interested in a portion of the array. If the byte array is null, all non-negative values are accepted.
vmsg | pointer to message |
length | byte array's length (in bytes) |
int cMsgSetByteArrayNoCopy | ( | void * | vmsg, |
char * | array, | ||
int | length | ||
) |
This routine sets a message's byte array by copying the array arg pointer but NOT the data pointed to. The length arg sets the total length of the array in bytes. Any pre-existing byte array data is freed if it was copied into the given message. If the given array is null, the message's byte array is set to null and both offset & length are set to 0.
vmsg | pointer to message |
array | byte array |
length | number of bytes in array |
int cMsgSetByteArrayOffset | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | offset | ||
) |
This routine sets the region-of-interest offset of a message's byte array. This may be non-zero if the user is only interested in a portion of the array. If the byte array is null, all non-negative values are accepted.
vmsg | pointer to message |
offset | byte array's offset index |
int cMsgSetDebugLevel | ( | int | level | ) |
This routine sets the level of debug output. The argument should be one of:
level | debug level desired |
int cMsgSetGetResponse | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | getResponse | ||
) |
This routine sets the "get response" field of a message. The "get reponse" field indicates the message is a response to a message sent by a sendAndGet call, if it has a value of 1. Any other value indicates it is not a response to a sendAndGet.
vmsg | pointer to message |
getResponse | set to 1 if message is a response to a sendAndGet, anything else otherwise |
int cMsgSetHistoryLengthMax | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | len | ||
) |
This routine sets the maximum number of entries this message keeps of its history of various parameters (sender's name, host, time).
vmsg | pointer to message |
len | max number of entries this message keeps of its history of various parameters |
References CMSG_OK, and CMSG_OUT_OF_RANGE.
int cMsgSetNullGetResponse | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | nullGetResponse | ||
) |
This routine sets the "null get response" field of a message. If it has a value of 1, the "null get response" field indicates that if the message is a response to a message sent by a sendAndGet call, when sent it will be received as a NULL pointer - not a message. Any other value indicates it is not a null get response to a sendAndGet.
vmsg | pointer to message |
nullGetResponse | set to 1 if message is a null get response to a sendAndGet, anything else otherwise |
int cMsgSetReliableSend | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | boolean | ||
) |
This routine sets whether the send will be reliable (default, TCP) or will be allowed to be unreliable (UDP).
vmsg | pointer to message |
boolean | 0 if false (use UDP), anything else true (use TCP) |
int cMsgSetShutdownHandler | ( | void * | domainId, |
cMsgShutdownHandler * | handler, | ||
void * | userArg | ||
) |
This routine sets the shutdown handler function.
domainId | domain connection id |
handler | shutdown handler function |
userArg | argument to shutdown handler |
int cMsgSetSubject | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | subject | ||
) |
This routine sets the subject of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
subject | message subject |
int cMsgSetText | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | text | ||
) |
This routine sets the text of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
text | message text |
int cMsgSetType | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const char * | type | ||
) |
This routine sets the type of a message.
vmsg | pointer to message |
type | message type |
int cMsgSetUDL | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char * | UDL | ||
) |
This routine resets the UDL (may be a semicolon separated list of single UDLs). If a reconnect is done, the new UDLs will be used in the connection(s).
domainId | domain connection id |
UDL | new UDL |
int cMsgSetUserInt | ( | void * | vmsg, |
int | userInt | ||
) |
This routine sets a message's user-defined integer.
vmsg | pointer to message |
userInt | message's user-defined integer |
int cMsgSetUserTime | ( | void * | vmsg, |
const struct timespec * | userTime | ||
) |
This routine sets a message's user-defined time (in seconds since midnight GMT, Jan 1st, 1970).
vmsg | pointer to message |
userTime | message's user-defined time |
int cMsgShutdownClients | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char * | client, | ||
int | flag | ||
) |
Method to shutdown the given clients.
domainId | domain connection id |
client | client(s) to be shutdown |
flag | flag describing the mode of shutdown: 0 to not include self, CMSG_SHUTDOWN_INCLUDE_ME to include self in shutdown. |
int cMsgShutdownServers | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char * | server, | ||
int | flag | ||
) |
Method to shutdown the given servers.
domainId | domain connection id |
server | server(s) to be shutdown |
flag | flag describing the mode of shutdown: 0 to not include self, CMSG_SHUTDOWN_INCLUDE_ME to include self in shutdown. |
int cMsgSubscribe | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char * | subject, | ||
const char * | type, | ||
cMsgCallbackFunc * | callback, | ||
void * | userArg, | ||
cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, | ||
void ** | handle | ||
) |
This routine subscribes to messages of the given subject and type. When a message is received, the given callback is passed the message pointer and the userArg pointer and then is executed. A configuration structure is given to determine the behavior of the callback. Only 1 subscription for a specific combination of subject, type, callback and userArg is allowed.
domainId | domain connection id |
subject | subject of messages subscribed to |
type | type of messages subscribed to |
callback | pointer to callback to be executed on receipt of message |
userArg | user-specified pointer to be passed to the callback |
config | pointer to callback configuration structure |
handle | pointer to handle (void pointer) to be used for unsubscribing from this subscription |
int cMsgSubscribeAndGet | ( | void * | domainId, |
const char * | subject, | ||
const char * | type, | ||
const struct timespec * | timeout, | ||
void ** | replyMsg | ||
) |
This routine gets one message from a one-time subscription to the given subject and type.
domainId | domain connection id |
subject | subject of message subscribed to |
type | type of message subscribed to |
timeout | amount of time to wait for the message |
replyMsg | message received |
cMsgSubscribeConfig* cMsgSubscribeConfigCreate | ( | void | ) |
This routine creates a structure of configuration information used to determine the behavior of a cMsgSubscribe()'s callback. The configuration is filled with default values. Each aspect of the configuration may be modified by setter and getter functions. The defaults are:
Note that this routine allocates memory and cMsgSubscribeConfigDestroy() must be called to free it.
int cMsgSubscribeConfigDestroy | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config | ) |
This routine frees the memory associated with a configuration created by cMsgSubscribeConfigCreate();
config | pointer to configuration |
References CMSG_OK.
int cMsgSubscribeGetMaxCueSize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int * | size | ||
) |
This routine gets a subscribe configuration's maximum message cue size. Messages are kept in the cue until they can be processed by the callback function.
config | pointer to configuration |
size | integer pointer to be filled with configuration's maximum cue size |
int cMsgSubscribeGetMaxThreads | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int * | threads | ||
) |
This routine gets the maximum number of threads a parallelized subscribe's callback can run at once. This setting is only used if cMsgSubscribeSetMustSerialize() was called with an argument of 0.
config | pointer to configuration |
threads | integer pointer to be filled with the maximum number of threads a parallelized subscribe's callback can run at once |
int cMsgSubscribeGetMaySkip | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int * | maySkip | ||
) |
This routine gets whether messages may be skipped over (deleted) if too many messages are piling up in the cue. The maximum number of messages skipped at once is determined by cMsgSubscribeSetSkipSize().
config | pointer to configuration |
maySkip | integer pointer to be filled with 0 if messages may NOT be skipped (deleted), or anything else otherwise |
int cMsgSubscribeGetMessagesPerThread | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int * | mpt | ||
) |
This routine gets the maximum number of unprocessed messages per thread before a new thread is started, if a callback is parallelized (cMsgSubscribeSetMustSerialize() set to 0).
config | pointer to configuration |
mpt | integer pointer to be filled with the maximum number of unprocessed messages per thread before starting another thread |
int cMsgSubscribeGetMustSerialize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int * | serialize | ||
) |
This routine gets whether a subscribe's callback must be run serially (in one thread), or may be parallelized (run simultaneously in more than one thread) if more than 1 message is waiting in the cue.
config | pointer to configuration |
serialize | integer pointer to be filled with 0 if callback may be parallelized, or anything else if callback must be serialized |
int cMsgSubscribeGetSkipSize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int * | size | ||
) |
This routine gets the number of messages to skip over (delete) if too many messages are piling up in the cue. Messages are only skipped if cMsgSubscribeSetMaySkip() sets the configuration to do so.
config | pointer to configuration |
size | integer pointer to be filled with the number of messages to skip (delete) |
int cMsgSubscribeGetStackSize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
size_t * | size | ||
) |
This routine gets the stack size in bytes of the subscription thread. By default the stack size is unspecified (returns 0).
config | pointer to configuration |
size | pointer to be filled with stack size in bytes of subscription thread |
int cMsgSubscribeSetMaxCueSize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int | size | ||
) |
This routine sets a subscribe configuration's maximum message cue size. Messages are kept in the cue until they can be processed by the callback function.
config | pointer to configuration |
size | maximum cue size |
int cMsgSubscribeSetMaxThreads | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int | threads | ||
) |
This routine sets the maximum number of threads a parallelized subscribe's callback can run at once. This setting is only used if cMsgSubscribeSetMustSerialize() was called with an argument of 0.
config | pointer to configuration |
threads | the maximum number of threads a parallelized subscribe's callback can run at once |
int cMsgSubscribeSetMaySkip | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int | maySkip | ||
) |
This routine sets whether messages may be skipped over (deleted) if too many messages are piling up in the cue. The maximum number of messages skipped at once is determined by cMsgSubscribeSetSkipSize().
config | pointer to configuration |
maySkip | set to 0 if messages may NOT be skipped, set to anything else otherwise |
int cMsgSubscribeSetMessagesPerThread | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int | mpt | ||
) |
This routine sets the maximum number of unprocessed messages per thread before a new thread is started, if a callback is parallelized (cMsgSubscribeSetMustSerialize() set to 0).
config | pointer to configuration |
mpt | set to maximum number of unprocessed messages per thread before starting another thread |
int cMsgSubscribeSetMustSerialize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int | serialize | ||
) |
This routine sets whether a subscribe's callback must be run serially (in one thread), or may be parallelized (run simultaneously in more than one thread) if more than 1 message is waiting in the cue.
config | pointer to configuration |
serialize | set to 0 if callback may be parallelized, or set to anything else if callback must be serialized |
int cMsgSubscribeSetSkipSize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
int | size | ||
) |
This routine sets the number of messages to skip over (delete) if too many messages are piling up in the cue. Messages are only skipped if cMsgSubscribeSetMaySkip() sets the configuration to do so.
config | pointer to configuration |
size | number of messages to skip (delete) |
int cMsgSubscribeSetStackSize | ( | cMsgSubscribeConfig * | config, |
size_t | size | ||
) |
This routine sets the stack size in bytes of the subscription thread. By default the stack size is unspecified.
config | pointer to configuration |
size | stack size in bytes of subscription thread |
int cMsgSubscriptionMessagesTotal | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | handle, | ||
int * | total | ||
) |
This routine returns the total number of messages sent to a subscription callback.
domainId | domain connection id |
handle | void pointer obtained from cMsgSubscribe |
total | int pointer filled in with total number of messages sent to a subscription callback |
int cMsgSubscriptionPause | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | handle | ||
) |
This routine pauses the delivery of messages to the given subscription callback.
domainId | domain connection id |
handle | void pointer obtained from cMsgSubscribe |
int cMsgSubscriptionQueueClear | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | handle | ||
) |
This routine clears a subscription callback's queue of all messages.
domainId | domain connection id |
handle | void pointer obtained from cMsgSubscribe |
int cMsgSubscriptionQueueCount | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | handle, | ||
int * | count | ||
) |
This routine returns the number of messages currently in a subscription callback's queue.
domainId | domain connection id |
handle | void pointer obtained from cMsgSubscribe |
count | int pointer filled in with number of messages in subscription callback queue |
int cMsgSubscriptionQueueIsFull | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | handle, | ||
int * | full | ||
) |
This routine returns true(1) if a subscription callback's queue is full, else false(0).
domainId | domain connection id |
handle | void pointer obtained from cMsgSubscribe |
full | int pointer filled in with 1 if subscription callback queue full, else 0 |
int cMsgSubscriptionResume | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | handle | ||
) |
This routine resumes the delivery of messages to the given subscription callback.
domainId | domain connection id |
handle | void pointer obtained from cMsgSubscribe |
int cMsgSyncSend | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | msg, | ||
const struct timespec * | timeout, | ||
int * | response | ||
) |
This routine sends a msg to the specified domain server and receives a response. It is a synchronous routine and as a result blocks until it receives a status integer from the cMsg server. The domainId argument is created by calling cMsgConnect() and establishing a connection to a cMsg server. The message to be sent may be created by calling cMsgCreateMessage(), cMsgCreateNewMessage(), or cMsgCopyMessage().
domainId | domain connection id |
msg | pointer to a message structure |
timeout | amount of time to wait for the response |
response | integer pointer that gets filled with the response |
int cMsgToString | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
char ** | string | ||
) |
This routine converts the message to an XML string. Everything is displayed including binary.
vmsg | pointer to message |
string | is pointer to char* that will hold the malloc'd string |
int cMsgToString2 | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
char ** | string, | ||
int | binary, | ||
int | compact, | ||
int | noSystemFields | ||
) |
This routine converts the message to an XML string.
vmsg | pointer to message |
string | is pointer to char* that will hold the malloc'd string |
binary | includes binary as ASCII if true, else binary is ignored |
compact | if true (!=0), do not include attributes with null or default integer values |
noSystemFields | if true (!=0), do not include system (metadata) payload fields |
void cMsgTrim | ( | char * | s | ) |
Routine to trim white space from front and back of given string. Changes made to argument string in place.
s | string to be trimmed |
void cMsgTrimChar | ( | char * | s, |
char | trimChar | ||
) |
Routine to trim a given character from front and back of given string. Changes made to argument string in place.
s | string to be trimmed |
trimChar | character to be trimmed |
void cMsgTrimDoubleChars | ( | char * | s, |
char | trimChar | ||
) |
Routine to eliminate contiguous occurrences of a given character in given string. Changes made to argument string in place.
s | string to be trimmed |
trimChar | character to be trimmed |
int cMsgUnSubscribe | ( | void * | domainId, |
void * | handle | ||
) |
This routine unsubscribes to messages of the given handle (which represents a given subject, type, callback, and user argument).
domainId | domain connection id |
handle | void pointer obtained from cMsgSubscribe |
int cMsgWasSent | ( | const void * | vmsg, |
int * | hasBeenSent | ||
) |
This routine returns whether a message has been sent over the wire or not.
vmsg | pointer to message |
hasBeenSent | pointer which gets filled with 1 if msg has been sent, else 0 |