evio.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "evio.h"


#define EV_READFILE   0
#define EV_READPIPE   1
#define EV_READSOCK   2
#define EV_READBUF   3
#define EV_WRITEFILE   4
#define EV_WRITEPIPE   5
#define EV_WRITESOCK   6
#define EV_WRITEBUF   7
#define EV_MAGIC   0xc0da0100
 Number used to determine data endian.
#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_V3   8192
 Version 3's fixed block size in 32 bit words.
#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_V4   64000
 Version 4's target block size in 32 bit words (256kB).
#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_MIN   256
 Minimum block size allowed if size reset.
#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_MAX   25600000
 Maximum block size allowed if size reset.
#define EV_VERSION_MASK   0xFF
 In version 4, lowest 8 bits are version, rest is bit info.
#define EV_DICTIONARY_MASK   0x100
 In version 4, dictionary presence is 9th bit in version/info word.
#define EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK   0x200
 In version 4, "last block" is 10th bit in version/info word.
#define EV_EVENTS_MAX   100000
 In version 4, maximum max number of events per block.
#define EV_EVENTS_MAX_DEF   10000
 In version 4, default max number of events per block.
#define EV_SPLIT_SIZE   2000000000L
 In version 4, if splitting file, default split size in bytes (2GB).
#define EV_HD_BLKSIZ   0
 Position of blk hdr word for size of block in 32-bit words.
#define EV_HD_BLKNUM   1
 Position of blk hdr word for block number, starting at 0.
#define EV_HD_HDSIZ   2
 Position of blk hdr word for size of header in 32-bit words (=8).
#define EV_HD_COUNT   3
 Position of blk hdr word for number of events in block (version 4+).
#define EV_HD_START   3
 Position of blk hdr word for first start of event in this block (ver 1-3).
#define EV_HD_USED   4
 Position of blk hdr word for number of words used in block (<= BLKSIZ) (ver 1-3).
#define EV_HD_RESVD1   4
 Position of blk hdr word for reserved (ver 4+).
#define EV_HD_VER   5
 Position of blk hdr word for version of file format (+ bit info in ver 4+).
#define EV_HD_RESVD2   6
 Position of blk hdr word for reserved.
#define EV_HD_MAGIC   7
 Position of blk hdr word for magic number for endianness tracking.
#define setDictionaryBit(a)   ((a)[EV_HD_VER] |= EV_DICTIONARY_MASK)
 Turn on 9th bit to indicate dictionary included in block.
#define clearDictionaryBit(a)   ((a)[EV_HD_VER] &= ~EV_DICTIONARY_MASK)
 Turn off 9th bit to indicate dictionary included in block.
#define hasDictionary(a)   (((a)[EV_HD_VER] & EV_DICTIONARY_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
 Is there a dictionary in this block?
#define hasDictionaryInt(i)   ((i & EV_DICTIONARY_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
 Is there a dictionary in this block?
#define setLastBlockBit(a)   ((a)[EV_HD_VER] |= EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK)
 Turn on 10th bit to indicate last block of file/transmission.
#define clearLastBlockBit(a)   ((a)[EV_HD_VER] &= ~EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK)
 Turn off 10th bit to indicate last block of file/transmission.
#define clearLastBlockBitInt(i)   (i &= ~EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK)
 Turn off 10th bit to indicate last block of file/transmission.
#define isLastBlock(a)   (((a)[EV_HD_VER] & EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
 Is this the last block of file/transmission?
#define isLastBlockInt(i)   ((i & EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
 Is this the last block of file/transmission?
#define initBlockHeader(a)
 Initialize a block header.
#define initLastBlockHeader(a, b)
 Initialize a last block header.


void evPrintBuffer (uint32_t *p, uint32_t len, int swap)
 Routine to print the contents of a buffer.
char * evStrReplace (char *orig, const char *replace, const char *with)
 This routine substitutes a given string for a specified substring.
char * evStrReplaceEnvVar (const char *orig)
 This routine finds constructs of the form and replaces it with the value of the ENV environmental variable if it exists or with nothing if it doesn't.
char * evStrFindSpecifiers (const char *orig, int *specifierCount)
 This routine checks a string for C-style printing integer format specifiers.
char * evStrRemoveSpecifiers (const char *orig)
 This routine checks a string for C-style printing integer format specifiers.
int evGenerateBaseFileName (char *origName, char **baseName, int *count)
 This routine generates a (base) file name from a name containing format specifiers and enviromental variables.
char * evGenerateFileName (EVFILE *a, int specifierCount, int runNumber, int split, int splitNumber, char *runType)
 This method generates a complete file name from the previously determined baseFileName obtained from calling evGenerateBaseFileName and stored in the evOpen handle.
int evopen_ (char *filename, char *flags, int *handle, int fnlen, int flen)
 Fortran interface to evOpen.
int evOpen (char *filename, char *flags, int *handle)
 This function opens a file for either reading or writing evio format data.
int evOpenBuffer (char *buffer, uint32_t bufLen, char *flags, int *handle)
 This function allows for either reading or writing evio format data from a buffer.
int evOpenSocket (int sockFd, char *flags, int *handle)
 This function allows for either reading or writing evio format data from a TCP socket.
int evOpenFake (char *filename, char *flags, int *handle, char **evf)
int evReadAlloc (int handle, uint32_t **buffer, uint32_t *buflen)
 This routine reads an evio bank from an evio format file/socket/buffer opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket, allocates a buffer and fills it with the bank.
int evread int evread_ (int *handle, uint32_t *buffer, uint32_t *buflen)
 Fortran interface to evRead.
int evRead (int handle, uint32_t *buffer, uint32_t buflen)
 This routine reads from an evio format file/socket/buffer opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket and returns the next event in the buffer arg.
int evReadNoCopy (int handle, const uint32_t **buffer, uint32_t *buflen)
 This routine reads from an evio format file/buffer/socket opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket and returns a pointer to the next event residing in an internal buffer.
int evReadRandom (int handle, const uint32_t **pEvent, uint32_t *buflen, uint32_t eventNumber)
 This routine does a random access read from an evio format file/buffer opened with routines evOpen or evOpenBuffer.
int evwrite int evwrite_ (int *handle, const uint32_t *buffer)
 Fortran interface to evWrite.
int evWrite (int handle, const uint32_t *buffer)
 This routine writes an evio event to an internal buffer containing evio data.
int evclose int evclose_ (int *handle)
 Fortran interface to evClose.
int evClose (int handle)
 This routine flushes any existing evio format data in an internal buffer (written to with evWrite) to the final destination file/socket/buffer opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket.
int evGetBufferLength (int handle, uint32_t *length)
 This routine returns the number of bytes written into a buffer so far when given a handle provided by calling evOpenBuffer.
int evioctl int evioctl_ (int *handle, char *request, void *argp, int reqlen)
 Fortran interface to evIoctl.
int evIoctl (int handle, char *request, void *argp)
 This routine changes various evio parameters used in reading and writing.
int evGetRandomAccessTable (int handle, const uint32_t ***table, uint32_t *len)
 This routine gets an array of event pointers if the handle was opened in random access mode.
int evGetDictionary (int handle, char **dictionary, uint32_t *len)
 This routine gets the dictionary associated with this handle if there is any.
int evWriteDictionary (int handle, char *xmlDictionary)
 This routine writes an optional dictionary as the first event of an evio file/socket/buffer.
const char * evGetTypename (int type)
 This routine returns a string representation of an evio type.
int evIsContainer (int type)
 This routine return true (1) if given type is a container, else returns false (0).
char * evPerror (int error)
 This routine returns a string describing the given error value.

Detailed Description

 Let's take a look at an evio block header also
 known as a physical record header.
 In versions 1, 2 & 3, evio files impose an anachronistic
 block structure. The complication that arises is that logical records
 (events) will sometimes cross physical record boundaries.
 Evio block header, versions 1,2 & 3:
 MSB(31)                          LSB(0)
 <---  32 bits ------------------------>
 |             Block Size              |
 |            Block Number             |
 |           Header Size = 8           |
 |               Start                 |
 |                Used                 |
 |              Version                |
 |              Reserved               |
 |              Magic #                |
      Block Size    = number of 32 bit ints in block (including this one).
                      This is fixed for versions 1-3, generally at 8192 (32768 bytes)
      Block Number  = id number (starting at 1)
      Header Size   = number of 32 bit nts in this header (always 8)
      Start         = offset to first event header in block relative to start of block
      Used          = # of used/valid words (header + data) in block,
                      (normally = block size, but in last block may be smaller)
      Version       = evio format version
      Reserved      = reserved
      Magic #       = magic number (0xc0da0100) used to check endianness
 In version 4, only an integral number of complete
 events will be contained in a single block.
 Evio block header, version 4+:
 MSB(31)                          LSB(0)
 <---  32 bits ------------------------>
 |             Block Size              |
 |            Block Number             |
 |          Header Length = 8          |
 |             Event Count             |
 |              Reserved               |
 |          Bit info         | Version |
 |              Reserved               |
 |            Magic Number             |
      Block Size         = number of ints in block (including this one).
      Block Number       = id number (starting at 1)
      Header Length      = number of ints in this header (EV_HDSIZ which is currently 8)
      Event Count        = number of events in this block (always an integral #).
                           NOTE: this value should not be used to parse the following
                           events since the first block may have a dictionary whose
                           presence is not included in this count.
      Bit info & Version = Lowest 8 bits are the version number (4).
                           Upper 24 bits contain bit info.
                           If a dictionary is included as the first event, bit #9 is set (=1)
      Magic #            = magic number (0xc0da0100) used to check endianness
   Bit info (24 bits) has the following bits defined:
   Bit  9     = true if dictionary is included (relevant for first block only)
   Bit  10    = true if this block is the last block in file or network transmission
   Bits 11-14 = type of events following (ROC Raw = 0, Physics = 1, PartialPhysics = 2,
                DisentangledPhysics = 3, User = 4, Control = 5, Prestart = 6, Go = 7,
                Pause = 8, End = 9, Other = 15)
   This is a new type of data (value = 0xf) which originated with Hall B.
   It is a composite type and allows for possible expansion in the future
   if there is a demand. Basically it allows the user to specify a custom
   format by means of a string - stored in a tagsegment. The data in that
   format follows in a bank. The routine to swap this data must be provided
   by the definer of the composite type - in this case Hall B. The swapping
   function is plugged into this evio library's swapping routine.
   Here's what it looks like.
 MSB(31)                          LSB(0)
 <---  32 bits ------------------------>
 |  tag    | type |    length          | --> tagsegment header
 |        Data Format String           |
 |                                     |
 |              length                 | \
 |_____________________________________|  \  bank header
 |       tag      |  type   |   num    |  /
 |________________|_________|__________| /
 |               Data                  |
 |                                     |
   The beginning tagsegment is a normal evio tagsegment containing a string
   (type = 0x3). Currently its type and tag are not used - at least not for
   data formatting.
   The bank is a normal evio bank header with data following.
   The format string is used to read/write this data so that takes care of any
   padding that may exist. As with the tagsegment, the tags and type are ignored.

Define Documentation

#define clearDictionaryBit (  )     ((a)[EV_HD_VER] &= ~EV_DICTIONARY_MASK)

Turn off 9th bit to indicate dictionary included in block.

#define clearLastBlockBit (  )     ((a)[EV_HD_VER] &= ~EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK)

Turn off 10th bit to indicate last block of file/transmission.

#define clearLastBlockBitInt (  )     (i &= ~EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK)

Turn off 10th bit to indicate last block of file/transmission.

#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_MAX   25600000

Maximum block size allowed if size reset.

Need to play nice with jevio. Can be a max of (2^31 - 1 - 2headers) = 2147483583 , but set it to 100MB.

Referenced by evIoctl().

#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_MIN   256

Minimum block size allowed if size reset.

Referenced by evIoctl().

#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_V3   8192

Version 3's fixed block size in 32 bit words.

#define EV_BLOCKSIZE_V4   64000

Version 4's target block size in 32 bit words (256kB).

#define EV_DICTIONARY_MASK   0x100

In version 4, dictionary presence is 9th bit in version/info word.

#define EV_EVENTS_MAX   100000

In version 4, maximum max number of events per block.

Referenced by evIoctl().

#define EV_EVENTS_MAX_DEF   10000

In version 4, default max number of events per block.

#define EV_HD_BLKNUM   1

Position of blk hdr word for block number, starting at 0.

#define EV_HD_BLKSIZ   0

Position of blk hdr word for size of block in 32-bit words.

#define EV_HD_COUNT   3

Position of blk hdr word for number of events in block (version 4+).

#define EV_HD_HDSIZ   2

Position of blk hdr word for size of header in 32-bit words (=8).

#define EV_HD_MAGIC   7

Position of blk hdr word for magic number for endianness tracking.

#define EV_HD_RESVD1   4

Position of blk hdr word for reserved (ver 4+).

#define EV_HD_RESVD2   6

Position of blk hdr word for reserved.

#define EV_HD_START   3

Position of blk hdr word for first start of event in this block (ver 1-3).

#define EV_HD_USED   4

Position of blk hdr word for number of words used in block (<= BLKSIZ) (ver 1-3).

#define EV_HD_VER   5

Position of blk hdr word for version of file format (+ bit info in ver 4+).

Referenced by evIoctl().

#define EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK   0x200

In version 4, "last block" is 10th bit in version/info word.

#define EV_MAGIC   0xc0da0100

Number used to determine data endian.

#define EV_READBUF   3

Referenced by evRead(), evReadNoCopy(), and evReadRandom().

#define EV_READFILE   0
#define EV_READPIPE   1

Referenced by evClose(), evRead(), and evReadNoCopy().

#define EV_READSOCK   2

Referenced by evRead(), and evReadNoCopy().

#define EV_SPLIT_SIZE   2000000000L

In version 4, if splitting file, default split size in bytes (2GB).

#define EV_VERSION_MASK   0xFF

In version 4, lowest 8 bits are version, rest is bit info.

#define EV_WRITEBUF   7

Referenced by evClose(), evIoctl(), and evWriteDictionary().

#define EV_WRITEFILE   4
#define EV_WRITEPIPE   5

Referenced by evClose(), evIoctl(), and evWriteDictionary().

#define EV_WRITESOCK   6

Referenced by evClose(), evIoctl(), and evWriteDictionary().

#define hasDictionary (  )     (((a)[EV_HD_VER] & EV_DICTIONARY_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)

Is there a dictionary in this block?

#define hasDictionaryInt (  )     ((i & EV_DICTIONARY_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)

Is there a dictionary in this block?

#define initBlockHeader (  ) 
{ \
    (a)[EV_HD_BLKSIZ] = 0; \
    (a)[EV_HD_BLKNUM] = 1; \
    (a)[EV_HD_HDSIZ]  = EV_HDSIZ; \
    (a)[EV_HD_COUNT]  = 0; \
    (a)[EV_HD_RESVD1] = 0; \
    (a)[EV_HD_VER]    = EV_VERSION; \
    (a)[EV_HD_RESVD2] = 0; \
    (a)[EV_HD_MAGIC]  = EV_MAGIC; \
} \

Initialize a block header.

#define initLastBlockHeader ( a,
{ \
    (a)[EV_HD_BLKSIZ] = 8; \
    (a)[EV_HD_BLKNUM] = b; \
    (a)[EV_HD_HDSIZ]  = EV_HDSIZ; \
    (a)[EV_HD_COUNT]  = 0; \
    (a)[EV_HD_RESVD1] = 0; \
    (a)[EV_HD_RESVD2] = 0; \
    (a)[EV_HD_MAGIC]  = EV_MAGIC; \
} \

Initialize a last block header.

Referenced by evIoctl().

#define isLastBlock (  )     (((a)[EV_HD_VER] & EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)

Is this the last block of file/transmission?

#define isLastBlockInt (  )     ((i & EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK) > 0 ? 1 : 0)

Is this the last block of file/transmission?

#define setDictionaryBit (  )     ((a)[EV_HD_VER] |= EV_DICTIONARY_MASK)

Turn on 9th bit to indicate dictionary included in block.

#define setLastBlockBit (  )     ((a)[EV_HD_VER] |= EV_LASTBLOCK_MASK)

Turn on 10th bit to indicate last block of file/transmission.

Function Documentation

int evClose ( int  handle  ) 

This routine flushes any existing evio format data in an internal buffer (written to with evWrite) to the final destination file/socket/buffer opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket.

It also frees up the handle so it cannot be used any more without calling evOpen again. Any data written is in evio version 4 format and any opened file is closed. If reading, nothing is done.

handle evio handle
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_FAILURE if mapped memory does not unmap or pclose() failed
S_EVFILE_TRUNC if not enough room writing to a user-given buffer in evOpen
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg
fclose error if fclose error

References evfilestruct::baseFileName, evfilestruct::buf, evfilestruct::dictBuf, evfilestruct::dictionary, EV_READFILE, EV_READPIPE, EV_WRITEBUF, EV_WRITEFILE, EV_WRITEPIPE, EV_WRITESOCK, evfilestruct::file, evfilestruct::fileName, evfilestruct::mmapFile, evfilestruct::mmapFileSize, evfilestruct::pTable, evfilestruct::randomAccess, evfilestruct::runType, evfilestruct::rw, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, S_FAILURE, S_SUCCESS, and evfilestruct::sockFd.

Referenced by evclose_().

int evclose int evclose_ ( int *  handle  ) 

Fortran interface to evClose.

References evClose().

int evGenerateBaseFileName ( char *  origName,
char **  baseName,
int *  count 

This routine generates a (base) file name from a name containing format specifiers and enviromental variables.

The given name may contain up to 2, C-style integer format specifiers (such as 03d, or x). If more than 2 are found, an error is returned.

If no "0" precedes any integer between the "%" and the "d" or "x" of the format specifier, it will be added automatically in order to avoid spaces in the final, generated file name. In the evGenerateFileName(String, int, int, int, int) routine, the first occurrence will be substituted with the given runNumber value. If the file is being split, the second will be substituted with the split number.

The file name may contain characters of the form which will be substituted with the value of the associated environmental variable or a blank string if none is found.

origName file name to modify
baseName pointer which gets filled with resulting file name
count pointer to int filled with number of format specifiers found
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_FAILURE if bad format specifiers or more that 2 specifiers found
S_EVFILE_BADARG if args are null or origName is invalid
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if out-of-memory

References evStrFindSpecifiers(), evStrReplaceEnvVar(), S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_FAILURE, and S_SUCCESS.

char* evGenerateFileName ( EVFILE a,
int  specifierCount,
int  runNumber,
int  split,
int  splitNumber,
char *  runType 

This method generates a complete file name from the previously determined baseFileName obtained from calling evGenerateBaseFileName and stored in the evOpen handle.

All occurrences of the string "%s" in the baseFileName will be substituted with the value of the runType arg or nothing if the runType is null.

If evio data is to be split up into multiple files (split > 0), numbers are used to distinguish between the split files with splitNumber. If baseFileName contains C-style int format specifiers (specifierCount > 0), then the first occurrence will be substituted with the given runNumber value. If the file is being split, the second will be substituted with the splitNumber. If 2 specifiers exist and the file is not being split, no substitutions are made. If no specifier for the splitNumber exists, it is tacked onto the end of the file name. It returns the final file name or NULL if error. Free the result if non-NULL.

handle evio handle (contains file name to use as a basis for the generated file name)
specifierCount number of C-style int format specifiers in file name arg
runNumber CODA run number
split number of bytes at which to split off evio file (<= 0 if not)
splitNumber number of the split file
runType run type name
NULL if error
generated file name (free if non-NULL)

References evfilestruct::baseFileName, EV_WRITEFILE, evStrRemoveSpecifiers(), evStrReplace(), and evfilestruct::rw.

int evGetBufferLength ( int  handle,
uint32_t length 

This routine returns the number of bytes written into a buffer so far when given a handle provided by calling evOpenBuffer.

After the handle is closed, this no longer returns anything valid.

handle evio handle
length pointer to int which gets filled with number of bytes written to buffer so far
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg

References evfilestruct::rwBytesOut, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, and S_SUCCESS.

int evGetDictionary ( int  handle,
char **  dictionary,
uint32_t len 

This routine gets the dictionary associated with this handle if there is any.

Memory must be freed by caller if a dictionary was successfully returned.

handle evio handle
dictionary pointer to string which gets filled with dictionary string (xml) if it exists, else gets filled with NULL. Memory for dictionary allocated here, must be freed by caller.
len pointer to int which gets filled with dictionary string length if there is one, else filled with 0. If this arg = NULL, no len is returned.
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADARG if dictionary arg is NULL
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if cannot allocate memory
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg

References evfilestruct::dictionary, S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, and S_SUCCESS.

int evGetRandomAccessTable ( int  handle,
const uint32_t ***  table,
uint32_t len 

This routine gets an array of event pointers if the handle was opened in random access mode.

User must not change the pointers in the array or the data being pointed to (hence the consts in the second parameter).

handle evio handle
table pointer to array of uint32_t pointers which gets filled with an array of event pointers. If this arg = NULL, error is returned.
len pointer to int which gets filled with the number of pointers in the array. If this arg = NULL, error is returned.
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADMODE if handle not opened in random access mode
S_EVFILE_BADARG if table or len arg(s) is NULL
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg

References evfilestruct::eventCount, evfilestruct::pTable, evfilestruct::randomAccess, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, S_EVFILE_BADMODE, and S_SUCCESS.

const char* evGetTypename ( int  type  ) 

This routine returns a string representation of an evio type.

type numerical value of an evio type
string representation of the given type
int evIoctl ( int  handle,
char *  request,
void *  argp 

This routine changes various evio parameters used in reading and writing.

It changes the target block size (in 32-bit words) for writes if request = "B". If setting block size fails, writes can still continue with original block size. Minimum size = 1K + 8(header) words. Max size = 5120000 words.

It changes size of buffer (in 32-bit words) for writing to file/socket/pipe if request = "W". Must be >= block size + ending header (8). Max size = 5120008 words.

It changes the maximum number of events/block if request = "N". It only goes up to EV_EVENTS_MAX or 100,000. Used only in version 4.

It changes the number of bytes at which to split a file being written to if request = "S". If unset with this function, it defaults to EV_SPLIT_SIZE (2GB). NOTE: argp must point to 64 bit integer (not 32 bit)! Used only in version 4.

It sets the run number used when auto naming while splitting files being written to if request = "R". Used only in version 4.

It sets the run type used when auto naming while splitting files being written to if request = "T". Used only in version 4.

It returns the version number if request = "V".

It returns the total number of events in a file/buffer opened for reading or writing if request = "E". Includes any event added with evWrite call. Used only in version 4.

It returns a pointer to the EV_HDSIZ block header ints if request = "H". This pointer must be freed by the caller to avoid a memory leak.

NOTE: all request strings are case insensitive. All version 4 commands to version 3 files are ignored.

handle evio handle
request case independent string value of:

  1. "B" for setting target block size for writing in words
  2. "W" for setting writing (to file) internal buffer size in words
  3. "N" for setting max # of events/block
  4. "R" for setting run number (used in file splitting)
  5. "T" for setting run type (used in file splitting)
  6. "S" for setting file split size in bytes
  7. "V" for getting evio version #
  8. "H" for getting 8 ints of block header info
  9. "E" for getting # of events in file/buffer
  1. pointer to uin32_t containing new block size in 32-bit words if request = B, or
  2. pointer to uin32_t containing new buffer size in 32-bit words if request = W, or
  3. pointer to uin32_t containing new max # of events/block if request = N, or
  4. pointer to uin32_t containing run number if request = R, or
  5. pointer to character containing run type if request = T, or
  6. pointer to int32_t returning version # if request = V, or
  7. pointer to uint64_t containing max size in bytes of split file if request = S, or
  8. address of pointer to uint32_t returning pointer to 8 uint32_t's of block header if request = H. This pointer must be freed by caller since it points to allocated memory
  9. pointer to uin32_t returning total # of original events in existing file/buffer when reading or appending if request = E, or
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_FAILURE if using sockets when request = E
S_EVFILE_BADARG if request is NULL or argp is NULL
S_EVFILE_BADFILE if file too small or problem reading file when request = E
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if cannot allocate memory
S_EVFILE_UNXPTDEOF if buffer too small when request = E
S_EVFILE_UNKOPTION if unknown option specified in request arg
S_EVFILE_BADSIZEREQ when setting block/buffer size - if currently reading, have already written events with different block size, or is smaller than min allowed size (header size + 1K), or is larger than the max allowed size (5120000 words); when setting max # events/blk - if val < 1
errno if error in fseek, ftell when request = E

References evfilestruct::append, evfilestruct::blkEvCount, evfilestruct::blkEvMax, evfilestruct::blknum, evfilestruct::blkSizeTarget, evfilestruct::buf, evfilestruct::bufRealSize, evfilestruct::bufSize, evfilestruct::currentHeader, EV_BLOCKSIZE_MAX, EV_BLOCKSIZE_MIN, EV_EVENTS_MAX, EV_HD_VER, EV_WRITEBUF, EV_WRITEFILE, EV_WRITEPIPE, EV_WRITESOCK, initLastBlockHeader, evfilestruct::left, evfilestruct::next, evfilestruct::runNumber, evfilestruct::runType, evfilestruct::rw, S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, S_EVFILE_BADSIZEREQ, S_EVFILE_UNKOPTION, S_SUCCESS, evfilestruct::split, and UINT64_MAX.

Referenced by evioctl_().

int evioctl int evioctl_ ( int *  handle,
char *  request,
void *  argp,
int  reqlen 

Fortran interface to evIoctl.

References evIoctl().

int evIsContainer ( int  type  ) 

This routine return true (1) if given type is a container, else returns false (0).

type numerical value of an evio type
1 if given type is a container, else 0.
int evOpen ( char *  filename,
char *  flags,
int *  handle 

This function opens a file for either reading or writing evio format data.

Works with all versions of evio for reading, but only writes version 4 format. A handle is returned for use with calling other evio routines.

filename name of file. Constructs of the form will be substituted with the given environmental variable or removed if nonexistent. Constructs of the form s will be substituted with the run type if specified in evIoctl or removed if nonexistent. Up to 2, C-style int format specifiers are allowed. The first is replaced with the run number (set in evIoctl). If splitting, the second is replaced by the split number, otherwise it's removed. If splitting and no second int specifier exists, a "." and split number are automatically appended to the end of the file name.
flags pointer to case-independent string of "w" for writing, "r" for reading, "a" for appending, "ra" for random access reading of a file, or "s" for splitting a file while writing
handle pointer to int which gets filled with handle
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_FAILURE when splitting, if bad format specifiers or more that 2 specifiers found
S_EVFILE_BADARG if filename, flags or handle arg is NULL; unrecognizable flags;
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if memory allocation failed
S_EVFILE_BADFILE if error reading file, unsupported version, or contradictory data in file
errno if file could not be opened (handle = 0)


Referenced by evopen_().

int evopen_ ( char *  filename,
char *  flags,
int *  handle,
int  fnlen,
int  flen 

Fortran interface to evOpen.

References evOpen().

int evOpenBuffer ( char *  buffer,
uint32_t  bufLen,
char *  flags,
int *  handle 

This function allows for either reading or writing evio format data from a buffer.

Works with all versions of evio for reading, but only writes version 4 format. A handle is returned for use with calling other evio routines.

buffer pointer to buffer
bufLen length of buffer in 32 bit ints
flags pointer to case-independent string of "w", "r", "a", or "ra" for writing/reading/appending/random-access-reading to/from a buffer.
handle pointer to int which gets filled with handle
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADARG if buffer, flags or handle arg is NULL; unrecognizable flags; buffer size too small
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if memory allocation failed
S_EVFILE_BADFILE if error reading buffer, unsupported version, or contradictory data


int evOpenFake ( char *  filename,
char *  flags,
int *  handle,
char **  evf 
int evOpenSocket ( int  sockFd,
char *  flags,
int *  handle 

This function allows for either reading or writing evio format data from a TCP socket.

Works with all versions of evio for reading, but only writes version 4 format. A handle is returned for use with calling other evio routines.

sockFd TCP socket file descriptor
flags pointer to case-independent string of "w" & "r" for writing/reading to/from a socket
handle pointer to int which gets filled with handle
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADARG if flags or handle arg is NULL; bad file descriptor arg; unrecognizable flags
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if memory allocation failed
S_EVFILE_BADFILE if error reading socket, unsupported version, or contradictory data
errno if socket read error


char* evPerror ( int  error  ) 

This routine returns a string describing the given error value.

The returned string is a static char array. This means it is not thread-safe and will be overwritten on subsequent calls.

error error condition
error string


void evPrintBuffer ( uint32_t p,
uint32_t  len,
int  swap 

Routine to print the contents of a buffer.

p pointer to buffer
len number of 32-bit words to print out
swap swap if true

References EVIO_SWAP32.

int evRead ( int  handle,
uint32_t buffer,
uint32_t  buflen 

This routine reads from an evio format file/socket/buffer opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket and returns the next event in the buffer arg.

Works with all versions of evio. A status is returned.

handle evio handle
buffer pointer to buffer
buflen length of buffer in 32 bit words
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADMODE if opened for writing or random-access reading
S_EVFILE_TRUNC if buffer provided by caller is too small for event read
S_EVFILE_BADARG if buffer is NULL or buflen < 3
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if memory cannot be allocated
S_EVFILE_UNXPTDEOF if unexpected EOF or end-of-valid-data while reading data (perhaps bad block header)
EOF if end-of-file or end-of-valid-data reached
errno if file/socket read error
stream error if file stream error

References evfilestruct::byte_swapped, EV_READBUF, EV_READFILE, EV_READPIPE, EV_READSOCK, EVIO_SWAP32, evioswap(), evfilestruct::left, evfilestruct::next, evfilestruct::randomAccess, evfilestruct::rw, S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, S_EVFILE_BADMODE, S_EVFILE_TRUNC, and S_SUCCESS.

Referenced by evread_().

int evread int evread_ ( int *  handle,
uint32_t buffer,
uint32_t buflen 

Fortran interface to evRead.

References evRead().

int evReadAlloc ( int  handle,
uint32_t **  buffer,
uint32_t buflen 

This routine reads an evio bank from an evio format file/socket/buffer opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket, allocates a buffer and fills it with the bank.

Works with all versions of evio. A status is returned.

handle evio handle
buffer pointer to pointer to buffer gets filled with pointer to allocated buffer (caller must free)
buflen pointer to int gets filled with length of buffer in 32 bit words including the full (8 byte) bank header
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADMODE if opened for writing or random-access reading
S_EVFILE_BADARG if buffer or buflen is NULL
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if memory cannot be allocated
S_EVFILE_UNXPTDEOF if unexpected EOF or end-of-valid-data while reading data (perhaps bad block header)
EOF if end-of-file or end-of-valid-data reached
errno if file/socket read error
stream error if file stream error


int evReadNoCopy ( int  handle,
const uint32_t **  buffer,
uint32_t buflen 

This routine reads from an evio format file/buffer/socket opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket and returns a pointer to the next event residing in an internal buffer.

If the data needs to be swapped, it is swapped in place. Any other calls to read routines may cause the data to be overwritten. No writing to the returned pointer is allowed. Works only with evio version 4 and up. A status is returned.

handle evio handle
buffer pointer to pointer to buffer gets filled with pointer to location in internal buffer which is guaranteed to be valid only until the next evRead, evReadNoAlloc, or evReadNoCopy call.
buflen pointer to int gets filled with length of buffer in 32 bit words including the full (8 byte) bank header
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADMODE if opened for writing or random-access reading
S_EVFILE_BADARG if buffer or buflen is NULL
S_EVFILE_BADFILE if version < 4, unsupported or bad format
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if memory cannot be allocated
S_EVFILE_UNXPTDEOF if unexpected EOF or end-of-valid-data while reading data (perhaps bad block header)
EOF if end-of-file or end-of-valid-data reached
errno if file/socket read error
stream error if file stream error

References evfilestruct::byte_swapped, EV_READBUF, EV_READFILE, EV_READPIPE, EV_READSOCK, EVIO_SWAP32, evioswap(), evfilestruct::left, evfilestruct::next, evfilestruct::randomAccess, evfilestruct::rw, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_EVFILE_BADFILE, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, S_EVFILE_BADMODE, S_SUCCESS, and evfilestruct::version.

int evReadRandom ( int  handle,
const uint32_t **  pEvent,
uint32_t buflen,
uint32_t  eventNumber 

This routine does a random access read from an evio format file/buffer opened with routines evOpen or evOpenBuffer.

It returns a pointer to the desired event residing in either a memory mapped file or buffer when opened in random access mode.

If the data needs to be swapped, it is swapped in place. No writing to the returned pointer is allowed. Works only with evio version 4 and up. A status is returned.

handle evio handle
buffer pointer which gets filled with pointer to event in buffer or memory mapped file
buflen pointer to int gets filled with length of buffer in 32 bit words including the full (8 byte) bank header
eventNumber the number of the event to be read (returned) starting at 1.
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_FAILURE if no events found in file or failure to make random access map
S_EVFILE_BADMODE if not opened for random access reading
S_EVFILE_BADARG if pEvent arg is NULL
S_EVFILE_BADFILE if version < 4, unsupported or bad format
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg

References evfilestruct::byte_swapped, EV_READBUF, EV_READFILE, evfilestruct::eventCount, EVIO_SWAP32, evioswap(), evfilestruct::pTable, evfilestruct::randomAccess, evfilestruct::rw, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_EVFILE_BADFILE, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, S_EVFILE_BADMODE, S_FAILURE, S_SUCCESS, and evfilestruct::version.

char* evStrFindSpecifiers ( const char *  orig,
int *  specifierCount 

This routine checks a string for C-style printing integer format specifiers.

More specifically, it checks for nd and nx where n can be multiple digits. It makes sure that there is at least one digit between % and x/d and that the first digit is a "0" so that generated filenames contain no white space. It returns the modified string or NULL if error. Free the result if non-NULL. It also returns the number of valid specifiers found in the orig argument.

orig string to be checked/modified
specifierCount pointer to int which gets filled with the number of valid format specifiers in the orig arg
resulting string which is NULL if there is a problem and needs to be freed if not NULL.

References evStrReplace().

Referenced by evGenerateBaseFileName().

char* evStrRemoveSpecifiers ( const char *  orig  ) 

This routine checks a string for C-style printing integer format specifiers.

More specifically, it checks for nd and nx where n can be multiple digits. It removes all such specifiers and returns the modified string or NULL if error. Free the result if non-NULL.

orig string to be checked/modified
resulting string which is NULL if there is a problem and needs to be freed if not NULL.

Referenced by evGenerateFileName().

char* evStrReplace ( char *  orig,
const char *  replace,
const char *  with 

This routine substitutes a given string for a specified substring.

Free the result if non-NULL.

orig string to modify
replace substring in orig arg to replace
with string to substitute for replace arg
resulting string which is NULL if there is a problem and needs to be freed if not NULL.

Referenced by evGenerateFileName(), evStrFindSpecifiers(), and evStrReplaceEnvVar().

char* evStrReplaceEnvVar ( const char *  orig  ) 

This routine finds constructs of the form and replaces it with the value of the ENV environmental variable if it exists or with nothing if it doesn't.

Simple enough to do without regular expressions. Free the result if non-NULL.

orig string to modify
resulting string which is NULL if there is a problem and needs to be freed if not NULL.

References evStrReplace().

Referenced by evGenerateBaseFileName().

int evWrite ( int  handle,
const uint32_t buffer 

This routine writes an evio event to an internal buffer containing evio data.

If that internal buffer is full, it is flushed to the final destination file/socket/buffer/pipe opened with routines evOpen, evOpenBuffer, or evOpenSocket. It writes data in evio version 4 format and returns a status.

handle evio handle
buffer pointer to buffer containing event to write
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_EVFILE_BADMODE if opened for reading or appending to opposite endian file/buffer.
S_EVFILE_TRUNC if not enough room writing to a user-supplied buffer
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if cannot allocate memory
errno if file/socket write error
stream error if file stream error

Referenced by evwrite_().

int evwrite int evwrite_ ( int *  handle,
const uint32_t buffer 

Fortran interface to evWrite.

References evWrite().

int evWriteDictionary ( int  handle,
char *  xmlDictionary 

This routine writes an optional dictionary as the first event of an evio file/socket/buffer.

The dictionary is not included in any event count.

handle evio handle
xmlDictionary string containing xml format dictionary or NULL to remove previously specified dictionary
S_SUCCESS if successful
S_FAILURE if already written events/dictionary
S_EVFILE_BADMODE if reading or appending
S_EVFILE_BADARG if dictionary in wrong format
S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL if cannot allocate memory
S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE if bad handle arg
errno if file/socket write error
stream error if file stream error

References evfilestruct::append, evfilestruct::blknum, evfilestruct::dictBuf, evfilestruct::dictionary, evfilestruct::dictLength, EV_WRITEBUF, EV_WRITEFILE, EV_WRITEPIPE, EV_WRITESOCK, evfilestruct::eventCount, evfilestruct::rw, S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL, S_EVFILE_BADARG, S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE, S_EVFILE_BADMODE, S_FAILURE, and evfilestruct::wroteDictionary.

Generated on 4 Feb 2014 for evio by  doxygen 1.6.1