jevio-4.3.1.jar differences from jevio-4.3.jar : 1) check lengths when parsing evio so bad values are caught if possible 2) fix bug if trying to unpack strings from rawbytes with too few bytes 3) fix bug which did not take padding into account when getting data buffer of EvioNode 4) fix bug in which after adding a structure with EvioCompactStructureHandler, the node list was not updated jevio-4.3.2.jar differences from previous jar : 1) fix bug in which the displayed event # in graphical viewer did not correspond to the actual event number (bug was in EvioReader) 2) fix bug in which the "next" button in graphical viewer did silly things when at max event number 3) made members of EventTreeMenu protected instead of package or private scope for subclassing purposes jevio-4.3.3.jar is the same as previous jar jevio-4.3.4.jar -fix bug EvioCompactReader in which parsing fails when bank/seg/tagseg has last child with data len = 0 (back ported from 4.4.4) evio-4.3.3 9/22/2014 - fix flags for Mac OSX compilation