Uses of Interface

Uses of IEvioFilter in org.jlab.coda.jevio

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio with parameters of type IEvioFilter
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, IEvioFilter filter)
          Collect all the structures in an event that pass a filter.
 java.util.List<BaseStructure> BaseStructure.getMatchingStructures(IEvioFilter filter)
          Visit all the descendant structures, and collect those that pass a filter.
 void EventParser.setEvioFilter(IEvioFilter evioFilter)
          Set the global filter used for filtering structures.
 void BaseStructure.vistAllStructures(IEvioListener listener, IEvioFilter filter)
          Visit all the structures in this structure (including the structure itself -- which is considered its own descendant) in a depth first manner.