Uses of Interface

Uses of INameProvider in org.jlab.coda.jevio

Classes in org.jlab.coda.jevio that implement INameProvider
 class EvioXMLDictionary
          This was developed to read the xml dictionary that Maurizio uses for GEMC.

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio that return INameProvider
static INameProvider NameProviderFactory.createNameProvider( file)
          Creates a NameProvider based on the file name.
static INameProvider NameProviderFactory.createNameProvider(java.lang.String xmlString)
          Creates a NameProvider based on the file name.

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio with parameters of type INameProvider
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingChild(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String childName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event who has a child with the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingParent(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String parentName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event whose parent has the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String name, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event that match the given dictionary name.
static void NameProvider.setProvider(INameProvider aProvider)
          Sets the one global (singleton) name provider.