Uses of Class

Uses of BaseStructure in org.jlab.coda.jevio

Subclasses of BaseStructure in org.jlab.coda.jevio
 class EvioBank
          This holds a CODA Bank structure.
 class EvioEvent
          An event is really just the outer, primary bank.
 class EvioSegment
          This holds a CODA Segment structure.
 class EvioTagSegment
          This holds a CODA TagSegment structure.

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio that return BaseStructure
 BaseStructure BaseStructure.getParent()
          Get the parent of this structure.

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio that return types with arguments of type BaseStructure
 java.util.Vector<BaseStructure> BaseStructure.getChildren()
          Get the children of this structure.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingBanks(BaseStructure structure, int tag, int number)
          Collect all the banks in an event that match a provided tag and number in their header.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingChild(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String childName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event who has a child with the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingNonBanks(BaseStructure structure, int tag)
          Collect all the non-banks (i.e., Segments and TagSegments) in an event that match a provided tag in their header.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingParent(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String parentName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event whose parent has the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, IEvioFilter filter)
          Collect all the structures in an event that pass a filter.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, int tag)
          Collect all the structures in an event that match a provided tag in their header.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String name, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event that match the given dictionary name.
 java.util.List<BaseStructure> BaseStructure.getMatchingStructures(IEvioFilter filter)
          Visit all the descendant structures, and collect those that pass a filter.

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio with parameters of type BaseStructure
 void EventBuilder.addChild(BaseStructure parent, BaseStructure child)
          Add a child to a parent structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendByteData(BaseStructure structure, byte[] data)
          Appends byte data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendDoubleData(BaseStructure structure, double[] data)
          Appends double data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendFloatData(BaseStructure structure, float[] data)
          Appends float data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendIntData(BaseStructure structure, int[] data)
          Appends int data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendLongData(BaseStructure structure, long[] data)
          Appends long data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendShortData(BaseStructure structure, short[] data)
          Appends short data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendStringData(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String data)
          Appends string data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.clearData(BaseStructure structure)
          This clears all the data fields in a structure, but not the parent or the children.
 void Demo.endEventParse(BaseStructure evioEvent)
 void IEvioListener.endEventParse(BaseStructure structure)
          Done parsing a new evio structure.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingBanks(BaseStructure structure, int tag, int number)
          Collect all the banks in an event that match a provided tag and number in their header.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingChild(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String childName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event who has a child with the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingNonBanks(BaseStructure structure, int tag)
          Collect all the non-banks (i.e., Segments and TagSegments) in an event that match a provided tag in their header.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingParent(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String parentName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event whose parent has the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, IEvioFilter filter)
          Collect all the structures in an event that pass a filter.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, int tag)
          Collect all the structures in an event that match a provided tag in their header.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String name, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event that match the given dictionary name.
 java.lang.String EvioXMLDictionary.getName(BaseStructure structure)
          Returns the name of a given evio structure.
static java.lang.String NameProvider.getName(BaseStructure structure)
          Returns the pretty name of some evio structure.
 java.lang.String INameProvider.getName(BaseStructure structure)
          Returns the pretty name of some evio structure.
 void Demo.gotStructure(BaseStructure evioEvent, IEvioStructure structure)
          This IEvioListener has received a structure as the result of an event being parsed.
 void IEvioListener.gotStructure(BaseStructure topStructure, IEvioStructure structure)
          Called when a structure is read while parsing an event.
 void EvioEvent.insert(BaseStructure child, BaseStructure parent)
          Inserts a child structure into the event's JTree.
 boolean EvioDictionaryEntry.match(BaseStructure structure)
          Deprecated. Checks if a structure matches this dictionary entry.
 void EventBuilder.remove(BaseStructure child)
          This removes a structure (and all its descendants) from the tree.
 void EventBuilder.setByteData(BaseStructure structure, byte[] data)
          Set byte data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.setFloatData(BaseStructure structure, float[] data)
          Set float data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.setIntData(BaseStructure structure, double[] data)
          Set double data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.setIntData(BaseStructure structure, int[] data)
          Set int data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.setLongData(BaseStructure structure, long[] data)
          Set long data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.setShortData(BaseStructure structure, short[] data)
          Set short data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.setStringData(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String[] data)
          Set string data to the structure.
 void Demo.startEventParse(BaseStructure evioEvent)
 void IEvioListener.startEventParse(BaseStructure structure)
          Starting to parse a new evio structure.
 void CompositeData.toXML( xmlWriter, BaseStructure bs, boolean hex)
          This method writes an xml string representation of this CompositeData object into the xmlWriter given.
 void BaseStructure.transform(BaseStructure structure)
          This method does a partial copy and is designed to help convert between banks, segments,and tagsegments in the StructureTransformer class (hence the name "transfrom").