Uses of Class

Uses of StructureType in org.jlab.coda.jevio

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio that return StructureType
 StructureType EvioBank.getStructureType()
          This implements the abstract method from BaseStructure.
 StructureType IEvioStructure.getStructureType()
          Return the StructureType for this structure.
abstract  StructureType BaseStructure.getStructureType()
          A convenience method use instead of "instanceof" to see what type of structure we have.
 StructureType EvioTagSegment.getStructureType()
          This implements the abstract method from BaseStructure.
 StructureType EvioSegment.getStructureType()
          This implements the abstract method from BaseStructure.
static StructureType StructureType.getStructureType(int value)
          Obtain the enum from the value.
static StructureType StructureType.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static StructureType[] StructureType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio with parameters of type StructureType
 boolean IEvioFilter.accept(StructureType structureType, IEvioStructure structure)
          Accept or reject the given structure.