Uses of Class

Uses of EvioException in org.jlab.coda.jevio

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio that throw EvioException
 void EventBuilder.addChild(BaseStructure parent, BaseStructure child)
          Add a child to a parent structure.
 java.nio.ByteBuffer EvioCompactReader.addStructure(int eventNumber, java.nio.ByteBuffer addBuffer)
          This method adds a bank, segment, or tag segment onto the end of an event.
 void EventBuilder.appendByteData(BaseStructure structure, byte[] data)
          Appends byte data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendByteData(byte[] data)
          Appends byte data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendByteData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Appends byte data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendCompositeData(CompositeData[] data)
          Appends CompositeData objects to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendDoubleData(BaseStructure structure, double[] data)
          Appends double data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendDoubleData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Appends double data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendDoubleData(double[] data)
          Appends double data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendFloatData(BaseStructure structure, float[] data)
          Appends float data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendFloatData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Appends float data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendFloatData(float[] data)
          Appends float data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendIntData(BaseStructure structure, int[] data)
          Appends int data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendIntData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Appends int data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendIntData(int[] data)
          Appends int data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendLongData(BaseStructure structure, long[] data)
          Appends long data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendLongData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Appends long data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendLongData(long[] data)
          Appends long data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendShortData(BaseStructure structure, short[] data)
          Appends short data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendShortData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Appends short data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendShortData(short[] data)
          Appends short data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.appendStringData(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String data)
          Appends string data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.appendStringData(java.lang.String s)
          Appends string to the structure (as ascii).
 int BlockHeaderV4.bytesRemaining(long position)
          Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position.
 int IBlockHeader.bytesRemaining(long position)
          Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position.
 int BlockHeaderV2.bytesRemaining(long position)
          Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position.
 void EventWriter.close()
          If writing to a file, flush events waiting to be written, close the underlying data output stream and with it the file.
static java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> CompositeData.compositeFormatToInt(java.lang.String fmt)
          This method transforms a composite, format-containing ASCII string to an int array.
static void CompositeData.dataToRawBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer rawBuf, CompositeData.Data data, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ifmt)
          This method takes a list of data objects and a transformed format string and uses that to write data into a buffer/array in raw form.
static byte[] CompositeData.generateRawBytes(CompositeData[] data)
          This method generates raw bytes of evio format from an array of CompositeData objects.
 CompositeData[] IEvioStructure.getCompositeData()
          Gets the raw data as an array of CompositeData objects, if the type as indicated by the header is appropriate.
 CompositeData[] BaseStructure.getCompositeData()
          This is a method from the IEvioStructure Interface.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.getEvent(int index)
          Get the event in the file/buffer at a given index (starting at 1).
 int EvioReader.getEventCount()
          This is the number of events in the file.
 int EvioFile.getEventCount()
          Deprecated. This is the number of events in the file.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingChild(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String childName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event who has a child with the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingParent(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String parentName, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event whose parent has the given dictionary name.
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String name, INameProvider dictionary)
          Collect all structures in an event that match the given dictionary name.
 int EvioReader.getNumEventsRemaining()
          Get the number of events remaining in the file.
 int EvioFile.getNumEventsRemaining()
          Deprecated. Get the number of events remaining in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.nextEvent()
          Get the next event in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioFile.nextEvent()
          Deprecated. Get the next event in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.nextEventOrig()
          Get the next event in the file.
static CompositeData[] CompositeData.parse(byte[] rawBytes, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          This method parses an array of raw bytes into an array of CompositeData objects.
 void EventParser.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
          This is the workhorse method for parsing the event.
 void EvioReader.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
          This will parse an event, SAX-like.
 void EvioFile.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
          Deprecated. This will parse an event, SAX-like.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.parseEvent(int index)
          This is the workhorse method.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.parseNextEvent()
          This is the workhorse method.
 EvioEvent EvioFile.parseNextEvent()
          Deprecated. This is the workhorse method.
 void BlockHeaderV4.parseToBitInfo(int word)
          Parses the argument into the bit info fields.
 void EventBuilder.remove(BaseStructure child)
          This removes a structure (and all its descendants) from the tree.
 java.util.List<EvioNode> EvioCompactReader.searchEvent(int eventNumber, int tag, int num)
          This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given tag and num.
 java.util.List<EvioNode> EvioCompactReader.searchEvent(int eventNumber, java.lang.String dictName, EvioXMLDictionary dictionary)
          This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given dictionary entry name.
 int BaseStructure.setAllHeaderLengths()
          Compute and set length of all header fields for this structure and all its descendants.
 int BaseStructure.setAllHeaderLengthsSemiOrig()
          Compute and set length of all header fields for this structure and all its descendants.
 void EvioCompactReader.setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
          This method can be used to avoid creating additional EvioCompactReader objects by reusing this one with another buffer.
 void EvioReader.setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
          This method can be used to avoid creating additional EvioReader objects by reusing this one with another buffer.
 void EventWriter.setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
          Set the buffer being written into (initially set in constructor).
 void EventBuilder.setByteData(BaseStructure structure, byte[] data)
          Set byte data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.setByteData(byte[] data)
          Set the data in this structure to the given array of bytes.
 void BaseStructure.setByteData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Set the data in this structure to the bytes contained in the given ByteBuffer.
 void BaseStructure.setCompositeData(CompositeData[] data)
          Set the data in this structure to the given array of CompositeData objects.
 void BaseStructure.setDoubleData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Set the data in this structure to the doubles contained in the given ByteBuffer.
 void BaseStructure.setDoubleData(double[] data)
          Set the data in this structure to the given array of doubles.
 void BlockHeaderV2.setEnd(int end)
          Set the ending position of the block (physical record.) This is the number of valid words (header + data) in the block (physical record.) This is normally the same as the block size, except for the last block (physical record) in the file.
 void BlockHeaderV4.setEventCount(int count)
          Set the number of events completely contained in the block.
 void EventBuilder.setFloatData(BaseStructure structure, float[] data)
          Set float data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.setFloatData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Set the data in this structure to the floats contained in the given ByteBuffer.
 void BaseStructure.setFloatData(float[] data)
          Set the data in this structure to the given array of floats.
 void BlockHeaderV2.setHeaderLength(int headerLength)
          Set the block header length, in ints.
 void EventBuilder.setIntData(BaseStructure structure, double[] data)
          Set double data to the structure.
 void EventBuilder.setIntData(BaseStructure structure, int[] data)
          Set int data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.setIntData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Set the data in this structure to the ints contained in the given ByteBuffer.
 void BaseStructure.setIntData(int[] data)
          Set the data in this structure to the given array of ints.
 void EventBuilder.setLongData(BaseStructure structure, long[] data)
          Set long data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.setLongData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Set the data in this structure to the longs contained in the given ByteBuffer.
 void BaseStructure.setLongData(long[] data)
          Set the data in this structure to the given array of longs.
 void BlockHeaderV4.setMagicNumber(int magicNumber)
          Sets the value of magicNumber.
 void BlockHeaderV2.setMagicNumber(int magicNumber)
          Sets the value of magicNumber.
 void EventBuilder.setShortData(BaseStructure structure, short[] data)
          Set short data to the structure.
 void BaseStructure.setShortData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
          Set the data in this structure to the shorts contained in the given ByteBuffer.
 void BaseStructure.setShortData(short[] data)
          Set the data in this structure to the given array of shorts.
 void BlockHeaderV4.setSize(int size)
          Set the size of the block (physical record).
 void BlockHeaderV2.setSize(int size)
          Set the size of the block (physical record).
 void BlockHeaderV2.setStart(int start)
          Set the starting position of the block (physical record.).
 void EventBuilder.setStringData(BaseStructure structure, java.lang.String[] data)
          Set string data to the structure.
static void CompositeData.swapAll(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dest, int destOff, int length, java.nio.ByteOrder srcOrder)
          This method converts (swaps) a buffer of EVIO composite type between big & little endian.
static void CompositeData.swapData(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dest, int destOff, int nBytes, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ifmt, java.nio.ByteOrder srcOrder)
          This method converts (swaps) an array of EVIO composite type data between IEEE (big endian) and DECS (little endian).
static void CompositeData.swapData(java.nio.ByteBuffer srcBuf, java.nio.ByteBuffer destBuf, int nBytes, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ifmt)
          This method converts (swaps) EVIO composite type data between IEEE (big endian) and DECS (little endian).
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(double[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn double array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(double[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn double array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(double data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn double into byte array.
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(float[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn float array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(float[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn float array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(float data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn float into byte array.
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn int array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn int array into byte array.
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int[] data, int offset, int length, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn int array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn int into byte array.
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(long[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn long array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(long[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn long array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(long data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn long into byte array.
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(short[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn short array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(short[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn short array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(short data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn short into byte array.
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytes2(double[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn double array into byte array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toBytes2(double[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, byte[] dest, int off)
          Turn double array into byte array.
static byte[] ByteDataTransformer.toBytesStream(int[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn int array into byte array.
static double ByteDataTransformer.toDouble(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, int off)
          Turn section of byte array into a double.
static double[] ByteDataTransformer.toDoubleArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn byte array into a double array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toDoubleArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, double[] dest, int off)
          Turn byte array into an double array.
 void EvioCompactReader.toFile( file)
          Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file).
 void EvioCompactReader.toFile(java.lang.String fileName)
          Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file).
static float ByteDataTransformer.toFloat(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, int off)
          Turn section of byte array into a float.
static float[] ByteDataTransformer.toFloatArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn byte array into a float array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toFloatArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, float[] dest, int off)
          Turn byte array into an float array.
static int ByteDataTransformer.toInt(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, int off)
          Turn section of byte array into an int.
static int[] ByteDataTransformer.toIntArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn byte array into an int array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toIntArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, int[] dest, int off)
          Turn byte array into an int array.
static long ByteDataTransformer.toLong(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, int off)
          Turn section of byte array into a long.
static long[] ByteDataTransformer.toLongArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn byte array into a long array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toLongArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, long[] dest, int off)
          Turn byte array into an long array.
static short ByteDataTransformer.toShort(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, int off)
          Turn section of byte array into a short.
static short[] ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn byte array into a short array.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, short[] dest, int off)
          Turn byte array into an short array.
static short[] ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data, int padding, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Turn byte array into a short array while taking padding into account.
static void ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data, int padding, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, short[] dest, int off)
          Turn byte array into a short array while taking padding into account.
static EvioSegment StructureTransformer.transform(EvioBank bank)
          Create an EvioSegment object from an EvioBank.
static EvioTagSegment StructureTransformer.transform(EvioBank bank, int dummy)
          Create an EvioTagSegment object from an EvioBank.
 void EventWriter.writeEvent(EvioBank bank)
          Write an event (bank) to the file in evio version 4 format in blocks.

Constructors in org.jlab.coda.jevio that throw EvioException
CompositeData(byte[] rawBytes, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Constructor used when reading existing data.
CompositeData(java.lang.String format, int formatTag, CompositeData.Data data, int dataTag, int dataNum)
          Constructor used for creating this object from scratch.
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer.
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, boolean append)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer.
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, int blockSizeMax, int blockCountMax, java.lang.String xmlDictionary, java.util.BitSet bitInfo)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer.
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, int blockSizeMax, int blockCountMax, java.lang.String xmlDictionary, java.util.BitSet bitInfo, boolean append)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer.
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, int blockSizeMax, int blockCountMax, java.lang.String xmlDictionary, java.util.BitSet bitInfo, int reserved1)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer.
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, java.lang.String xmlDictionary, boolean append)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer.
EventWriter( file)
          Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order.
EventWriter( file, boolean append)
          Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order.
EventWriter( file, int blockSizeMax, int blockCountMax, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, java.lang.String xmlDictionary, java.util.BitSet bitInfo)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a file.
EventWriter( file, int blockSizeMax, int blockCountMax, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, java.lang.String xmlDictionary, java.util.BitSet bitInfo, boolean overWriteOK)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a file.
EventWriter( file, int blockSizeMax, int blockCountMax, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder, java.lang.String xmlDictionary, java.util.BitSet bitInfo, boolean overWriteOK, boolean append)
          Create an EventWriter for writing events to a file.
EventWriter( file, java.lang.String dictionary, boolean append)
          Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order.
EventWriter(java.lang.String filename)
          Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order.
EventWriter(java.lang.String filename, boolean append)
          Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order.
EventWriter(java.lang.String filename, boolean append, java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
          Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in the specified byte order.
EvioCompactReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
          Constructor for reading a buffer.
EvioCompactReader( file)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioCompactReader(java.lang.String path)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
          Constructor for reading a buffer.
EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer, boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
          Constructor for reading a buffer.
EvioReader( file)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader( file, boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader( file, boolean checkBlkNumSeq, boolean sequential)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader(java.lang.String path)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader(java.lang.String path, boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader(java.lang.String path, boolean checkBlkNumSeq, boolean sequential)
          Constructor for reading an event file.