Uses of EvioException in org.jlab.coda.jevio |
Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio that throw EvioException | |
void |
EventBuilder.addChild(BaseStructure parent,
BaseStructure child)
Add a child to a parent structure. |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
EvioCompactReader.addStructure(int eventNumber,
java.nio.ByteBuffer addBuffer)
This method adds a bank, segment, or tag segment onto the end of an event. |
void |
EventBuilder.appendByteData(BaseStructure structure,
byte[] data)
Appends byte data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendByteData(byte[] data)
Appends byte data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendByteData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Appends byte data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendCompositeData(CompositeData[] data)
Appends CompositeData objects to the structure. |
void |
EventBuilder.appendDoubleData(BaseStructure structure,
double[] data)
Appends double data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendDoubleData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Appends double data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendDoubleData(double[] data)
Appends double data to the structure. |
void |
EventBuilder.appendFloatData(BaseStructure structure,
float[] data)
Appends float data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendFloatData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Appends float data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendFloatData(float[] data)
Appends float data to the structure. |
void |
EventBuilder.appendIntData(BaseStructure structure,
int[] data)
Appends int data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendIntData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Appends int data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendIntData(int[] data)
Appends int data to the structure. |
void |
EventBuilder.appendLongData(BaseStructure structure,
long[] data)
Appends long data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendLongData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Appends long data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendLongData(long[] data)
Appends long data to the structure. |
void |
EventBuilder.appendShortData(BaseStructure structure,
short[] data)
Appends short data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendShortData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Appends short data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendShortData(short[] data)
Appends short data to the structure. |
void |
EventBuilder.appendStringData(BaseStructure structure,
java.lang.String data)
Appends string data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.appendStringData(java.lang.String s)
Appends string to the structure (as ascii). |
int |
BlockHeaderV4.bytesRemaining(long position)
Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position. |
int |
IBlockHeader.bytesRemaining(long position)
Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position. |
int |
BlockHeaderV2.bytesRemaining(long position)
Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position. |
void |
If writing to a file, flush events waiting to be written, close the underlying data output stream and with it the file. |
static java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
CompositeData.compositeFormatToInt(java.lang.String fmt)
This method transforms a composite, format-containing ASCII string to an int array. |
static void |
CompositeData.dataToRawBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer rawBuf,
CompositeData.Data data,
java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ifmt)
This method takes a list of data objects and a transformed format string and uses that to write data into a buffer/array in raw form. |
static byte[] |
CompositeData.generateRawBytes(CompositeData[] data)
This method generates raw bytes of evio format from an array of CompositeData objects. |
CompositeData[] |
Gets the raw data as an array of CompositeData objects, if the type as indicated by the header is appropriate. |
CompositeData[] |
This is a method from the IEvioStructure Interface. |
EvioEvent |
EvioReader.getEvent(int index)
Get the event in the file/buffer at a given index (starting at 1). |
int |
This is the number of events in the file. |
int |
Deprecated. This is the number of events in the file. |
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> |
StructureFinder.getMatchingChild(BaseStructure structure,
java.lang.String childName,
INameProvider dictionary)
Collect all structures in an event who has a child with the given dictionary name. |
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> |
StructureFinder.getMatchingParent(BaseStructure structure,
java.lang.String parentName,
INameProvider dictionary)
Collect all structures in an event whose parent has the given dictionary name. |
static java.util.List<BaseStructure> |
StructureFinder.getMatchingStructures(BaseStructure structure,
java.lang.String name,
INameProvider dictionary)
Collect all structures in an event that match the given dictionary name. |
int |
Get the number of events remaining in the file. |
int |
Deprecated. Get the number of events remaining in the file. |
EvioEvent |
Get the next event in the file. |
EvioEvent |
Deprecated. Get the next event in the file. |
EvioEvent |
Get the next event in the file. |
static CompositeData[] |
CompositeData.parse(byte[] rawBytes,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
This method parses an array of raw bytes into an array of CompositeData objects. |
void |
EventParser.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
This is the workhorse method for parsing the event. |
void |
EvioReader.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
This will parse an event, SAX-like. |
void |
EvioFile.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
Deprecated. This will parse an event, SAX-like. |
EvioEvent |
EvioReader.parseEvent(int index)
This is the workhorse method. |
EvioEvent |
This is the workhorse method. |
EvioEvent |
Deprecated. This is the workhorse method. |
void |
BlockHeaderV4.parseToBitInfo(int word)
Parses the argument into the bit info fields. |
void |
EventBuilder.remove(BaseStructure child)
This removes a structure (and all its descendants) from the tree. |
java.util.List<EvioNode> |
EvioCompactReader.searchEvent(int eventNumber,
int tag,
int num)
This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given tag and num. |
java.util.List<EvioNode> |
EvioCompactReader.searchEvent(int eventNumber,
java.lang.String dictName,
EvioXMLDictionary dictionary)
This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given dictionary entry name. |
int |
Compute and set length of all header fields for this structure and all its descendants. |
int |
Compute and set length of all header fields for this structure and all its descendants. |
void |
EvioCompactReader.setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
This method can be used to avoid creating additional EvioCompactReader objects by reusing this one with another buffer. |
void |
EvioReader.setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
This method can be used to avoid creating additional EvioReader objects by reusing this one with another buffer. |
void |
EventWriter.setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
Set the buffer being written into (initially set in constructor). |
void |
EventBuilder.setByteData(BaseStructure structure,
byte[] data)
Set byte data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.setByteData(byte[] data)
Set the data in this structure to the given array of bytes. |
void |
BaseStructure.setByteData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Set the data in this structure to the bytes contained in the given ByteBuffer. |
void |
BaseStructure.setCompositeData(CompositeData[] data)
Set the data in this structure to the given array of CompositeData objects. |
void |
BaseStructure.setDoubleData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Set the data in this structure to the doubles contained in the given ByteBuffer. |
void |
BaseStructure.setDoubleData(double[] data)
Set the data in this structure to the given array of doubles. |
void |
BlockHeaderV2.setEnd(int end)
Set the ending position of the block (physical record.) This is the number of valid words (header + data) in the block (physical record.) This is normally the same as the block size, except for the last block (physical record) in the file. |
void |
BlockHeaderV4.setEventCount(int count)
Set the number of events completely contained in the block. |
void |
EventBuilder.setFloatData(BaseStructure structure,
float[] data)
Set float data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.setFloatData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Set the data in this structure to the floats contained in the given ByteBuffer. |
void |
BaseStructure.setFloatData(float[] data)
Set the data in this structure to the given array of floats. |
void |
BlockHeaderV2.setHeaderLength(int headerLength)
Set the block header length, in ints. |
void |
EventBuilder.setIntData(BaseStructure structure,
double[] data)
Set double data to the structure. |
void |
EventBuilder.setIntData(BaseStructure structure,
int[] data)
Set int data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.setIntData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Set the data in this structure to the ints contained in the given ByteBuffer. |
void |
BaseStructure.setIntData(int[] data)
Set the data in this structure to the given array of ints. |
void |
EventBuilder.setLongData(BaseStructure structure,
long[] data)
Set long data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.setLongData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Set the data in this structure to the longs contained in the given ByteBuffer. |
void |
BaseStructure.setLongData(long[] data)
Set the data in this structure to the given array of longs. |
void |
BlockHeaderV4.setMagicNumber(int magicNumber)
Sets the value of magicNumber. |
void |
BlockHeaderV2.setMagicNumber(int magicNumber)
Sets the value of magicNumber. |
void |
EventBuilder.setShortData(BaseStructure structure,
short[] data)
Set short data to the structure. |
void |
BaseStructure.setShortData(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteData)
Set the data in this structure to the shorts contained in the given ByteBuffer. |
void |
BaseStructure.setShortData(short[] data)
Set the data in this structure to the given array of shorts. |
void |
BlockHeaderV4.setSize(int size)
Set the size of the block (physical record). |
void |
BlockHeaderV2.setSize(int size)
Set the size of the block (physical record). |
void |
BlockHeaderV2.setStart(int start)
Set the starting position of the block (physical record.). |
void |
EventBuilder.setStringData(BaseStructure structure,
java.lang.String[] data)
Set string data to the structure. |
static void |
CompositeData.swapAll(byte[] src,
int srcOff,
byte[] dest,
int destOff,
int length,
java.nio.ByteOrder srcOrder)
This method converts (swaps) a buffer of EVIO composite type between big & little endian. |
static void |
CompositeData.swapData(byte[] src,
int srcOff,
byte[] dest,
int destOff,
int nBytes,
java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ifmt,
java.nio.ByteOrder srcOrder)
This method converts (swaps) an array of EVIO composite type data between IEEE (big endian) and DECS (little endian). |
static void |
CompositeData.swapData(java.nio.ByteBuffer srcBuf,
java.nio.ByteBuffer destBuf,
int nBytes,
java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ifmt)
This method converts (swaps) EVIO composite type data between IEEE (big endian) and DECS (little endian). |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(double[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn double array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(double[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn double array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(double data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn double into byte array. |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(float[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn float array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(float[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn float array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(float data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn float into byte array. |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn int array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn int array into byte array. |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int[] data,
int offset,
int length,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn int array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(int data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn int into byte array. |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(long[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn long array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(long[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn long array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(long data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn long into byte array. |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(short[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn short array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(short[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn short array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes(short data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn short into byte array. |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes2(double[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn double array into byte array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytes2(double[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
byte[] dest,
int off)
Turn double array into byte array. |
static byte[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toBytesStream(int[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn int array into byte array. |
static double |
ByteDataTransformer.toDouble(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
int off)
Turn section of byte array into a double. |
static double[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toDoubleArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn byte array into a double array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toDoubleArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
double[] dest,
int off)
Turn byte array into an double array. |
void |
EvioCompactReader.toFile(java.io.File file)
Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file). |
void |
EvioCompactReader.toFile(java.lang.String fileName)
Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file). |
static float |
ByteDataTransformer.toFloat(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
int off)
Turn section of byte array into a float. |
static float[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toFloatArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn byte array into a float array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toFloatArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
float[] dest,
int off)
Turn byte array into an float array. |
static int |
ByteDataTransformer.toInt(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
int off)
Turn section of byte array into an int. |
static int[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toIntArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn byte array into an int array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toIntArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
int[] dest,
int off)
Turn byte array into an int array. |
static long |
ByteDataTransformer.toLong(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
int off)
Turn section of byte array into a long. |
static long[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toLongArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn byte array into a long array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toLongArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
long[] dest,
int off)
Turn byte array into an long array. |
static short |
ByteDataTransformer.toShort(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
int off)
Turn section of byte array into a short. |
static short[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn byte array into a short array. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
short[] dest,
int off)
Turn byte array into an short array. |
static short[] |
ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data,
int padding,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Turn byte array into a short array while taking padding into account. |
static void |
ByteDataTransformer.toShortArray(byte[] data,
int padding,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
short[] dest,
int off)
Turn byte array into a short array while taking padding into account. |
static EvioSegment |
StructureTransformer.transform(EvioBank bank)
Create an EvioSegment object from an EvioBank. |
static EvioTagSegment |
StructureTransformer.transform(EvioBank bank,
int dummy)
Create an EvioTagSegment object from an EvioBank. |
void |
EventWriter.writeEvent(EvioBank bank)
Write an event (bank) to the file in evio version 4 format in blocks. |
Constructors in org.jlab.coda.jevio that throw EvioException | |
CompositeData(byte[] rawBytes,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Constructor used when reading existing data. |
CompositeData(java.lang.String format,
int formatTag,
CompositeData.Data data,
int dataTag,
int dataNum)
Constructor used for creating this object from scratch. |
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer. |
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
boolean append)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer. |
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
int blockSizeMax,
int blockCountMax,
java.lang.String xmlDictionary,
java.util.BitSet bitInfo)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer. |
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
int blockSizeMax,
int blockCountMax,
java.lang.String xmlDictionary,
java.util.BitSet bitInfo,
boolean append)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer. |
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
int blockSizeMax,
int blockCountMax,
java.lang.String xmlDictionary,
java.util.BitSet bitInfo,
int reserved1)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer. |
EventWriter(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf,
java.lang.String xmlDictionary,
boolean append)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a ByteBuffer. |
EventWriter(java.io.File file)
Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order. |
EventWriter(java.io.File file,
boolean append)
Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order. |
EventWriter(java.io.File file,
int blockSizeMax,
int blockCountMax,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
java.lang.String xmlDictionary,
java.util.BitSet bitInfo)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a file. |
EventWriter(java.io.File file,
int blockSizeMax,
int blockCountMax,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
java.lang.String xmlDictionary,
java.util.BitSet bitInfo,
boolean overWriteOK)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a file. |
EventWriter(java.io.File file,
int blockSizeMax,
int blockCountMax,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder,
java.lang.String xmlDictionary,
java.util.BitSet bitInfo,
boolean overWriteOK,
boolean append)
Create an EventWriter for writing events to a file. |
EventWriter(java.io.File file,
java.lang.String dictionary,
boolean append)
Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order. |
EventWriter(java.lang.String filename)
Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order. |
EventWriter(java.lang.String filename,
boolean append)
Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in native byte order. |
EventWriter(java.lang.String filename,
boolean append,
java.nio.ByteOrder byteOrder)
Creates an EventWriter for writing to a file in the
specified byte order. |
EvioCompactReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
Constructor for reading a buffer. |
EvioCompactReader(java.io.File file)
Constructor for reading an event file. |
EvioCompactReader(java.lang.String path)
Constructor for reading an event file. |
EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
Constructor for reading a buffer. |
EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
Constructor for reading a buffer. |
EvioReader(java.io.File file)
Constructor for reading an event file. |
EvioReader(java.io.File file,
boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
Constructor for reading an event file. |
EvioReader(java.io.File file,
boolean checkBlkNumSeq,
boolean sequential)
Constructor for reading an event file. |
EvioReader(java.lang.String path)
Constructor for reading an event file. |
EvioReader(java.lang.String path,
boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
Constructor for reading an event file. |
EvioReader(java.lang.String path,
boolean checkBlkNumSeq,
boolean sequential)
Constructor for reading an event file. |