Uses of Class

Uses of EvioEvent in org.jlab.coda.jevio

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio that return EvioEvent
 EvioEvent EventBuilder.getEvent()
          Get the underlying event.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.getEvent(int index)
          Get the event in the file/buffer at a given index (starting at 1).
 EvioEvent EvioReader.gotoEventNumber(int evNumber)
          Go to a specific event in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioFile.gotoEventNumber(int evNumber)
          Deprecated. Go to a specific event in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.nextEvent()
          Get the next event in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioFile.nextEvent()
          Deprecated. Get the next event in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.nextEventOrig()
          Get the next event in the file.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.parseEvent(int index)
          This is the workhorse method.
 EvioEvent EvioReader.parseNextEvent()
          This is the workhorse method.
 EvioEvent EvioFile.parseNextEvent()
          Deprecated. This is the workhorse method.

Methods in org.jlab.coda.jevio with parameters of type EvioEvent
 void EventParser.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
          This is the workhorse method for parsing the event.
 void EvioReader.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
          This will parse an event, SAX-like.
 void EvioFile.parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
          Deprecated. This will parse an event, SAX-like.
 void EventBuilder.setEvent(EvioEvent event)
          Set the underlying event.

Constructors in org.jlab.coda.jevio with parameters of type EvioEvent
EventBuilder(EvioEvent event)
          This is the constructor to use when you want to manipulate an existing event.