Class EvioTagSegment

  extended by org.jlab.coda.jevio.BaseStructure
      extended by org.jlab.coda.jevio.EvioTagSegment
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode, javax.swing.tree.TreeNode, IEvioStructure, IEvioWriter

public class EvioTagSegment
extends BaseStructure

This holds a CODA TagSegment structure. Mostly it has a header (a TagSegementHeader) and the raw data stored as an byte array.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String ELEMENT_NAME
          The XML record tag for a tag segment.
Constructor Summary
          Null constructor creates an empty TagSegmentHeader.
EvioTagSegment(int tag, DataType dataType)
          This is the general constructor to use for a TagSegment.
EvioTagSegment(TagSegmentHeader tagSegmentHeader)
          Constructor using a provided TagSegmentHeader
Method Summary
 StructureType getStructureType()
          This implements the abstract method from BaseStructure.
 java.lang.String getXMLElementName()
          Get the element name for the bank for writing to XML.
 void toXML( xmlWriter)
          Write this tag segment structure out as an XML record.
Methods inherited from class org.jlab.coda.jevio.BaseStructure
appendByteData, appendByteData, appendCompositeData, appendDoubleData, appendDoubleData, appendFloatData, appendFloatData, appendIntData, appendIntData, appendLongData, appendLongData, appendShortData, appendShortData, appendStringData, children, clone, getAllowsChildren, getByteData, getByteOrder, getChildAt, getChildCount, getChildren, getCompositeData, getDescription, getDoubleData, getFloatData, getHeader, getIndex, getIntData, getLongData, getMatchingStructures, getNumberDataItems, getParent, getRawBytes, getShortData, getStringData, getTotalBytes, insert, insert, isContainer, isLeaf, isSwap, remove, remove, removeFromParent, setAllHeaderLengths, setAllHeaderLengthsSemiOrig, setByteData, setByteData, setByteOrder, setCompositeData, setDoubleData, setDoubleData, setFloatData, setFloatData, setIntData, setIntData, setLongData, setLongData, setParent, setRawBytes, setShortData, setShortData, setStringData, setUserObject, stringsToRawBytes, stringsToRawSize, toString, toXML, transform, unpackRawBytesToStrings, vistAllStructures, vistAllStructures, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String ELEMENT_NAME
The XML record tag for a tag segment.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public EvioTagSegment()
Null constructor creates an empty TagSegmentHeader.

See Also:


public EvioTagSegment(TagSegmentHeader tagSegmentHeader)
Constructor using a provided TagSegmentHeader

tagSegmentHeader - the header to use.
See Also:


public EvioTagSegment(int tag,
                      DataType dataType)
This is the general constructor to use for a TagSegment.

tag - the tag for the tag segment header.
dataType - the (enum) data type for the content of the tag segment.
Method Detail


public StructureType getStructureType()
This implements the abstract method from BaseStructure. It is a convenience method use instead of "instanceof" to see what type of structure we have. Note: this returns the type of this structure, not the type of data this structure holds.

Specified by:
getStructureType in interface IEvioStructure
Specified by:
getStructureType in class BaseStructure
the StructureType of this structure, which is a StructureType.TAGSEGMENT.
See Also:


public void toXML( xmlWriter)
Write this tag segment structure out as an XML record.

Specified by:
toXML in class BaseStructure
xmlWriter - the writer used to write the events.


public java.lang.String getXMLElementName()
Get the element name for the bank for writing to XML.

Specified by:
getXMLElementName in class BaseStructure
the element name for the structure for writing to XML.