Interface IBlockHeader

All Known Implementing Classes:
BlockHeaderV2, BlockHeaderV4

public interface IBlockHeader

Make a common interface for different versions of the BlockHeader.


Field Summary
static int MAGIC_NUMBER
          The magic number, should be the value of magicNumber.
Method Summary
 int bytesRemaining(long position)
          Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position.
 long firstEventStartingPosition()
          Determines where the start of the first event (logical record) in this block (physical record) is located (in bytes).
 long getBufferEndingPosition()
          Get the position in the buffer (in bytes) of this block's last data word.
 long getBufferStartingPosition()
          Get the starting position in the buffer (in bytes) from which this header was read--if that happened.
This is not part of the block header proper.
 int getHeaderLength()
          Get the block header length, in ints.
 int getMagicNumber()
          Get the magic number the block (physical record) header which should be 0xc0da0100.
 int getNumber()
          Get the block number for this block (physical record).
 int getSize()
          Get the size of the block (physical record).
 int getVersion()
          Get the evio version of the block (physical record) header.
 boolean hasDictionary()
          Is this block's first event is an evio dictionary?
 boolean isLastBlock()
          Is this the last block in the file or being sent over the network?
 long nextBufferStartingPosition()
          Determines where the start of the next block (physical record) header in some buffer is located (in bytes).
 void setBufferStartingPosition(long bufferStartingPosition)
          Set the starting position in the buffer (in bytes) from which this header was read--if that happened.
This is not part of the block header proper.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Obtain a string representation of the block (physical record) header.
 int write(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
          Write myself out a byte buffer.

Field Detail


static final int MAGIC_NUMBER
The magic number, should be the value of magicNumber.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getSize()
Get the size of the block (physical record).

the size of the block (physical record) in ints.


int getNumber()
Get the block number for this block (physical record). In a file, this is usually sequential.

the block number for this block (physical record).


int getHeaderLength()
Get the block header length, in ints. This should be 8.

the block header length. This should be 8.


int getVersion()
Get the evio version of the block (physical record) header.

the evio version of the block (physical record) header.


int getMagicNumber()
Get the magic number the block (physical record) header which should be 0xc0da0100.

the magic number in the block (physical record).


long getBufferEndingPosition()
Get the position in the buffer (in bytes) of this block's last data word.

the position in the buffer (in bytes) of this block's last data word.


long getBufferStartingPosition()
Get the starting position in the buffer (in bytes) from which this header was read--if that happened.
This is not part of the block header proper. It is a position in a memory buffer of the start of the block (physical record). It is kept for convenience. It is up to the reader to set it.

the starting position in the buffer (in bytes) from which this header was read--if that happened.


void setBufferStartingPosition(long bufferStartingPosition)
Set the starting position in the buffer (in bytes) from which this header was read--if that happened.
This is not part of the block header proper. It is a position in a memory buffer of the start of the block (physical record). It is kept for convenience. It is up to the reader to set it.

bufferStartingPosition - the starting position in the buffer from which this header was read--if that happened.


long nextBufferStartingPosition()
Determines where the start of the next block (physical record) header in some buffer is located (in bytes). This assumes the start position has been maintained by the object performing the buffer read.

the start of the next block (physical record) header in some buffer is located (in bytes).


long firstEventStartingPosition()
Determines where the start of the first event (logical record) in this block (physical record) is located (in bytes). This assumes the start position has been maintained by the object performing the buffer read.

where the start of the first event (logical record) in this block (physical record) is located (in bytes). Returns 0 if start is 0, signaling that this entire physical record is part of a logical record that spans at least three physical records.


int bytesRemaining(long position)
                   throws EvioException
Gives the bytes remaining in this block (physical record) given a buffer position. The position is an absolute position in a byte buffer. This assumes that the absolute position in bufferStartingPosition is being maintained properly by the reader. No block is longer than 2.1GB - 31 bits of length. This is for practical reasons - so a block can be read into a single byte array.

position - the absolute current position is a byte buffer.
the number of bytes remaining in this block (physical record.)


boolean hasDictionary()
Is this block's first event is an evio dictionary?

true if this block's first event is an evio dictionary, else false


boolean isLastBlock()
Is this the last block in the file or being sent over the network?

true if this is the last block in the file or being sent over the network, else false


int write(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
Write myself out a byte buffer. This write is relative--i.e., it uses the current position of the buffer.

byteBuffer - the byteBuffer to write to.
the number of bytes written, which for a BlockHeader is 32.


java.lang.String toString()
Obtain a string representation of the block (physical record) header.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a string representation of the block (physical record) header.