Class EvioCompactReader

  extended by org.jlab.coda.jevio.EvioCompactReader

public class EvioCompactReader
extends java.lang.Object

This class is used to read an evio version 4 formatted file or buffer and extract specific evio containers (bank, seg, or tagseg) with actual data in them given a tag/num pair. It is theoretically thread-safe. It is designed to be fast and does NOT do a full deserialization on each event examined.


Nested Class Summary
static class EvioCompactReader.ReadStatus
          This enum denotes the status of a read.
Field Summary
 java.util.ArrayList<EvioNode> eventNodes
          Stores info of all the (top-level) events.
Constructor Summary
EvioCompactReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
          Constructor for reading a buffer.
EvioCompactReader( file)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioCompactReader(java.lang.String path)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
Method Summary
 java.nio.ByteBuffer addStructure(int eventNumber, java.nio.ByteBuffer addBuffer)
          This method adds a bank, segment, or tag segment onto the end of an event.
 void close()
          This only sets the position to its initial value.
 long fileSize()
          Get the size of the file being read, in bytes.
 int getBlockCount()
          This is the number of blocks in the file including the empty block usually at the end of version 4 files/buffers.
 java.nio.ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
          Get the byte buffer being read directly or corresponding to the event file.
 java.nio.ByteBuffer getData(EvioNode node)
          Get the data associated with an evio structure in ByteBuffer form.
 java.nio.ByteBuffer getData(EvioNode node, boolean copy)
          Get the data associated with an evio structure in ByteBuffer form.
 EvioXMLDictionary getDictionary()
          Get the evio dictionary if is there is one.
 java.lang.String getDictionaryXML()
          Get the XML format dictionary is there is one.
 EvioNode getEvent(int eventNumber)
          Get the EvioNode object associated with a particular event number.
 int getEventCount()
          This is the number of events in the file.
 int getEvioVersion()
          Get the evio version number.
 java.nio.MappedByteBuffer getMappedByteBuffer()
          Get the memory mapped buffer corresponding to the event file.
 java.lang.String getPath()
          Get the path to the file.
 boolean hasDictionary()
          Does this evio file have an associated XML dictionary?
 java.util.List<EvioNode> searchEvent(int eventNumber, int tag, int num)
          This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given tag and num.
 java.util.List<EvioNode> searchEvent(int eventNumber, java.lang.String dictName, EvioXMLDictionary dictionary)
          This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given dictionary entry name.
 void setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
          This method can be used to avoid creating additional EvioCompactReader objects by reusing this one with another buffer.
 void toFile( file)
          Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file).
 void toFile(java.lang.String fileName)
          Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final java.util.ArrayList<EvioNode> eventNodes
Stores info of all the (top-level) events.

Constructor Detail


public EvioCompactReader(java.lang.String path)
                  throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading an event file.

path - the full path to the file that contains events. For writing event files, use an EventWriter object.
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null
See Also:


public EvioCompactReader( file)
                  throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading an event file.

file - the file that contains events.
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null; file is too large; if first block number != 1 when checkBlkNumSeq arg is true
See Also:


public EvioCompactReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
                  throws EvioException
Constructor for reading a buffer.

byteBuffer - the buffer that contains events.
EvioException - if file arg is null; if first block number != 1 when checkBlkNumSeq arg is true; failure to read first block header
See Also:
Method Detail


public void setBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf)
               throws EvioException
This method can be used to avoid creating additional EvioCompactReader objects by reusing this one with another buffer. The method close() is called before anything else.

buf - ByteBuffer to be read
EvioException - if first block number != 1 when checkBlkNumSeq arg is true; failure to read first block header


public int getEvioVersion()
Get the evio version number.

evio version number.


public java.lang.String getPath()
Get the path to the file.

path to the file


public java.lang.String getDictionaryXML()
Get the XML format dictionary is there is one.

XML format dictionary, else null.


public EvioXMLDictionary getDictionary()
Get the evio dictionary if is there is one.

evio dictionary if exists, else null.


public boolean hasDictionary()
Does this evio file have an associated XML dictionary?

true if this evio file has an associated XML dictionary, else false


public java.nio.MappedByteBuffer getMappedByteBuffer()
Get the memory mapped buffer corresponding to the event file.

the memory mapped buffer corresponding to the event file.


public java.nio.ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
Get the byte buffer being read directly or corresponding to the event file.

the byte buffer being read directly or corresponding to the event file.


public long fileSize()
Get the size of the file being read, in bytes. For small files, obtain the file size using the memory mapped buffer's capacity.

the file size in bytes


public EvioNode getEvent(int eventNumber)
Get the EvioNode object associated with a particular event number.

eventNumber - number of event (place in file/buffer) starting at 1.
EvioNode object associated with a particular event number, or null if there is none.


public java.util.List<EvioNode> searchEvent(int eventNumber,
                                            int tag,
                                            int num)
                                     throws EvioException
This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given tag and num.

eventNumber - place of event in buffer (starting with 1)
tag - tag to match
num - num to match
list of EvioNode objects corresponding to matching evio structures (empty if none found)
EvioException - if bad arg value(s)


public java.util.List<EvioNode> searchEvent(int eventNumber,
                                            java.lang.String dictName,
                                            EvioXMLDictionary dictionary)
                                     throws EvioException
This method searches the specified event in a file/buffer and returns a list of objects each of which contain information about a single evio structure which matches the given dictionary entry name.

eventNumber - place of event in buffer (starting with 1)
dictName - name of dictionary entry to search for
list of EvioNode objects corresponding to matching evio structures (empty if none found)
EvioException - if dictName is null; if dictName is an invalid dictionary entry; if dictionary is null and none provided in file/buffer being read


public java.nio.ByteBuffer addStructure(int eventNumber,
                                        java.nio.ByteBuffer addBuffer)
                                 throws EvioException
This method adds a bank, segment, or tag segment onto the end of an event. It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that the buffer argument contains valid evio data (only data representing the bank or structure to be added - not in file format with bank header and the like) which is compatible with the type of data structure stored in the given event. To produce such an evio data use BaseStructure.write(java.nio.ByteBuffer), BaseStructure.write(java.nio.ByteBuffer) or BaseStructure.write(java.nio.ByteBuffer) depending on whether a bank, seg, or tagseg is being added.

A note about files here. If the constructor of this reader read in data from a file, it will now switch to using a new, internal buffer which is returned by this method or can be retrieved by calling getByteBuffer(). It will not expand the file originally used. A new file can be created by calling either the toFile(String) or toFile( methods.

The given buffer argument must be ready to read with its position and limit defining the limits of the data to copy. This method is synchronized due to the bulk, relative puts.

eventNumber - number of event to which addBuffer is to be added
addBuffer - buffer containing evio data to add (not evio file format, i.e. no bank headers)
a new ByteBuffer object which is created and filled with all the data including what was just added.
EvioException - if trying to add to a file; if eventNumber < 1; if addBuffer is null; if addBuffer arg is empty or has non-evio format; if added data is not the proper length (i.e. multiple of 4 bytes); if the event number does not correspond to an existing event; if there is an internal programming error;


public java.nio.ByteBuffer getData(EvioNode node)
Get the data associated with an evio structure in ByteBuffer form. The returned buffer is a view into this reader's buffer (no copy done). Changes in one will affect the other.

node - evio structure whose data is to be retrieved
ByteBuffer object containing data. Position and limit are set for reading.


public java.nio.ByteBuffer getData(EvioNode node,
                                   boolean copy)
Get the data associated with an evio structure in ByteBuffer form. Depending on the copy argument, the returned buffer will either be a copy of or a view into the data of this reader's buffer.

This method is synchronized due to the bulk, relative gets & puts.

node - evio structure whose data is to be retrieved
copy - if true, then return a copy as opposed to a view into this reader object's buffer.
ByteBuffer object containing data. Position and limit are set for reading.


public void close()
This only sets the position to its initial value.


public int getEventCount()
This is the number of events in the file. Any dictionary event is not included in the count. In versions 3 and earlier, it is not computed unless asked for, and if asked for it is computed and cached.

the number of events in the file.


public int getBlockCount()
This is the number of blocks in the file including the empty block usually at the end of version 4 files/buffers. For version 3 files, a block size read from the first block is used to calculate the result. It is not computed unless in random access mode or is asked for, and if asked for it is computed and cached.

the number of blocks in the file (estimate for version 3 files)


public void toFile(java.lang.String fileName)
            throws EvioException,
Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file).

fileName -
EvioException - if fileName arg is null


public void toFile( file)
            throws EvioException,
Save the internal byte buffer to the given file (overwrites existing file).

file -
EvioException - if file arg is null