ET System  16.4
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et_private.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "etCommonNetwork.h"

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Data Structures

struct  et_stat_config_t
 Structure to hold parameters used to configure a station. More...
struct  et_stat_data_t
 Structure to hold the current state of a station. More...
struct  et_list_t
 Structure defining a station's input or output list of events. More...
struct  et_fixin
 Structure for fixing station input list. More...
struct  et_fixout
 Structure for fixing station output list. More...
struct  et_fix
 Struct to fix station's input and output linked lists after crash. More...
struct  et_station_t
 Structure defining a station. More...
struct  et_proc
 Structure containing local process info. More...
struct  et_attach
 Structure containing attachment info. More...
struct  et_sys_config_t
 Structure containing all info necessary to configure an ET system. More...
struct  et_system_t
 Structure containing all ET system information. More...
struct  et_open_config_t
 Structure holding all configuration parameters used to open an ET system. More...
struct  et_id_t
 Structure defining an ET system user id (one needed for each system in use) which contains pointers to key mem locations, config info, status info, node locality and remote node info. More...
struct  et_mem_t
 Structure containing info stored at front of shared or mapped memory. More...
struct  et_response_t
 Structure for holding an ET system's single response to ET client's broad/multicast. More...
struct  et_netthread_t
 Struct for passing data from system to network threads. More...
struct  et_bridge_config_t
 Structure to define configuration parameters used to bridge ET systems (transfer events between 2 systems). More...


#define ET_VERSION   16
 Major version number. More...
#define ET_VERSION_MINOR   4
 Minor version number. More...
#define ET_LANG_C   0
 C language version of ET software. More...
#define ET_LANG_CPP   1
 C++ language version of ET software. More...
#define ET_LANG_JAVA   2
 Java language version of ET software. More...
#define ET_SYSTEM_TYPE_C   1
 ET system implemented through C language library. More...
 ET system implemented through Java language library. More...
#define ET_IPADDRSTRLEN   16
 Max string length of dotted-decimal ip address. More...
 Max length of a host name including the terminating char. More...
#define ET_MAXADDRESSES   10
 Max number of network addresses/names per host we'll examine. More...
#define ET_MON_SEC   120
 Seconds between monitoring heartbeat for disconnecting from unresponsive clients. More...
#define ET_MON_NSEC   0
 Nanoseconds between monitoring heartbeat for disconnecting from unresponsive clients. More...
#define ET_BEAT_SEC   0
 Seconds between heartbeat (integer increment). More...
#define ET_BEAT_NSEC   500000000
 Nanoseconds between heartbeat (integer increment). More...
#define ET_IS_ALIVE_SEC   2
 Seconds between monitoring heartbeat for seeing if ET alive. More...
#define ET_IS_ALIVE_NSEC   0
 Nanoseconds between monitoring heartbeat for seeing if ET alive. More...
#define ET_CLOSE_SEC   2
 Seconds to wait before shutting down ET system. More...
#define ET_CLOSE_NSEC   500000000
 Nanoseconds to wait before shutting down ET system. More...
 Max value for heartbeat. More...
#define ET_ATTACHMENTS_MAX   100
 Maximum number of attachments allowed on the system. More...
 Maximum number of local processes allowed to open the system. More...
#define ET_ATT_UNUSED   0
 Attachment number not in use. More...
#define ET_ATT_ACTIVE   1
 Attachment is active (attached to a station). More...
#define ET_ATT_CONTINUE   0
 Attachment is normal. More...
#define ET_ATT_QUIT   1
 Attachment must return immediately from ET API call. More...
#define ET_ATT_UNBLOCKED   0
 Attachment is not blocked on a read. More...
#define ET_ATT_BLOCKED   1
 Attachment is blocked on a read. More...
#define ET_ATT_NOSLEEP   0
 Attachment is not in sleep mode. More...
#define ET_ATT_SLEEP   1
 Attachment is in simulated sleep mode. More...
#define ET_PROC_CLOSED   0
 Process has closed ET systems (no access to mapped memory). More...
#define ET_PROC_OPEN   1
 Process has opened ET system (has access to mapped memory). More...
#define ET_PROC_ETDEAD   0
 Process thinks ET system it is connected to is dead. More...
#define ET_PROC_ETOK   1
 Process thinks ET system it is connected to is OK. More...
#define ET_STRUCT_NEW   0
 Structure is newly created and not yet initialized. More...
#define ET_STRUCT_OK   1
 Structure is initialized and ready for use. More...
#define ET_THREAD_KEEP   0
 Keep thread around. More...
#define ET_THREAD_KILL   1
 Kill thread. More...
#define ET_MUTEX_SHARE   0
 Operating system can share pthread mutex between different local processes. More...
#define ET_MUTEX_NOSHARE   1
 Operating system cannot share pthread mutex between different local processes. More...
 Pthread mutex is unlocked. More...
#define ET_MUTEX_LOCKED   1
 Pthread mutex is locked. More...
 Size in bytes of the data stored at the beginning of the shared memory (these data give general info necessary for Java and C clients to handle the ET system file properly). More...
#define ET_FIX_READ   0
 Fixing station's in/output event list after et_events_get or et_events_new. More...
#define ET_FIX_DUMP   1
 Fixing station's in/output event list after et_events_dump. More...
#define ET_BIT64_MASK   0x1
 Bit mask to select bit in bitInfo word of et_system structure identifying ET system's host running 64-bit OS. More...
#define ET_KILL_MASK   0x2
 Bit mask to select bit in bitInfo word of et_system structure telling ET system to kill itself ASAP. More...
#define ET_GET_BIT64(x)   ((x) & ET_BIT64_MASK)
 Get the bit in the bitInfo word identifying ET system's host as running a 64-bit OS. More...
#define ET_GET_KILL(x)   ((x) & ET_KILL_MASK)
 Get the bit in the bitInfo word telling ET system to kill itself ASAP. More...
#define ET_SET_BIT64(x)   ((x) | ET_BIT64_MASK)
 Set the bit in the bitInfo word identifying ET system's host as running a 64-bit OS. More...
#define ET_SET_KILL(x)   ((x) | ET_KILL_MASK)
 Set the bit in the bitInfo word telling ET system to kill itself ASAP. More...
#define ET_NET_EV_GET_L   0
 et_event_get More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_GET_L   1
 et_events_get More...
#define ET_NET_EV_PUT_L   2
 et_event_put More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_PUT_L   3
 et_events_put More...
#define ET_NET_EV_NEW_L   4
 et_event_new More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_L   5
 et_events_new More...
#define ET_NET_EV_DUMP_L   6
 et_event_dump More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_DUMP_L   7
 et_events_dump More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_GRP_L   8
 et_events_new_group More...
#define ET_NET_EV_GET   20
 et_event_get More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_GET   21
 et_events_get More...
#define ET_NET_EV_PUT   22
 et_event_put More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_PUT   23
 et_events_put More...
#define ET_NET_EV_NEW   24
 et_event_new More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW   25
 et_events_new More...
#define ET_NET_EV_DUMP   26
 et_event_dump More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_DUMP   27
 et_events_dump More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_GRP   28
 et_events_new_group More...
#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_GRP_JAVA   29
#define ET_NET_ALIVE   40
 et_alive More...
#define ET_NET_WAIT   41
 et_wait_for_alive More...
#define ET_NET_CLOSE   42
 et_close More...
#define ET_NET_FCLOSE   43
 et_forcedclose More...
#define ET_NET_WAKE_ATT   44
 et_wakeup_attachment More...
#define ET_NET_WAKE_ALL   45
 et_wakeup_all More...
#define ET_NET_KILL   46
 et_kill More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_ATT   60
 et_station_attach More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_DET   61
 et_station_detach More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_CRAT   62
 et_station_create_at More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_RM   63
 et_station_remove More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_SPOS   64
 et_station_setposition More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GPOS   65
 et_station_getposition More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_ISAT   80
 et_station_isattached More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_EX   81
 et_station_exists More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_SSW   82
 et_station_setselectwords More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GSW   83
 et_station_getselectwords More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_LIB   84
 et_station_getlib More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_FUNC   85
 et_station_getfunction More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_CLASS   86
 et_station_getclass More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GATTS   100
 et_station_getattachments More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_STATUS   101
 et_station_getstatus More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_INCNT   102
 et_station_getinputcount More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_OUTCNT   103
 et_station_getoutputcount More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GBLOCK   104
 et_station_getblock More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GUSER   105
 et_station_getuser More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GRESTORE   106
 et_station_getrestore More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GPRE   107
 et_station_getprescale More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GCUE   108
 et_station_getcue More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_GSELECT   109
 et_station_getselect More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_SBLOCK   115
 et_station_getblock More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_SUSER   116
 et_station_getuser More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_SRESTORE   117
 et_station_getrestore More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_SPRE   118
 et_station_getprescale More...
#define ET_NET_STAT_SCUE   119
 et_station_getcue More...
#define ET_NET_ATT_PUT   130
 et_att_getput More...
#define ET_NET_ATT_GET   131
 et_att_getget More...
#define ET_NET_ATT_DUMP   132
 et_att_getdump More...
#define ET_NET_ATT_MAKE   133
 et_att_getmake More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_TMP   150
 et_system_gettemps More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_TMPMAX   151
 et_system_gettempsmax More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_STAT   152
 et_system_getstations More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_STATMAX   153
 et_system_getstationsmax More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_PROC   154
 et_system_getprocs More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_PROCMAX   155
 et_system_getprocsmax More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_ATT   156
 et_system_getattachments More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_ATTMAX   157
 et_system_getattsmax More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_HBEAT   158
 et_system_getheartbeat More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_PID   159
 et_system_getpid More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_GRP   160
 et_system_getgroup More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_DATA   170
 send ET system data More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_HIST   171
 send ET histogram data More...
#define ET_NET_SYS_GRPS   172
 send size of each event group More...
#define ET_P2EVENT(etid, place)   ((et_event *)((et_event *)(etid->events) + (place)))
 Macro to get pointer to event from system id and event place. More...
#define ET_PEVENT2USR(p, offset)   ((et_event *)((char *)(p) + (offset)))
 Macro to change event pointer from ET system space to user space. More...
#define ET_PEVENT2ET(p, offset)   ((et_event *)((char *)(p) - (offset)))
 Macro to change event pointer from user space to ET system space. More...
#define ET_PSTAT2USR(p, offset)   ((et_station *)((char *)(p) + (offset)))
 Macro to change station pointer from ET system space to user space. More...
#define ET_PSTAT2ET(p, offset)   ((et_station *)((char *)(p) - (offset)))
 Macro to change station pointer from user space to ET system space. More...
#define ET_PDATA2USR(p, offset)   ((void *)((char *)(p) + (offset)))
 Macro to change data pointer from ET system space to user space. More...
#define ET_PDATA2ET(p, offset)   ((void *)((char *)(p) - (offset)))
 Macro to change data pointer from user space to ET system space. More...
#define ET_64BIT_UINT(hi, lo)   (((uint64_t)(hi) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(lo) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))
 Macro to take 2 ints (up to 64 bits each) and change into 1, unsigned 64-bit int (hi becomes the high 32 bits and lo becomes the low 32 bits). More...
#define ET_64BIT_INT(hi, lo)   (((int64_t)(hi) << 32) | ((int64_t)(lo) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))
 Macro to take 2 ints (up to 64 bits each) and change into 1, signed 64-bit int (hi becomes the high 32 bits and lo becomes the low 32 bits). More...
#define ET_64BIT_P(hi, lo)   ((void *)(((uint64_t)(hi) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(lo) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF)))
 Macro to take 2 ints (up to 64 bits each) and change into 64-bit void pointer (hi becomes the high 32 bits and lo becomes the low 32 bits). More...
#define ET_HIGHINT(i)   ((uint32_t)(((uint64_t)(i) >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))
 Macro to take a 64-bit unsigned int and return the high 32 bits as an unsigned 32-bit int. More...
#define ET_LOWINT(i)   ((uint32_t)((uint64_t)(i) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))
 Macro to take a 64-bit unsigned int and return the low 32 bits as an unsigned 32-bit int. More...


typedef int(* ET_SELECT_FUNCPTR )(void *, et_stat_id, et_event *)
 Defines event selection function. More...
typedef struct et_stat_config_t et_stat_config
 Structure to hold parameters used to configure a station. More...
typedef struct et_stat_data_t et_stat_data
 Structure to hold the current state of a station. More...
typedef struct et_list_t et_list
 Structure defining a station's input or output list of events. More...
typedef struct et_station_t et_station
 Structure defining a station. More...
typedef struct et_sys_config_t et_sys_config
 Structure containing all info necessary to configure an ET system. More...
typedef struct et_system_t et_system
 Structure containing all ET system information. More...
typedef struct et_open_config_t et_open_config
 Structure holding all configuration parameters used to open an ET system. More...
typedef struct et_id_t et_id
 Structure defining an ET system user id (one needed for each system in use) which contains pointers to key mem locations, config info, status info, node locality and remote node info. More...
typedef struct et_mem_t et_mem
 Structure containing info stored at front of shared or mapped memory. More...
typedef struct et_response_t et_response
 Structure for holding an ET system's single response to ET client's broad/multicast. More...
typedef struct et_netthread_t et_netthread
 Struct for passing data from system to network threads. More...
typedef struct et_bridge_config_t et_bridge_config
 Structure to define configuration parameters used to bridge ET systems (transfer events between 2 systems). More...


void et_station_lock (et_system *sys)
void et_station_unlock (et_system *sys)
void et_llist_lock (et_list *pl)
void et_llist_unlock (et_list *pl)
void et_system_lock (et_system *sys)
void et_system_unlock (et_system *sys)
void et_transfer_lock (et_station *ps)
void et_transfer_unlock (et_station *ps)
void et_transfer_lock_all (et_id *id)
void et_transfer_unlock_all (et_id *id)
void et_tcp_lock (et_id *id)
void et_tcp_unlock (et_id *id)
void et_memRead_lock (et_id *id)
void et_memWrite_lock (et_id *id)
void et_mem_unlock (et_id *id)
int et_mutex_locked (pthread_mutex_t *pmutex)
int et_repair_station (et_id *id, et_stat_id stat_id)
int et_repair_gc (et_id *id)
void et_init_station (et_station *ps)
void et_init_llist (et_list *pl)
void et_init_event (et_event *pe)
void et_init_event_ (et_event *pe)
void et_init_process (et_system *sys, et_proc_id id)
void et_init_attachment (et_system *sys, et_att_id id)
void et_init_histogram (et_id *id)
void et_init_stats_att (et_system *sys, et_att_id id)
void et_init_stats_allatts (et_system *sys)
void et_init_stats_station (et_station *ps)
void et_init_stats_allstations (et_id *id)
void et_init_stats_all (et_id *id)
int et_id_init (et_sys_id *id)
void et_id_destroy (et_sys_id id)
int et_station_write (et_id *id, et_stat_id stat_id, et_event *pe)
int et_station_nwrite (et_id *id, et_stat_id stat_id, et_event *pe[], int num)
int et_station_read (et_id *id, et_stat_id stat_id, et_event **pe, int _mode, et_att_id att, struct timespec *time)
int et_station_nread (et_id *id, et_stat_id stat_id, et_event *pe[], int mode, et_att_id att, struct timespec *time, int num, int *nread)
int et_station_nread_group (et_id *id, et_stat_id stat_id, et_event *pe[], int mode, et_att_id att, struct timespec *time, int num, int group, int *nread)
int et_station_dump (et_id *id, et_event *pe)
int et_station_ndump (et_id *id, et_event *pe[], int num)
int et_llist_read (et_list *pl, et_event **pe)
int et_llist_write (et_id *id, et_list *pl, et_event **pe, int num)
int et_llist_write_gc (et_id *id, et_event **pe, int num)
int et_restore_events (et_id *id, et_att_id att, et_stat_id stat_id)
void et_flush_events (et_id *id, et_att_id att, et_stat_id stat_id)
int et_mem_create (const char *name, size_t memsize, void **pmemory, size_t *totalSize)
void et_mem_write_first_block (char *ptr, uint32_t headerByteSize, uint64_t eventByteSize, uint64_t headerPosition, uint64_t dataPosition, uint64_t totalByteSize, uint64_t usedByteSize)
int et_mem_attach (const char *name, void **pmemory, et_mem *pInfo)
int et_mem_unmap (const char *name, void *pmem)
int et_mem_remove (const char *name, void *pmem)
int et_mem_size (const char *name, size_t *totalsize, size_t *usedsize)
void * et_temp_create (const char *name, size_t size)
void * et_temp_attach (const char *name, size_t size)
int et_temp_remove (const char *name, void *pmem, size_t size)
int etr_event_new (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event **ev, int mode, struct timespec *deltatime, size_t size)
int etr_events_new (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int mode, struct timespec *deltatime, size_t size, int num, int *nread)
int etr_events_new_group (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int mode, struct timespec *deltatime, size_t size, int num, int group, int *nread)
int etr_event_get (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event **ev, int wait, struct timespec *deltatime)
int etr_events_get (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int wait, struct timespec *deltatime, int num, int *nread)
int etr_event_put (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *ev)
int etr_events_put (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int num)
int etr_event_dump (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *ev)
int etr_events_dump (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int num)
int etr_open (et_sys_id *id, const char *et_filename, et_openconfig openconfig)
int etr_close (et_sys_id id)
int etr_forcedclose (et_sys_id id)
int etr_kill (et_sys_id id)
int etr_alive (et_sys_id id)
int etr_wait_for_alive (et_sys_id id)
int etr_wakeup_attachment (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att)
int etr_wakeup_all (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id)
int etr_station_create_at (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id *stat_id, const char *stat_name, et_statconfig sconfig, int position, int parallelposition)
int etr_station_create (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id *stat_id, const char *stat_name, et_statconfig sconfig)
int etr_station_remove (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id)
int etr_station_attach (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, et_att_id *att)
int etr_station_detach (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att)
int etr_station_setposition (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int position, int parallelposition)
int etr_station_getposition (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *position, int *parallelposition)
int etr_station_isattached (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, et_att_id att)
int etr_station_exists (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id *stat_id, const char *stat_name)
int etr_station_getattachments (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *numatts)
int etr_station_getstatus (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *status)
int etr_station_getinputcount (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *cnt)
int etr_station_getoutputcount (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *cnt)
int etr_station_getselect (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *select)
int etr_station_getlib (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, char *lib)
int etr_station_getclass (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, char *classs)
int etr_station_getfunction (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, char *function)
int etr_station_getblock (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *block)
int etr_station_setblock (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int block)
int etr_station_getuser (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *user)
int etr_station_setuser (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int user)
int etr_station_getrestore (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *restore)
int etr_station_setrestore (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int restore)
int etr_station_getprescale (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *prescale)
int etr_station_setprescale (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int prescale)
int etr_station_getcue (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int *cue)
int etr_station_setcue (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int cue)
int etr_station_getselectwords (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int select[])
int etr_station_setselectwords (et_sys_id id, et_stat_id stat_id, int select[])
int etr_system_gettemps (et_sys_id id, int *temps)
int etr_system_gettempsmax (et_sys_id id, int *tempsmax)
int etr_system_getstations (et_sys_id id, int *stations)
int etr_system_getstationsmax (et_sys_id id, int *stationsmax)
int etr_system_getprocs (et_sys_id id, int *procs)
int etr_system_getprocsmax (et_sys_id id, int *procsmax)
int etr_system_getattachments (et_sys_id id, int *atts)
int etr_system_getattsmax (et_sys_id id, int *attsmax)
int etr_system_getheartbeat (et_sys_id id, int *heartbeat)
int etr_system_getpid (et_sys_id id, int *pid)
int etr_system_getgroupcount (et_sys_id id, int *groupCnt)
int etr_attach_geteventsput (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att_id, uint64_t *events)
int etr_attach_geteventsget (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att_id, uint64_t *events)
int etr_attach_geteventsdump (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att_id, uint64_t *events)
int etr_attach_geteventsmake (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att_id, uint64_t *events)
int etn_open (et_sys_id *id, const char *filename, et_openconfig openconfig)
int etn_close (et_sys_id id)
int etn_forcedclose (et_sys_id id)
int etn_kill (et_sys_id id)
int etn_alive (et_sys_id id)
int etn_wait_for_alive (et_sys_id id)
int etn_event_new (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event **ev, int mode, struct timespec *deltatime, size_t size)
int etn_events_new (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int mode, struct timespec *deltatime, size_t size, int num, int *nread)
int etn_events_new_group (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int mode, struct timespec *deltatime, size_t size, int num, int group, int *nread)
int etn_event_get (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event **ev, int mode, struct timespec *deltatime)
int etn_events_get (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int mode, struct timespec *deltatime, int num, int *nread)
int etn_event_put (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *ev)
int etn_events_put (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int num)
int etn_event_dump (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *ev)
int etn_events_dump (et_sys_id id, et_att_id att, et_event *evs[], int num)
int etl_open (et_sys_id *id, const char *filename, et_openconfig openconfig)
int etl_close (et_sys_id id)
int etl_forcedclose (et_sys_id id)
int etl_kill (et_sys_id id)
int etl_alive (et_sys_id id)
int etl_wait_for_alive (et_sys_id id)
int et_wait_for_system (et_sys_id id, struct timespec *timeout, const char *etname)
int et_look (et_sys_id *id, const char *filename)
int et_unlook (et_sys_id id)
void * et_cast_thread (void *arg)
void * et_netserver (void *arg)
int et_findserver (const char *etname, char *ethost, int *port, uint32_t *inetaddr, et_open_config *config, et_response **allETinfo, int debug)
int et_responds (const char *etname)
int et_sharedmutex (void)
int et_findlocality (const char *filename, et_openconfig openconfig)
 This routine determines whether we are looking for the ET system locally, locally on some non-pthread-mutex-sharing operating system, or remotely. More...
int et_station_config_check (et_id *id, et_stat_config *sc)
 This routine checks a station's configuration settings for internal inconsistencies or bad values. More...
int et_station_compare_parallel (et_id *id, et_stat_config *group, et_stat_config *config)
 This routine compares all relevant station configuration parameters to see if both configs are compatible enough to belong in the same parallel station group. More...
void et_logmsg (char *sev, char *fmt,...)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ET_64BIT_INT (   hi,
)    (((int64_t)(hi) << 32) | ((int64_t)(lo) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))

Macro to take 2 ints (up to 64 bits each) and change into 1, signed 64-bit int (hi becomes the high 32 bits and lo becomes the low 32 bits).

#define ET_64BIT_P (   hi,
)    ((void *)(((uint64_t)(hi) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(lo) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF)))

Macro to take 2 ints (up to 64 bits each) and change into 64-bit void pointer (hi becomes the high 32 bits and lo becomes the low 32 bits).

#define ET_64BIT_UINT (   hi,
)    (((uint64_t)(hi) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(lo) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))

Macro to take 2 ints (up to 64 bits each) and change into 1, unsigned 64-bit int (hi becomes the high 32 bits and lo becomes the low 32 bits).

Referenced by etr_event_get(), etr_events_get(), and etr_open().

#define ET_ATT_ACTIVE   1

Attachment is active (attached to a station).

Referenced by et_event_get(), et_event_new(), et_events_get(), et_events_new(), et_events_new_group(), and et_station_attach().

#define ET_ATT_BLOCKED   1

Attachment is blocked on a read.

Referenced by et_wakeup_all().

#define ET_ATT_CONTINUE   0

Attachment is normal.

#define ET_ATT_NOSLEEP   0

Attachment is not in sleep mode.

Referenced by et_wakeup_attachment().

#define ET_ATT_QUIT   1

Attachment must return immediately from ET API call.

Referenced by et_wakeup_all(), and et_wakeup_attachment().

#define ET_ATT_SLEEP   1

Attachment is in simulated sleep mode.

Referenced by et_wakeup_all().

#define ET_ATT_UNBLOCKED   0

Attachment is not blocked on a read.

Referenced by et_wakeup_attachment().

#define ET_ATT_UNUSED   0

Attachment number not in use.

Referenced by et_station_detach().

#define ET_ATTACHMENTS_MAX   100

Maximum number of attachments allowed on the system.

Referenced by et_station_detach(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_setattachments().

#define ET_BEAT_NSEC   500000000

Nanoseconds between heartbeat (integer increment).

#define ET_BEAT_SEC   0

Seconds between heartbeat (integer increment).

#define ET_BIT64_MASK   0x1

Bit mask to select bit in bitInfo word of et_system structure identifying ET system's host running 64-bit OS.

#define ET_CLOSE_NSEC   500000000

Nanoseconds to wait before shutting down ET system.

Referenced by et_system_close().

#define ET_CLOSE_SEC   2

Seconds to wait before shutting down ET system.

Referenced by et_system_close().

#define ET_FIX_DUMP   1

Fixing station's in/output event list after et_events_dump.

#define ET_FIX_READ   0

Fixing station's in/output event list after et_events_get or et_events_new.

#define ET_GET_BIT64 (   x)    ((x) & ET_BIT64_MASK)

Get the bit in the bitInfo word identifying ET system's host as running a 64-bit OS.

#define ET_GET_KILL (   x)    ((x) & ET_KILL_MASK)

Get the bit in the bitInfo word telling ET system to kill itself ASAP.


Max value for heartbeat.

#define ET_HIGHINT (   i)    ((uint32_t)(((uint64_t)(i) >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))

Macro to take a 64-bit unsigned int and return the high 32 bits as an unsigned 32-bit int.

Referenced by etr_event_new(), etr_event_put(), etr_events_new(), etr_events_new_group(), and etr_events_put().


Size in bytes of the data stored at the beginning of the shared memory (these data give general info necessary for Java and C clients to handle the ET system file properly).

Referenced by et_system_start().

#define ET_IS_ALIVE_NSEC   0

Nanoseconds between monitoring heartbeat for seeing if ET alive.

Referenced by et_system_start().

#define ET_IS_ALIVE_SEC   2

Seconds between monitoring heartbeat for seeing if ET alive.

Referenced by et_system_start().

#define ET_KILL_MASK   0x2

Bit mask to select bit in bitInfo word of et_system structure telling ET system to kill itself ASAP.

#define ET_LANG_C   0

C language version of ET software.

#define ET_LANG_CPP   1

C++ language version of ET software.

#define ET_LANG_JAVA   2

Java language version of ET software.

Referenced by et_station_getclass(), et_station_getfunction(), and et_station_getlib().

#define ET_LOWINT (   i)    ((uint32_t)((uint64_t)(i) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF))

Macro to take a 64-bit unsigned int and return the low 32 bits as an unsigned 32-bit int.

Referenced by etr_event_new(), etr_event_put(), etr_events_new(), etr_events_new_group(), and etr_events_put().

#define ET_MAXADDRESSES   10

Max number of network addresses/names per host we'll examine.

Referenced by et_open_config_addmulticast(), et_system_config_addmulticast(), and et_system_config_init().


Max length of a host name including the terminating char.

Referenced by et_station_attach(), etr_open(), and etr_station_attach().

#define ET_MON_NSEC   0

Nanoseconds between monitoring heartbeat for disconnecting from unresponsive clients.

#define ET_MON_SEC   120

Seconds between monitoring heartbeat for disconnecting from unresponsive clients.

#define ET_MUTEX_LOCKED   1

Pthread mutex is locked.

#define ET_MUTEX_NOSHARE   1

Operating system cannot share pthread mutex between different local processes.

#define ET_MUTEX_SHARE   0

Operating system can share pthread mutex between different local processes.

Referenced by et_findlocality(), and et_open().


Pthread mutex is unlocked.

#define ET_NET_ALIVE   40


Referenced by etr_alive().

#define ET_NET_ATT_DUMP   132


Referenced by etr_attach_geteventsdump().

#define ET_NET_ATT_GET   131


Referenced by etr_attach_geteventsget().

#define ET_NET_ATT_MAKE   133


Referenced by etr_attach_geteventsmake().

#define ET_NET_ATT_PUT   130


Referenced by etr_attach_geteventsput().

#define ET_NET_CLOSE   42


Referenced by etr_close().

#define ET_NET_EV_DUMP   26


Referenced by etr_event_dump().

#define ET_NET_EV_DUMP_L   6


#define ET_NET_EV_GET   20


Referenced by etr_event_get().

#define ET_NET_EV_GET_L   0


#define ET_NET_EV_NEW   24


Referenced by etr_event_new().

#define ET_NET_EV_NEW_L   4


#define ET_NET_EV_PUT   22


Referenced by etr_event_put().

#define ET_NET_EV_PUT_L   2


#define ET_NET_EVS_DUMP   27


Referenced by etr_events_dump().

#define ET_NET_EVS_DUMP_L   7


#define ET_NET_EVS_GET   21


Referenced by etr_events_get().

#define ET_NET_EVS_GET_L   1


#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW   25


Referenced by etr_events_new().

#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_GRP   28


Referenced by etr_events_new_group().

#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_GRP_JAVA   29
#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_GRP_L   8


#define ET_NET_EVS_NEW_L   5


#define ET_NET_EVS_PUT   23


Referenced by etr_events_put().

#define ET_NET_EVS_PUT_L   3


#define ET_NET_FCLOSE   43


Referenced by etr_forcedclose().

#define ET_NET_KILL   46


Referenced by etr_kill().

#define ET_NET_STAT_ATT   60


Referenced by etr_station_attach().

#define ET_NET_STAT_CLASS   86


Referenced by etr_station_getclass().

#define ET_NET_STAT_CRAT   62


Referenced by etr_station_create_at().

#define ET_NET_STAT_DET   61


Referenced by etr_station_detach().

#define ET_NET_STAT_EX   81


Referenced by etr_station_exists().

#define ET_NET_STAT_FUNC   85


Referenced by etr_station_getfunction().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GATTS   100


Referenced by etr_station_getattachments().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GBLOCK   104


Referenced by etr_station_getblock().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GCUE   108


Referenced by etr_station_getcue().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GPOS   65


Referenced by etr_station_getposition().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GPRE   107


Referenced by etr_station_getprescale().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GRESTORE   106


Referenced by etr_station_getrestore().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GSELECT   109


Referenced by etr_station_getselect().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GSW   83


Referenced by etr_station_getselectwords().

#define ET_NET_STAT_GUSER   105


Referenced by etr_station_getuser().

#define ET_NET_STAT_INCNT   102


Referenced by etr_station_getinputcount().

#define ET_NET_STAT_ISAT   80


Referenced by etr_station_isattached().

#define ET_NET_STAT_LIB   84


Referenced by etr_station_getlib().

#define ET_NET_STAT_OUTCNT   103


Referenced by etr_station_getoutputcount().

#define ET_NET_STAT_RM   63


Referenced by etr_station_remove().

#define ET_NET_STAT_SBLOCK   115


Referenced by etr_station_setblock().

#define ET_NET_STAT_SCUE   119


Referenced by etr_station_setcue().

#define ET_NET_STAT_SPOS   64


Referenced by etr_station_setposition().

#define ET_NET_STAT_SPRE   118


Referenced by etr_station_setprescale().

#define ET_NET_STAT_SRESTORE   117


Referenced by etr_station_setrestore().

#define ET_NET_STAT_SSW   82


Referenced by etr_station_setselectwords().

#define ET_NET_STAT_STATUS   101


Referenced by etr_station_getstatus().

#define ET_NET_STAT_SUSER   116


Referenced by etr_station_setuser().

#define ET_NET_SYS_ATT   156


Referenced by etr_system_getattachments().

#define ET_NET_SYS_ATTMAX   157


Referenced by etr_system_getattsmax().

#define ET_NET_SYS_DATA   170

send ET system data

#define ET_NET_SYS_GRP   160


Referenced by etr_system_getgroupcount().

#define ET_NET_SYS_GRPS   172

send size of each event group

#define ET_NET_SYS_HBEAT   158


Referenced by etr_system_getheartbeat().

#define ET_NET_SYS_HIST   171

send ET histogram data

#define ET_NET_SYS_PID   159


Referenced by etr_system_getpid().

#define ET_NET_SYS_PROC   154


Referenced by etr_system_getprocs().

#define ET_NET_SYS_PROCMAX   155


Referenced by etr_system_getprocsmax().

#define ET_NET_SYS_STAT   152


Referenced by etr_system_getstations().

#define ET_NET_SYS_STATMAX   153


Referenced by etr_system_getstationsmax().

#define ET_NET_SYS_TMP   150


Referenced by etr_system_gettemps().

#define ET_NET_SYS_TMPMAX   151


Referenced by etr_system_gettempsmax().

#define ET_NET_WAIT   41


Referenced by etr_wait_for_alive().

#define ET_NET_WAKE_ALL   45


Referenced by etr_wakeup_all().

#define ET_NET_WAKE_ATT   44


Referenced by etr_wakeup_attachment().

#define ET_P2EVENT (   etid,
)    ((et_event *)((et_event *)(etid->events) + (place)))

Macro to get pointer to event from system id and event place.

#define ET_PDATA2ET (   p,
)    ((void *)((char *)(p) - (offset)))

Macro to change data pointer from user space to ET system space.

#define ET_PDATA2USR (   p,
)    ((void *)((char *)(p) + (offset)))

Macro to change data pointer from ET system space to user space.

Referenced by et_event_get(), et_event_new(), et_events_get(), et_events_new(), and et_events_new_group().

#define ET_PEVENT2ET (   p,
)    ((et_event *)((char *)(p) - (offset)))

Macro to change event pointer from user space to ET system space.

#define ET_PEVENT2USR (   p,
)    ((et_event *)((char *)(p) + (offset)))

Macro to change event pointer from ET system space to user space.

#define ET_PROC_CLOSED   0

Process has closed ET systems (no access to mapped memory).

#define ET_PROC_ETDEAD   0

Process thinks ET system it is connected to is dead.

#define ET_PROC_ETOK   1

Process thinks ET system it is connected to is OK.

#define ET_PROC_OPEN   1

Process has opened ET system (has access to mapped memory).


Maximum number of local processes allowed to open the system.

Referenced by et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_setprocs().

#define ET_PSTAT2ET (   p,
)    ((et_station *)((char *)(p) - (offset)))

Macro to change station pointer from user space to ET system space.

#define ET_PSTAT2USR (   p,
)    ((et_station *)((char *)(p) + (offset)))

Macro to change station pointer from ET system space to user space.

#define ET_SET_BIT64 (   x)    ((x) | ET_BIT64_MASK)

Set the bit in the bitInfo word identifying ET system's host as running a 64-bit OS.

#define ET_SET_KILL (   x)    ((x) | ET_KILL_MASK)

Set the bit in the bitInfo word telling ET system to kill itself ASAP.

#define ET_STRUCT_NEW   0

Structure is newly created and not yet initialized.

#define ET_STRUCT_OK   1

Structure is initialized and ready for use.

Referenced by et_bridge_config_getchunkfrom(), et_bridge_config_getchunkto(), et_bridge_config_getmodefrom(), et_bridge_config_getmodeto(), et_bridge_config_gettimeoutfrom(), et_bridge_config_gettimeoutto(), et_bridge_config_init(), et_bridge_config_setchunkfrom(), et_bridge_config_setchunkto(), et_bridge_config_setfunc(), et_bridge_config_setmodefrom(), et_bridge_config_setmodeto(), et_bridge_config_settimeoutfrom(), et_bridge_config_settimeoutto(), et_open(), et_open_config_addbroadcast(), et_open_config_addmulticast(), et_open_config_getcast(), et_open_config_getdebugdefault(), et_open_config_gethost(), et_open_config_getinterface(), et_open_config_getmode(), et_open_config_getpolicy(), et_open_config_getport(), et_open_config_getserverport(), et_open_config_gettcp(), et_open_config_gettimeout(), et_open_config_getTTL(), et_open_config_getwait(), et_open_config_init(), et_open_config_removebroadcast(), et_open_config_removemulticast(), et_open_config_setcast(), et_open_config_setdebugdefault(), et_open_config_sethost(), et_open_config_setinterface(), et_open_config_setmode(), et_open_config_setpolicy(), et_open_config_setport(), et_open_config_setserverport(), et_open_config_settcp(), et_open_config_settimeout(), et_open_config_setTTL(), et_open_config_setwait(), et_station_config_getblock(), et_station_config_getclass(), et_station_config_getcue(), et_station_config_getflow(), et_station_config_getfunction(), et_station_config_getlib(), et_station_config_getprescale(), et_station_config_getrestore(), et_station_config_getselect(), et_station_config_getselectwords(), et_station_config_getuser(), et_station_config_init(), et_station_config_setblock(), et_station_config_setclass(), et_station_config_setcue(), et_station_config_setflow(), et_station_config_setfunction(), et_station_config_setlib(), et_station_config_setprescale(), et_station_config_setrestore(), et_station_config_setselect(), et_station_config_setselectwords(), et_station_config_setuser(), et_station_create_at(), et_system_config_addmulticast(), et_system_config_getattachments(), et_system_config_getevents(), et_system_config_getfile(), et_system_config_getport(), et_system_config_getprocs(), et_system_config_getserverport(), et_system_config_getsize(), et_system_config_getstations(), et_system_config_gettcp(), et_system_config_gettemps(), et_system_config_init(), et_system_config_removemulticast(), et_system_config_setattachments(), et_system_config_setevents(), et_system_config_setfile(), et_system_config_setgroups(), et_system_config_setport(), et_system_config_setprocs(), et_system_config_setserverport(), et_system_config_setsize(), et_system_config_setstations(), et_system_config_settcp(), et_system_config_settemps(), et_system_getattachments(), et_system_getattsmax(), et_system_getdebug(), et_system_geteventsize(), et_system_getgroup(), et_system_getheartbeat(), et_system_gethost(), et_system_getlocaladdress(), et_system_getlocality(), et_system_getnumevents(), et_system_getpid(), et_system_getprocs(), et_system_getprocsmax(), et_system_getserverport(), et_system_getstations(), et_system_getstationsmax(), et_system_gettemps(), et_system_gettempsmax(), et_system_setdebug(), and et_system_setgroup().

#define ET_SYSTEM_TYPE_C   1

ET system implemented through C language library.


ET system implemented through Java language library.

#define ET_THREAD_KEEP   0

Keep thread around.

#define ET_THREAD_KILL   1
#define ET_VERSION   16

Major version number.

#define ET_VERSION_MINOR   4

Minor version number.

Typedef Documentation

Structure to define configuration parameters used to bridge ET systems (transfer events between 2 systems).

typedef struct et_id_t et_id

Structure defining an ET system user id (one needed for each system in use) which contains pointers to key mem locations, config info, status info, node locality and remote node info.

typedef struct et_list_t et_list

Structure defining a station's input or output list of events.

typedef struct et_mem_t et_mem

Structure containing info stored at front of shared or mapped memory.

typedef struct et_netthread_t et_netthread

Struct for passing data from system to network threads.

Structure holding all configuration parameters used to open an ET system.

typedef struct et_response_t et_response

Structure for holding an ET system's single response to ET client's broad/multicast.

typedef int(* ET_SELECT_FUNCPTR)(void *, et_stat_id, et_event *)

Defines event selection function.

Structure to hold parameters used to configure a station.

typedef struct et_stat_data_t et_stat_data

Structure to hold the current state of a station.

typedef struct et_station_t et_station

Structure defining a station.

Structure containing all info necessary to configure an ET system.

typedef struct et_system_t et_system

Structure containing all ET system information.

Function Documentation

void* et_cast_thread ( void *  arg)

Referenced by et_system_start().

int et_findlocality ( const char *  filename,
et_openconfig  openconfig 

This routine determines whether we are looking for the ET system locally, locally on some non-pthread-mutex-sharing operating system, or remotely.

filenamename of ET system file.
openconfigET system open configuration.
ET_REMOTE if looking for a remote ET system.
ET_LOCAL if looking for a local ET system.
ET_LOCAL_NOSHARE if looking for a local ET system without pthread mutex sharing.

References ET_DEBUG_NONE, ET_ERROR, ET_ERROR_TIMEOUT, ET_ERROR_TOOMANY, et_findserver2(), ET_HOST_ANYWHERE, ET_HOST_AS_REMOTE, ET_HOST_LOCAL, ET_HOST_REMOTE, ET_IPADDRSTRLEN, ET_LOCAL, ET_LOCAL_NOSHARE, et_logmsg(), ET_MUTEX_SHARE, ET_REMOTE, et_sharedmutex(), et_open_config_t::host, and et_open_config_t::mode.

Referenced by et_open().

int et_findserver ( const char *  etname,
char *  ethost,
int *  port,
uint32_t *  inetaddr,
et_open_config config,
et_response **  allETinfo,
int  debug 

Referenced by etr_open().

void et_flush_events ( et_id id,
et_att_id  att,
et_stat_id  stat_id 

Referenced by et_station_detach().

int et_id_init ( et_sys_id id)

Referenced by et_open(), and et_system_start().

void et_init_attachment ( et_system sys,
et_att_id  id 

Referenced by et_station_attach().

void et_init_event_ ( et_event pe)
void et_init_histogram ( et_id id)

Referenced by et_system_start().

void et_init_llist ( et_list pl)
void et_init_process ( et_system sys,
et_proc_id  id 
void et_init_station ( et_station ps)

Referenced by et_station_create_at().

void et_init_stats_all ( et_id id)
void et_init_stats_allatts ( et_system sys)
void et_init_stats_allstations ( et_id id)
void et_init_stats_att ( et_system sys,
et_att_id  id 
void et_init_stats_station ( et_station ps)
void et_llist_lock ( et_list pl)
int et_llist_read ( et_list pl,
et_event **  pe 
void et_llist_unlock ( et_list pl)
int et_llist_write ( et_id id,
et_list pl,
et_event **  pe,
int  num 
int et_llist_write_gc ( et_id id,
et_event **  pe,
int  num 
void et_logmsg ( char *  sev,
char *  fmt,

Referenced by et_attach_geteventsdump(), et_attach_geteventsget(), et_attach_geteventsmake(), et_attach_geteventsput(), et_event_dump(), et_event_get(), et_event_new(), et_event_put(), et_event_setdatabuffer(), et_events_bridge(), et_events_dump(), et_events_get(), et_events_new(), et_events_new_group(), et_events_put(), et_findlocality(), et_open(), et_station_attach(), et_station_compare_parallel(), et_station_config_check(), et_station_create_at(), et_station_detach(), et_station_exists(), et_station_getattachments(), et_station_getblock(), et_station_getclass(), et_station_getcue(), et_station_getfunction(), et_station_getinputcount(), et_station_getlib(), et_station_getoutputcount(), et_station_getposition(), et_station_getprescale(), et_station_getrestore(), et_station_getselect(), et_station_getselectwords(), et_station_getstatus(), et_station_getuser(), et_station_isattached(), et_station_remove(), et_station_setblock(), et_station_setcue(), et_station_setposition(), et_station_setprescale(), et_station_setrestore(), et_station_setselectwords(), et_station_setuser(), et_system_close(), et_system_start(), et_wakeup_all(), et_wakeup_attachment(), etr_alive(), etr_close(), etr_event_dump(), etr_event_get(), etr_event_new(), etr_event_put(), etr_events_dump(), etr_events_get(), etr_events_new(), etr_events_new_group(), etr_events_put(), etr_forcedclose(), etr_kill(), etr_open(), etr_station_attach(), etr_station_create_at(), etr_station_detach(), etr_station_exists(), etr_station_getclass(), etr_station_getfunction(), etr_station_getlib(), etr_station_getposition(), etr_station_getselectwords(), etr_station_isattached(), etr_station_remove(), etr_station_setposition(), etr_station_setselectwords(), etr_wait_for_alive(), etr_wakeup_all(), and etr_wakeup_attachment().

int et_look ( et_sys_id id,
const char *  filename 
int et_mem_attach ( const char *  name,
void **  pmemory,
et_mem pInfo 

Referenced by et_system_start().

int et_mem_create ( const char *  name,
size_t  memsize,
void **  pmemory,
size_t *  totalSize 

Referenced by et_system_start().

int et_mem_remove ( const char *  name,
void *  pmem 

Referenced by et_system_start().

int et_mem_size ( const char *  name,
size_t *  totalsize,
size_t *  usedsize 
int et_mem_unmap ( const char *  name,
void *  pmem 
void et_mem_write_first_block ( char *  ptr,
uint32_t  headerByteSize,
uint64_t  eventByteSize,
uint64_t  headerPosition,
uint64_t  dataPosition,
uint64_t  totalByteSize,
uint64_t  usedByteSize 

Referenced by et_system_start().

void et_memWrite_lock ( et_id id)

Referenced by et_station_detach().

int et_mutex_locked ( pthread_mutex_t *  pmutex)
void* et_netserver ( void *  arg)

Referenced by et_system_start().

int et_repair_gc ( et_id id)
int et_repair_station ( et_id id,
et_stat_id  stat_id 
int et_responds ( const char *  etname)
int et_restore_events ( et_id id,
et_att_id  att,
et_stat_id  stat_id 

Referenced by et_station_detach().

int et_sharedmutex ( void  )

Referenced by et_findlocality(), and et_open().

int et_station_compare_parallel ( et_id id,
et_stat_config group,
et_stat_config config 

This routine compares all relevant station configuration parameters to see if both configs are compatible enough to belong in the same parallel station group.

idet system id.
grouppointer to config of a station already in a parallel group.
configpointer to config of station to add to parallel group.
1 if compatible.
0 if NOT compatible.

References et_stat_config_t::block_mode, et_id_t::debug, ET_DEBUG_ERROR, et_logmsg(), ET_STATION_SELECT_EQUALCUE, ET_STATION_SELECT_RROBIN, et_stat_config_t::flow_mode, et_stat_config_t::prescale, and et_stat_config_t::select_mode.

int et_station_dump ( et_id id,
et_event pe 

Referenced by et_event_dump().

int et_station_ndump ( et_id id,
et_event pe[],
int  num 

Referenced by et_events_dump().

int et_station_nread ( et_id id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
et_event pe[],
int  mode,
et_att_id  att,
struct timespec *  time,
int  num,
int *  nread 

Referenced by et_events_get(), and et_events_new().

int et_station_nread_group ( et_id id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
et_event pe[],
int  mode,
et_att_id  att,
struct timespec *  time,
int  num,
int  group,
int *  nread 

Referenced by et_events_new_group().

int et_station_nwrite ( et_id id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
et_event pe[],
int  num 

Referenced by et_events_put().

int et_station_read ( et_id id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
et_event **  pe,
int  _mode,
et_att_id  att,
struct timespec *  time 

Referenced by et_event_get(), and et_event_new().

int et_station_write ( et_id id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
et_event pe 

Referenced by et_event_put().

void et_system_lock ( et_system sys)
void et_system_unlock ( et_system sys)
void* et_temp_attach ( const char *  name,
size_t  size 

Referenced by et_event_get(), and et_events_get().

void* et_temp_create ( const char *  name,
size_t  size 
int et_temp_remove ( const char *  name,
void *  pmem,
size_t  size 

Referenced by et_event_dump(), and et_events_dump().

void et_transfer_lock ( et_station ps)

Referenced by et_station_remove().

void et_transfer_unlock ( et_station ps)

Referenced by et_station_remove().

int et_unlook ( et_sys_id  id)
int et_wait_for_system ( et_sys_id  id,
struct timespec *  timeout,
const char *  etname 
int etl_alive ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_alive().

int etl_close ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_close().

int etl_forcedclose ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_forcedclose().

int etl_kill ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_kill().

int etl_open ( et_sys_id id,
const char *  filename,
et_openconfig  openconfig 

Referenced by et_open().

int etl_wait_for_alive ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_wait_for_alive().

int etn_alive ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_alive().

int etn_close ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_close().

int etn_event_dump ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event ev 

Referenced by et_event_dump().

int etn_event_get ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event **  ev,
int  mode,
struct timespec *  deltatime 

Referenced by et_event_get().

int etn_event_new ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event **  ev,
int  mode,
struct timespec *  deltatime,
size_t  size 

Referenced by et_event_new().

int etn_event_put ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event ev 

Referenced by et_event_put().

int etn_events_dump ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event evs[],
int  num 

Referenced by et_events_dump().

int etn_events_get ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event evs[],
int  mode,
struct timespec *  deltatime,
int  num,
int *  nread 

Referenced by et_events_get().

int etn_events_new ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event evs[],
int  mode,
struct timespec *  deltatime,
size_t  size,
int  num,
int *  nread 

Referenced by et_events_new().

int etn_events_new_group ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event evs[],
int  mode,
struct timespec *  deltatime,
size_t  size,
int  num,
int  group,
int *  nread 

Referenced by et_events_new_group().

int etn_events_put ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att,
et_event evs[],
int  num 

Referenced by et_events_put().

int etn_forcedclose ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_forcedclose().

int etn_kill ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_kill().

int etn_open ( et_sys_id id,
const char *  filename,
et_openconfig  openconfig 

Referenced by et_open().

int etn_wait_for_alive ( et_sys_id  id)

Referenced by et_wait_for_alive().

int etr_attach_geteventsdump ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att_id,
uint64_t *  events 

References ET_NET_ATT_DUMP.

Referenced by et_attach_geteventsdump().

int etr_attach_geteventsget ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att_id,
uint64_t *  events 

References ET_NET_ATT_GET.

Referenced by et_attach_geteventsget().

int etr_attach_geteventsmake ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att_id,
uint64_t *  events 

References ET_NET_ATT_MAKE.

Referenced by et_attach_geteventsmake().

int etr_attach_geteventsput ( et_sys_id  id,
et_att_id  att_id,
uint64_t *  events 

References ET_NET_ATT_PUT.

Referenced by et_attach_geteventsput().

int etr_station_create ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id stat_id,
const char *  stat_name,
et_statconfig  sconfig 

References ET_END, and etr_station_create_at().

int etr_station_exists ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id stat_id,
const char *  stat_name 
int etr_station_getattachments ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  numatts 


Referenced by et_station_getattachments().

int etr_station_getblock ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  block 


Referenced by et_station_getblock().

int etr_station_getcue ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  cue 

References ET_NET_STAT_GCUE.

Referenced by et_station_getcue().

int etr_station_getinputcount ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  cnt 


Referenced by et_station_getinputcount().

int etr_station_getoutputcount ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  cnt 


Referenced by et_station_getoutputcount().

int etr_station_getposition ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  position,
int *  parallelposition 
int etr_station_getprescale ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  prescale 

References ET_NET_STAT_GPRE.

Referenced by et_station_getprescale().

int etr_station_getrestore ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  restore 


Referenced by et_station_getrestore().

int etr_station_getselect ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  select 


Referenced by et_station_getselect().

int etr_station_getstatus ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  status 


Referenced by et_station_getstatus().

int etr_station_getuser ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int *  user 


Referenced by et_station_getuser().

int etr_station_setblock ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int  block 


Referenced by et_station_setblock().

int etr_station_setcue ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int  cue 

References ET_NET_STAT_SCUE.

Referenced by et_station_setcue().

int etr_station_setposition ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int  position,
int  parallelposition 
int etr_station_setprescale ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int  prescale 

References ET_NET_STAT_SPRE.

Referenced by et_station_setprescale().

int etr_station_setrestore ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int  restore 


Referenced by et_station_setrestore().

int etr_station_setuser ( et_sys_id  id,
et_stat_id  stat_id,
int  user 


Referenced by et_station_setuser().

int etr_system_getattachments ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  atts 

References ET_NET_SYS_ATT.

Referenced by et_system_getattachments().

int etr_system_getattsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  attsmax 


Referenced by et_system_getattsmax().

int etr_system_getgroupcount ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  groupCnt 

References ET_NET_SYS_GRP.

Referenced by et_system_setgroup().

int etr_system_getheartbeat ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  heartbeat 

References ET_NET_SYS_HBEAT.

Referenced by et_system_getheartbeat().

int etr_system_getpid ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  pid 

References ET_NET_SYS_PID.

Referenced by et_system_getpid().

int etr_system_getprocs ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  procs 

References ET_NET_SYS_PROC.

Referenced by et_system_getprocs().

int etr_system_getprocsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  procsmax 


Referenced by et_system_getprocsmax().

int etr_system_getstations ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  stations 

References ET_NET_SYS_STAT.

Referenced by et_system_getstations().

int etr_system_getstationsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  stationsmax 


Referenced by et_system_getstationsmax().

int etr_system_gettemps ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  temps 

References ET_NET_SYS_TMP.

Referenced by et_system_gettemps().

int etr_system_gettempsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  tempsmax 


Referenced by et_system_gettempsmax().