ET System  16.4
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et_stat_config_t Struct Reference

Structure to hold parameters used to configure a station. More...

#include <et_private.h>

Data Fields

int init
 ET_STRUCT_OK if structure properly initialized, else ET_STRUCT_NEW. More...
int flow_mode
 ET_STATION_PARALLEL if station part of a group of stations through which events flow in parallel, or ET_STATION_SERIAL if events flow through each station (default). More...
int user_mode
 Number of attachment allowed, ET_STATION_USER_MULTI for any number, or ET_STATION_USER_SINGLE for only 1. More...
int restore_mode
 if process dies, events it read but didn't write can be sent to: 1) station's ouput with ET_STATION_RESTORE_OUT, 2) station's input with ET_STATION_RESTORE_IN, 3) grand_central station's input with ET_STATION_RESTORE_GC, or 4) previous station's output list for redistribution among a group of parallel stations with ET_STATION_RESTORE_REDIST. More...
int block_mode
 ET_STATION_BLOCKING for accepting every event which meets its condition, or ET_STATION_NONBLOCKING for accepting only enough to fill a limited queue and allowing everything else to continue downstream. More...
int prescale
 For blocking stations only, accept only every Nth normally accepted event. More...
int cue
 For nonblocking stations only, max number of events accepted into input list. More...
int select_mode
 ET_STATION_SELECT_ALL for accepting every event, ET_STATION_SELECT_MATCH for accepting events whose control array must match station's select array by predefined rules, ET_STATION_SELECT_USER for accepting events by a user-supplied library function, ET_STATION_SELECT_RROBIN for accepting events by using a round robin distribution of events to parallel stations, and ET_STATION_SELECT_EQUALCUE for accepting events by distributing an equal number of events in each queue of a single group of parallel stations. More...
 Array of ints for use in event selection. More...
 Name of user-defined event selection routine (for C-based ET system). More...
 Name of shared library containing user-defined event selection routine (for C-based ET system). More...
char classs [ET_FILENAME_LENGTH]
 Name of JAVA class containing method to implement event selection (for Java-based ET system). More...

Detailed Description

Structure to hold parameters used to configure a station.

Field Documentation

int et_stat_config_t::block_mode

ET_STATION_BLOCKING for accepting every event which meets its condition, or ET_STATION_NONBLOCKING for accepting only enough to fill a limited queue and allowing everything else to continue downstream.

Referenced by et_station_compare_parallel(), et_station_config_check(), et_station_config_getblock(), et_station_config_init(), et_station_config_setblock(), et_station_create_at(), et_station_getblock(), et_station_setblock(), and etr_station_create_at().

char et_stat_config_t::classs[ET_FILENAME_LENGTH]

Name of JAVA class containing method to implement event selection (for Java-based ET system).

Referenced by et_station_config_getclass(), et_station_config_init(), et_station_config_setclass(), et_station_getclass(), and etr_station_create_at().

int et_stat_config_t::cue
int et_stat_config_t::flow_mode

ET_STATION_PARALLEL if station part of a group of stations through which events flow in parallel, or ET_STATION_SERIAL if events flow through each station (default).

Referenced by et_station_attach(), et_station_compare_parallel(), et_station_config_check(), et_station_config_getflow(), et_station_config_init(), et_station_config_setflow(), et_station_create_at(), and etr_station_create_at().

char et_stat_config_t::fname[ET_FUNCNAME_LENGTH]
char et_stat_config_t::lib[ET_FILENAME_LENGTH]

Name of shared library containing user-defined event selection routine (for C-based ET system).

Referenced by et_station_config_check(), et_station_config_getlib(), et_station_config_init(), et_station_config_setlib(), et_station_getlib(), and etr_station_create_at().

int et_stat_config_t::restore_mode

if process dies, events it read but didn't write can be sent to: 1) station's ouput with ET_STATION_RESTORE_OUT, 2) station's input with ET_STATION_RESTORE_IN, 3) grand_central station's input with ET_STATION_RESTORE_GC, or 4) previous station's output list for redistribution among a group of parallel stations with ET_STATION_RESTORE_REDIST.

Referenced by et_station_config_check(), et_station_config_getrestore(), et_station_config_init(), et_station_config_setrestore(), et_station_create_at(), et_station_getrestore(), et_station_setrestore(), and etr_station_create_at().

int et_stat_config_t::select_mode

ET_STATION_SELECT_ALL for accepting every event, ET_STATION_SELECT_MATCH for accepting events whose control array must match station's select array by predefined rules, ET_STATION_SELECT_USER for accepting events by a user-supplied library function, ET_STATION_SELECT_RROBIN for accepting events by using a round robin distribution of events to parallel stations, and ET_STATION_SELECT_EQUALCUE for accepting events by distributing an equal number of events in each queue of a single group of parallel stations.

Referenced by et_station_compare_parallel(), et_station_config_check(), et_station_config_getselect(), et_station_config_init(), et_station_config_setselect(), et_station_create_at(), et_station_getclass(), et_station_getfunction(), et_station_getlib(), et_station_getselect(), et_station_setblock(), et_station_setprescale(), et_station_setrestore(), and etr_station_create_at().

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