et_sys_config_t Struct Reference

Structure containing all info necessary to configure an ET system. More...

#include <et_private.h>

Data Fields

uint64_t event_size
 Event size in bytes.
int init
 ET_STRUCT_OK if structure initialized, else ET_STRUCT_NEW.
int nevents
 Total # of events.
int ntemps
 Max number of temporary events allowed (<= nevents).
int nstations
 Max number of stations allowed (including GrandCentral).
int nprocesses
 Max number of local processes allowed to open ET system.
int nattachments
 Max number of attachments to stations allowed.
int groupCount
 Number of event groups.
int groups [ET_EVENT_GROUPS_MAX]
 Array in which index is the group number (-1) and value is the number of events in that group (there are "groupCount" number of valid groups).
char filename [ET_FILENAME_LENGTH]
 Name of the ET system file.
int port
 Broad/multicast port # for UDP communication.
int serverport
 Port # for ET system TCP server thread.
int tcpSendBufSize
 TCP send buffer size in bytes of socket connecting to ET client.
int tcpRecvBufSize
 TCP receive buffer size in bytes of socket connecting to ET client.
int tcpNoDelay
 If 0, sockets to clients have TCP_NODELAY option off, else on.
codaNetInfo netinfo
 All local network info.
codaDotDecIpAddrs bcastaddrs
 All local subnet broadcast addresses (dot-decimal).
codaDotDecIpAddrs mcastaddrs
 All multicast addresses to listen on (dot-decimal).

Detailed Description

Structure containing all info necessary to configure an ET system.

Field Documentation

codaDotDecIpAddrs et_sys_config_t::bcastaddrs

All local subnet broadcast addresses (dot-decimal).

Referenced by et_system_close(), and et_system_config_init().

char et_sys_config_t::filename[ET_FILENAME_LENGTH]

Name of the ET system file.

Referenced by et_system_config_getfile(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_setfile().

int et_sys_config_t::groups[ET_EVENT_GROUPS_MAX]

Array in which index is the group number (-1) and value is the number of events in that group (there are "groupCount" number of valid groups).

Referenced by et_system_config_init(), et_system_config_setevents(), and et_system_config_setgroups().

codaDotDecIpAddrs et_sys_config_t::mcastaddrs

All multicast addresses to listen on (dot-decimal).

Referenced by et_system_close(), et_system_config_addmulticast(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_removemulticast().

All local network info.

Referenced by et_system_config_init().

Max number of local processes allowed to open ET system.

Referenced by et_system_config_getprocs(), et_system_config_init(), et_system_config_setprocs(), and et_system_getprocsmax().

Broad/multicast port # for UDP communication.

Referenced by et_system_config_getport(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_setport().

Port # for ET system TCP server thread.

Referenced by et_system_config_getserverport(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_setserverport().

If 0, sockets to clients have TCP_NODELAY option off, else on.

Referenced by et_system_config_gettcp(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_settcp().

TCP receive buffer size in bytes of socket connecting to ET client.

Referenced by et_system_config_gettcp(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_settcp().

TCP send buffer size in bytes of socket connecting to ET client.

Referenced by et_system_config_gettcp(), et_system_config_init(), and et_system_config_settcp().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on 30 Jul 2015 for ET System by  doxygen 1.6.1