ET System  16.4
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et_sysconfig.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "et_private.h"


int et_system_config_init (et_sysconfig *sconfig)
 This routine initializes a configuration used to define an ET system. More...
int et_system_config_destroy (et_sysconfig sconfig)
 This routine frees the memory allocated when a system configuration is initialized by et_system_config_init. More...
int et_system_config_setevents (et_sysconfig sconfig, int val)
 This routine sets the configuration's total number of events. More...
int et_system_config_getevents (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's total number of events. More...
int et_system_config_setsize (et_sysconfig sconfig, size_t val)
 This routine sets the configuration's event size in bytes. More...
int et_system_config_getsize (et_sysconfig sconfig, size_t *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's event size in bytes. More...
int et_system_config_settemps (et_sysconfig sconfig, int val)
 This routine sets the configuration's maximum number of temporary events. More...
int et_system_config_gettemps (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's maximum number of temporary events. More...
int et_system_config_setstations (et_sysconfig sconfig, int val)
 This routine sets the configuration's maximum number of stations that may be created (including GRAND_CENTRAL). More...
int et_system_config_getstations (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's maximum number of stations that may be created (including GRAND_CENTRAL). More...
int et_system_config_setprocs (et_sysconfig sconfig, int val)
 This routine sets the configuration's maximum number of processes that may be created. More...
int et_system_config_getprocs (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's maximum number of processes that may be created. More...
int et_system_config_setattachments (et_sysconfig sconfig, int val)
 This routine sets the configuration's maximum number of attachments that may be created. More...
int et_system_config_getattachments (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's maximum number of attachments that may be created. More...
int et_system_config_setport (et_sysconfig sconfig, int val)
 This routine sets the configuration's UDP listening port used by remote users trying to find the ET system by broad/multicasting. More...
int et_system_config_getport (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's UDP listening port used by remote users trying to find the ET system by broad/multicasting. More...
int et_system_config_setserverport (et_sysconfig sconfig, int val)
 This routine sets the configuration's TCP listening port number used to communicate with remote users. More...
int et_system_config_getserverport (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's TCP listening port number used to communicate with remote users. More...
int et_system_config_setgroups (et_sysconfig sconfig, int groups[], int size)
 This routine sets the configuration's number of event groups and how many events are in each group. More...
int et_system_config_settcp (et_sysconfig sconfig, int rBufSize, int sBufSize, int noDelay)
 This routine sets the configuration's TCP socket options used when communicating with remote users over sockets. More...
int et_system_config_gettcp (et_sysconfig sconfig, int *rBufSize, int *sBufSize, int *noDelay)
 This routine gets the configuration's TCP socket options used when communicating with remote users over sockets. More...
int et_system_config_addmulticast (et_sysconfig sconfig, const char *val)
 This routine adds a multicast address to a list, each address of which the ET system is listening on for UDP packets from users trying to find it. More...
int et_system_config_removemulticast (et_sysconfig sconfig, const char *val)
 This routine removes a multicast address from a list, so that the ET system no longer listens on it for UDP packets from users trying to find the system. More...
int et_system_config_setfile (et_sysconfig sconfig, const char *val)
 This routine sets the configuration's ET system file name. More...
int et_system_config_getfile (et_sysconfig sconfig, char *val)
 This routine gets the configuration's ET system file name. More...
int et_system_setgroup (et_sys_id id, int group)
 This routine sets the default group number of the ET client. More...
int et_system_getgroup (et_sys_id id, int *group)
 This routine gets the default group number of the ET client. More...
int et_system_setdebug (et_sys_id id, int debug)
 This routine sets the level of debug output for the ET client. More...
int et_system_getdebug (et_sys_id id, int *debug)
 This routine gets the level of debug output for the ET client. More...
int et_system_getlocality (et_sys_id id, int *locality)
 This routine gets the locality of the ET client. More...
int et_system_getnumevents (et_sys_id id, int *numevents)
 This routine gets the number of events in the ET system. More...
int et_system_geteventsize (et_sys_id id, size_t *eventsize)
 This routine gets the size of an event in bytes in the ET system. More...
int et_system_gettempsmax (et_sys_id id, int *tempsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of temporary events allowed in the ET system. More...
int et_system_getstationsmax (et_sys_id id, int *stationsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of stations allowed in the ET system. More...
int et_system_getprocsmax (et_sys_id id, int *procsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of local processes that are allowed to open the ET system. More...
int et_system_getattsmax (et_sys_id id, int *attsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of attachments that are allowed to be made to the ET system. More...
int et_system_getheartbeat (et_sys_id id, int *heartbeat)
 This routine gets the current value of the heartbeat of the ET system. More...
int et_system_getpid (et_sys_id id, pid_t *pid)
 This routine gets the unix process id of the ET system process. More...
int et_system_getprocs (et_sys_id id, int *procs)
 This routine gets the number of local processes that have opened the ET system. More...
int et_system_getattachments (et_sys_id id, int *atts)
 This routine gets the number of attachments that have been made to the ET system. More...
int et_system_getstations (et_sys_id id, int *stations)
 This routine gets the number of stations in the ET system. More...
int et_system_gettemps (et_sys_id id, int *temps)
 This routine gets the number of temporary events currently in the ET system. More...
int et_system_getserverport (et_sys_id id, int *port)
 This routine gets the TCP listening port number of the ET system. More...
int et_system_gethost (et_sys_id id, char *host)
 This routine gets the host of the ET system. More...
int et_system_getlocaladdress (et_sys_id id, char *address)
 This routine gets the local IP address, if any, used to connect remotely to the ET system. More...