et_station_t Struct Reference

Structure defining a station. More...

#include <et_private.h>

Data Fields

et_stat_id num
 Unique id # of station, 0 for first station (GrandCentral), = 1 for next station in mapped memory, etc.
int conductor
 Flag to kill conductor thread: when station deleted ET_THREAD_KILL else ET_THREAD_KEEP.
et_stat_id next
 Integer specifying next active or idle station in station chain, (not storing this as a pointer makes for an awkward linked list, but it survives mapping the shared memory to a different spot), and for last station this is -1.
et_stat_id prev
 Previous active or idle station in station chain and for first station this is -1.
et_stat_id nextparallel
 If this station is in a group of parallel stations, this is a "pointer" (actually and index) to the next parallel station and for last station this is -1.
et_stat_id prevparallel
 If this station is in a group of parallel stations, this is a "pointer" (actually an index) to the previous parallel station and for first station this is -1.
int waslast
 Flag = 1 if this station was last one to receive an event when using the round-robin selection method for a parallel group of stations (else = 0).
 Unique station name.
pthread_mutex_t mutex
 Pthread mutex used for keeping the linked list of used stations in order for event transfers.
struct et_fix fix
 Info to repair station's lists after user crash.
et_stat_data data
 Current state of station.
et_stat_config config
 Station configuration.
et_list list_in
 Input list - a linked list containing events to read.
et_list list_out
 Output list - a linked list containing events to be written.

Detailed Description

Structure defining a station.

Field Documentation

Flag to kill conductor thread: when station deleted ET_THREAD_KILL else ET_THREAD_KEEP.

Referenced by et_station_create_at(), et_station_remove(), and et_system_close().

struct et_fix et_station_t::fix [read]

Info to repair station's lists after user crash.

Output list - a linked list containing events to be written.

Referenced by et_station_create_at(), et_station_getoutputcount(), et_station_remove(), and et_system_close().

pthread_mutex_t et_station_t::mutex

Pthread mutex used for keeping the linked list of used stations in order for event transfers.

char et_station_t::name[ET_STATNAME_LENGTH]

Integer specifying next active or idle station in station chain, (not storing this as a pointer makes for an awkward linked list, but it survives mapping the shared memory to a different spot), and for last station this is -1.

If this station is in a group of parallel stations, this is a "pointer" (actually and index) to the next parallel station and for last station this is -1.

Unique id # of station, 0 for first station (GrandCentral), = 1 for next station in mapped memory, etc.

Referenced by et_station_create_at().

Previous active or idle station in station chain and for first station this is -1.

If this station is in a group of parallel stations, this is a "pointer" (actually an index) to the previous parallel station and for first station this is -1.

Flag = 1 if this station was last one to receive an event when using the round-robin selection method for a parallel group of stations (else = 0).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on 30 Jul 2015 for ET System by  doxygen 1.6.1