et_bridge.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include "et_private.h"
#include "et_network.h"


int et_bridge_config_init (et_bridgeconfig *config)
 This routine initializes a configuration used to establish a bridge between 2 ET systems.
int et_bridge_config_destroy (et_bridgeconfig sconfig)
 This routine frees the memory allocated when a bridge configuration is initialized by et_bridge_config_init.
int et_bridge_config_setmodefrom (et_bridgeconfig config, int val)
 This routine sets the mode of getting events from the "from" ET system.
int et_bridge_config_getmodefrom (et_bridgeconfig config, int *val)
 This routine gets the mode of getting events from the "from" ET system.
int et_bridge_config_setmodeto (et_bridgeconfig config, int val)
 This routine sets the mode of getting new events from the "to" ET system.
int et_bridge_config_getmodeto (et_bridgeconfig config, int *val)
 This routine gets the mode of getting new events from the "to" ET system.
int et_bridge_config_setchunkfrom (et_bridgeconfig config, int val)
 This routine sets the maximum number of events to get from the "from" ET system in a single call to et_events_get - the number of events to get in one chunk.
int et_bridge_config_getchunkfrom (et_bridgeconfig config, int *val)
 This routine gets the maximum number of events to get from the "from" ET system in a single call to et_events_get - the number of events to get in one chunk.
int et_bridge_config_setchunkto (et_bridgeconfig config, int val)
 This routine sets the maximum number of new events to get from the "to" ET system in a single call to et_events_new - the number of events to get in one chunk.
int et_bridge_config_getchunkto (et_bridgeconfig config, int *val)
 This routine gets the maximum number of new events to get from the "to" ET system in a single call to et_events_new - the number of events to get in one chunk.
int et_bridge_config_settimeoutfrom (et_bridgeconfig config, struct timespec val)
 This routine sets the time to wait for the "from" ET system during all et_events_get calls when the mode is set to ET_TIMED.
int et_bridge_config_gettimeoutfrom (et_bridgeconfig config, struct timespec *val)
 This routine gets the time to wait for the "from" ET system during all et_events_get calls when the mode is set to ET_TIMED.
int et_bridge_config_settimeoutto (et_bridgeconfig config, struct timespec val)
 This routine sets the time to wait for the "to" ET system during all et_events_new calls when the mode is set to ET_TIMED.
int et_bridge_config_gettimeoutto (et_bridgeconfig config, struct timespec *val)
 This routine gets the time to wait for the "to" ET system during all et_events_new calls when the mode is set to ET_TIMED.
int et_bridge_config_setfunc (et_bridgeconfig config, ET_SWAP_FUNCPTR func)
 This routine sets the function used to automatically swap data from one endian to another when bridging events between two ET systems.
int et_events_bridge (et_sys_id id_from, et_sys_id id_to, et_att_id att_from, et_att_id att_to, et_bridgeconfig bconfig, int num, int *ntransferred)
 This routine transfers events between two ET systems in which events are copied from the "from" ET system and placed into the "to" ET system.

Generated on 30 Jul 2015 for ET System by  doxygen 1.6.1