
These routines are called by the ET system user in order to get or modify parameters of the ET system itself. More...


int et_system_setgroup (et_sys_id id, int group)
 This routine sets the default group number of the ET client.
int et_system_getgroup (et_sys_id id, int *group)
 This routine gets the default group number of the ET client.
int et_system_setdebug (et_sys_id id, int debug)
 This routine sets the level of debug output for the ET client.
int et_system_getdebug (et_sys_id id, int *debug)
 This routine gets the level of debug output for the ET client.
int et_system_getlocality (et_sys_id id, int *locality)
 This routine gets the locality of the ET client.
int et_system_getnumevents (et_sys_id id, int *numevents)
 This routine gets the number of events in the ET system.
int et_system_geteventsize (et_sys_id id, size_t *eventsize)
 This routine gets the size of an event in bytes in the ET system.
int et_system_gettempsmax (et_sys_id id, int *tempsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of temporary events allowed in the ET system.
int et_system_getstationsmax (et_sys_id id, int *stationsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of stations allowed in the ET system.
int et_system_getprocsmax (et_sys_id id, int *procsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of local processes that are allowed to open the ET system.
int et_system_getattsmax (et_sys_id id, int *attsmax)
 This routine gets the maximum number of attachments that are allowed to be made to the ET system.
int et_system_getheartbeat (et_sys_id id, int *heartbeat)
 This routine gets the current value of the heartbeat of the ET system.
int et_system_getpid (et_sys_id id, pid_t *pid)
 This routine gets the unix process id of the ET system process.
int et_system_getprocs (et_sys_id id, int *procs)
 This routine gets the number of local processes that have opened the ET system.
int et_system_getattachments (et_sys_id id, int *atts)
 This routine gets the number of attachments that have been made to the ET system.
int et_system_getstations (et_sys_id id, int *stations)
 This routine gets the number of stations in the ET system.
int et_system_gettemps (et_sys_id id, int *temps)
 This routine gets the number of temporary events currently in the ET system.
int et_system_getserverport (et_sys_id id, int *port)
 This routine gets the TCP listening port number of the ET system.
int et_system_gethost (et_sys_id id, char *host)
 This routine gets the host of the ET system.

Detailed Description

These routines are called by the ET system user in order to get or modify parameters of the ET system itself.

Function Documentation

int et_system_getattachments ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  atts 

This routine gets the number of attachments that have been made to the ET system.

id system id.
atts int pointer which gets filled with the number of attachments.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getattachments(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_system_t::nattachments, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_getattsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  attsmax 

This routine gets the maximum number of attachments that are allowed to be made to the ET system.

id system id.
attsmax int pointer which gets filled with the maximum number of attachments allowed.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References et_system_t::config, ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getattsmax(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_sys_config_t::nattachments, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_getdebug ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  debug 

This routine gets the level of debug output for the ET client.

id system id.
debug int pointer which gets filled with the debug output level which may be one of ET_DEBUG_NONE, ET_DEBUG_SEVERE, ET_DEBUG_ERROR, ET_DEBUG_WARN, or ET_DEBUG_INFO.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
See also:

References et_id_t::debug, ET_ERROR, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, and et_id_t::init.

int et_system_geteventsize ( et_sys_id  id,
size_t *  eventsize 

This routine gets the size of an event in bytes in the ET system.

id system id.
eventsize pointer which gets filled with the size of an event.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.

References et_id_t::esize, ET_ERROR, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, and et_id_t::init.

int et_system_getgroup ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  group 

This routine gets the default group number of the ET client.

sconfig system id.
group int pointer which gets filled with the default group number.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
See also:

References ET_ERROR, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, et_id_t::group, and et_id_t::init.

int et_system_getheartbeat ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  heartbeat 

This routine gets the current value of the heartbeat of the ET system.

For a healthy C-based system, this value changes every heartbeat period (1/2 sec). If the system is Java-based, this call is meaningless and returns a value of 0.

id system id.
heartbeat int pointer which gets filled with the ET system heartbeat.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getheartbeat(), et_system_t::heartbeat, et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_gethost ( et_sys_id  id,
char *  host 

This routine gets the host of the ET system.

To be safe the array should be at least ET_MAXHOSTNAMELEN characters long.

sconfig system configuration.
host pointer which gets filled with the system's host.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or sconfig not initialized.

References ET_ERROR, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, et_id_t::ethost, and et_id_t::init.

int et_system_getlocality ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  locality 

This routine gets the locality of the ET client.

A return value of ET_REMOTE indicates it's on a different host, ET_LOCAL if it's on the same host, or ET_LOCAL_NOSHARE if it's on the same host but unable to share pthread mutexes with the ET system.

id system id.
locality int pointer which gets filled with the locality value which may be one of ET_LOCAL, ET_REMOTE, or ET_LOCAL_NOSHARE.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.

References ET_ERROR, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, et_id_t::init, and et_id_t::locality.

int et_system_getnumevents ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  numevents 

This routine gets the number of events in the ET system.

id system id.
numevents int pointer which gets filled with the number of events.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.

References ET_ERROR, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, et_id_t::init, and et_id_t::nevents.

int et_system_getpid ( et_sys_id  id,
pid_t *  pid 

This routine gets the unix process id of the ET system process.

If the ET system is Java-based, this call is meaningless and returns a value of -1.

id system id.
pid pointer which gets filled with the unix process id of the ET system process.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getpid(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_system_t::mainpid, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_getprocs ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  procs 

This routine gets the number of local processes that have opened the ET system.

If the system is Java-based, this call is meaningless and returns a value of 0 since there is no shared memory.

id system id.
procs int pointer which gets filled with the number of local processes that called et_open.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getprocs(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_system_t::nprocesses, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_getprocsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  procsmax 

This routine gets the maximum number of local processes that are allowed to open the ET system.

If the system is Java-based, this call is meaningless and returns a value of 0 since there is no shared memory.

id system id.
procsmax int pointer which gets filled with the maximum number of local processes allowed.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References et_system_t::config, ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getprocsmax(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_sys_config_t::nprocesses, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_getserverport ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  port 

This routine gets the TCP listening port number of the ET system.

sconfig system configuration.
port int pointer which gets filled with the system's TCP listening port.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or sconfig not initialized.

References ET_ERROR, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, et_id_t::init, and et_id_t::port.

int et_system_getstations ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  stations 

This routine gets the number of stations in the ET system.

id system id.
stations int pointer which gets filled with the number of stations.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getstations(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_system_t::nstations, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_getstationsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  stationsmax 

This routine gets the maximum number of stations allowed in the ET system.

id system id.
stationsmax int pointer which gets filled with the maximum number of stations allowed.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References et_system_t::config, ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getstationsmax(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_sys_config_t::nstations, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_gettemps ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  temps 

This routine gets the number of temporary events currently in the ET system.

If the system is Java-based, this call is meaningless and returns a value of 0 since there is no shared memory and no temp events.

id system id.
temps int pointer which gets filled with the number of temporary events.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_gettemps(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_system_t::ntemps, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_gettempsmax ( et_sys_id  id,
int *  tempsmax 

This routine gets the maximum number of temporary events allowed in the ET system.

If the system is Java-based, this call is meaningless and returns a value of 0 since there is no shared memory and no temp events.

id system id.
tempsmax int pointer which gets filled with the maximum number of temporary events allowed.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if either arg is NULL or id not initialized.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References et_system_t::config, ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_gettempsmax(), et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, et_sys_config_t::ntemps, and et_id_t::sys.

int et_system_setdebug ( et_sys_id  id,
int  debug 

This routine sets the level of debug output for the ET client.

The allowed values are:

id system id.
debug level of debug output which may be one of ET_DEBUG_NONE, ET_DEBUG_SEVERE, ET_DEBUG_ERROR, ET_DEBUG_WARN, or ET_DEBUG_INFO.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if id is NULL or not initialized; if debug is not one of the allowed values.


Referenced by et_open().

int et_system_setgroup ( et_sys_id  id,
int  group 

This routine sets the default group number of the ET client.

When the group is set to 0, calls to et_event_new or et_events_new gets events of any group. When the group number is set to a positive number, the same calls only get events from the given group.

sconfig system id.
val ET system file name.
ET_OK if successful.
ET_ERROR if id is NULL or not initialized; if group < 0 or > # of groups; if remote communication error.
ET_ERROR_READ if network communication reading problem.
ET_ERROR_WRITE if network communication writing problem.

References et_system_t::config, ET_ERROR, ET_LOCAL, ET_OK, ET_STRUCT_OK, etr_system_getgroupcount(), et_id_t::group, et_sys_config_t::groupCount, et_id_t::init, et_id_t::locality, and et_id_t::sys.

Generated on 30 Jul 2015 for ET System by  doxygen 1.6.1