evio | Copyright (c) 2019, Jefferson Science Associates |
BankHeader | This the header for an evio bank structure (EvioBank ) |
nodeIterator | |
nodeBreadthIterator | |
BaseStructure | This is the base class for all evio structures: Banks, Segments, and TagSegments |
BaseStructureHeader | This the header for the base structure (BaseStructure ) |
BlockHeaderV2 | This holds an evio block header, also known as a physical record header |
BlockHeaderV4 | This holds an evio block header, also known as a physical record header |
ByteBuffer | This class is copied from one of the same name in the Java programming language |
ByteOrder | Numerical values associated with endian byte order |
CompactEventBuilder | This class is used for creating events and their substructures while minimizing use of objects |
CompositeData | |
Data | This class is used to provide all data when constructing a CompositeData object |
DataItem | This class defines an individual data item |
SingleMember | This class holds a single, primitive type data item |
Compressor | Singleton class used to provide data compression and decompression in a variety of formats |
DataType | Numerical values associated with evio data types |
EventBuilder | This class is used for creating and manipulating events |
EventHeaderParser | The createXXX methods exist is in the EventParser class in the original Java, but must be moved in C++ to avoid a circular reference to BaseStructure |
EventParser | Creates an object that controls the parsing of events |
EventWriter | An EventWriter object is used for writing events to a file or to a byte buffer |
EvioBank | This holds a CODA Bank structure |
EvioCompactReader | This class is used to read an evio formatted file or buffer and extract specific evio containers (bank, seg, or tagseg) with actual data in them given a tag/num pair |
EvioCompactReaderV4 | This class is used to read an evio format version 4 formatted file or buffer and extract specific evio containers (bank, seg, or tagseg) with actual data in them given a tag/num pair |
EvioCompactReaderV6 | This class is used to read an evio format version 6 formatted file or buffer |
EvioDictionaryEntry | Class to facilitate use of Evio XML dictionary entry data as a key or value in a hash table |
EvioEvent | An event is really just the outer, primary bank |
EvioException | Exception class for Evio software package |
EvioNode | This class is used to store relevant info about an evio container (bank, segment, or tag segment), without having to de-serialize it into many objects and arrays |
EvioReader | This is a class of interest to the user |
EvioReaderV4 | This is a class of interest to the user |
EvioReaderV6 | This class is used to read an evio version 6 format file or buffer |
EvioSegment | This holds a CODA Segment structure |
EvioSwap | Class to hold static methods used to swap evio data |
EvioTagSegment | This holds a CODA TagSegment structure |
EvioXMLDictionary | This was developed to read the xml dictionary that Maurizio uses for GEMC |
FileEventIndex | Class used to handle event indexes in the context of a file (or buffer) and having to change records |
FileHeader | |
HeaderType | Numerical values associated with types of a file or record header |
IBlockHeader | Make a common interface for different versions of the BlockHeader arising from different evio versions |
IEvioCompactReader | This is an interface for a compact reader of evio format files and buffers |
IEvioFilter | This interface allows applications to create filters so that they only receive certain structures when events are being processed |
IEvioListener | In SAX like behavior, implementors will listen for structures encountered when an event is parsed |
IEvioReader | This pure, virtual class is meant to encapsulate the operation of reading both 2 differently formatted evio versions |
Reader | Reader class that reads files stored in the HIPO format |
RecordCompressor | Class used to create a thread which takes data-filled records from a RingBuffer-backed RecordSupply, compresses them, and places them back into the supply |
RecordHeader | |
RecordInput | Class which reads data to create an Evio or HIPO Record |
RecordNode | This class is used to store relevant info about an evio record (or block) along with its position in a buffer |
RecordOutput | Class which handles the creation and use of Evio & HIPO Records |
RecordRingItem | This class provides the items which are supplied by the RecordSupply class |
RecordSupply | This thread-safe, lock-free class is used to provide a very fast supply of RecordRingItems which are reused (using Disruptor software package) |
SegmentHeader | This the header for an evio segment structure (EvioSegment ) |
StructureFinder | This is a set of convenient static methods used to find lists of structures within an event, bank, segment, or tagsegment that match certain criteria |
StructureTransformer | This class contains methods to transform structures from one type to another, for example, changing an EvioSegment into an EvioBank |
StructureType | Numerical values associated with evio structure types |
TagSegmentHeader | This the header for an evio tagsegment structure (EvioTagSegment ) |
Util | Class containing static methods of general purpose |
Writer | Class to write Evio-6.0/HIPO files |
WriterMT | This class is for writing Evio/HIPO files only (not buffers) |