Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
et_attachStructure containing attachment info
et_bridge_config_tStructure to define configuration parameters used to bridge ET systems (transfer events between 2 systems)
et_event_tThis structure defines an Event which exists in shared memory, holds data, and gets passed from station to station
et_fixStruct to fix station's input and output linked lists after crash
et_fixinStructure for fixing station input list
et_fixoutStructure for fixing station output list
et_id_tStructure defining an ET system user id (one needed for each system in use) which contains pointers to key mem locations, config info, status info, node locality and remote node info
et_list_tStructure defining a station's input or output list of events
et_mem_tStructure containing info stored at front of shared or mapped memory
et_netthread_tStruct for passing data from system to network threads
et_open_config_tStructure holding all configuration parameters used to open an ET system
et_procStructure containing local process info
et_response_tStructure for holding an ET system's single response to ET client's broad/multicast
et_stat_config_tStructure to hold parameters used to configure a station
et_stat_data_tStructure to hold the current state of a station
et_station_tStructure defining a station
et_sys_config_tStructure containing all info necessary to configure an ET system
et_system_tStructure containing all ET system information

Generated on 30 Jul 2015 for ET System by  doxygen 1.6.1