Class EvioReader

  extended by org.jlab.coda.jevio.EvioReader

public class EvioReader
extends java.lang.Object

This is a class of interest to the user. It is used to read an evio version 4 or earlier format file or buffer. Create an EvioReader from a File object corresponding to an event file, and from this class you can test the file for consistency and, more importantly, you can call parseNextEvent() or parseEvent(int) to get new events and to stream the embedded structures to an IEvioListener. The same can be done by creating an EvioReader from a ByteBuffer. The streaming effect of parsing an event is that the parser will read the event and hand off structures, such as banks, to any IEvioListeners. For those familiar with XML, the event is processed SAX-like. It is up to the listener to decide what to do with the structures.

As an alternative to stream processing, after an event is parsed, the user can use the events treeModel for access to the structures. For those familiar with XML, the event is processed DOM-like.

NOTE: Even though this class has a constructor that accepts an i/o mode, that is for backwards compatibility only. An EvioReader is used for reading and parsing events only. To write an event file or buffer, use an EventWriter object.

heddle, timmer

Nested Class Summary
static class EvioReader.ReadStatus
          This enum denotes the status of a read.
static class EvioReader.WriteStatus
          This enum denotes the status of a write.
SUCCESS indicates a successful write.
Constructor Summary
EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
          Constructor for reading a buffer.
EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer, boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
          Constructor for reading a buffer.
EvioReader( file)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader( file, boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader(java.lang.String path)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
EvioReader(java.lang.String path, boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
          Constructor for reading an event file.
Method Summary
 boolean checkBlockNumberSequence()
          Is this reader checking the block number sequence and throwing an exception is it's not sequential and starting with 1?
 void close()
          This is equivalent to closing the file.
static boolean compareEventFiles( evFile1, evFile2)
          Method used for diagnostics.
 int fileSize()
          Obtain the file size using the memory mapped buffer's capacity, which should be the same.
 java.nio.ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
          Get the byte buffer being read directly or corresponding to the event file.
 IBlockHeader getCurrentBlockHeader()
          This returns the current (active) block (physical record) header.
 java.lang.String getDictionaryXML()
          Get the XML format dictionary is there is one.
 EvioEvent getEvent(int index)
          Get the event in the file/buffer at a given index (starting at 1).
 int getEventCount()
          This is the number of events in the file.
 int getEvioVersion()
          Get the evio version number.
 java.nio.MappedByteBuffer getMappedByteBuffer()
          Get the memory mapped buffer corresponding to the event file.
 int getNumEventsRemaining()
          Get the number of events remaining in the file.
 EventParser getParser()
          Get the file/buffer parser.
 java.lang.String getPath()
          Get the path to the file.
 EvioEvent gotoEventNumber(int evNumber)
          Go to a specific event in the file.
 boolean hasDictionaryXML()
          Does this evio file have an associated XML dictionary?
 EvioEvent nextEvent()
          Get the next event in the file.
 void parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
          This will parse an event, SAX-like.
 EvioEvent parseEvent(int index)
          This is the workhorse method.
 EvioEvent parseNextEvent()
          This is the workhorse method.
 int position()
          This is equivalent to obtaining the current position in the file.
 void position(int position)
          This is equivalent to setting the current position in the file.
 void rewind()
          The equivalent of rewinding the file.
 void setParser(EventParser parser)
          Set the file/buffer parser.
 EvioReader.WriteStatus toXMLFile(java.lang.String path)
          Rewrite the file to XML (not including dictionary).
 EvioReader.WriteStatus toXMLFile(java.lang.String path, IEvioProgressListener progressListener)
          Rewrite the file to XML (not including dictionary).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EvioReader(java.lang.String path)
           throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading an event file.

path - the full path to the file that contains events. For writing event files, use an EventWriter object.
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null
See Also:


public EvioReader(java.lang.String path,
                  boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
           throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading an event file.

path - the full path to the file that contains events. For writing event files, use an EventWriter object.
checkBlkNumSeq - if true check the block number sequence and throw an exception if it is not sequential starting with 1
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null; if first block number != 1 when checkBlkNumSeq arg is true
See Also:


public EvioReader( file)
           throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading an event file.

file - the file that contains events.
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null
See Also:


public EvioReader( file,
                  boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
           throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading an event file.

file - the file that contains events.
checkBlkNumSeq - if true check the block number sequence and throw an exception if it is not sequential starting with 1
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null; if first block number != 1 when checkBlkNumSeq arg is true
See Also:


public EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
           throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading a buffer.

byteBuffer - the buffer that contains events.
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null
See Also:


public EvioReader(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
                  boolean checkBlkNumSeq)
           throws EvioException,
Constructor for reading a buffer.

byteBuffer - the buffer that contains events.
checkBlkNumSeq - if true check the block number sequence and throw an exception if it is not sequential starting with 1
Throws: - if read failure
EvioException - if file arg is null; if first block number != 1 when checkBlkNumSeq arg is true
See Also:
Method Detail


public boolean checkBlockNumberSequence()
Is this reader checking the block number sequence and throwing an exception is it's not sequential and starting with 1?

true if checking block number sequence, else false


public int getEvioVersion()
Get the evio version number.

evio version number.


public java.lang.String getPath()
Get the path to the file.

path to the file


public EventParser getParser()
Get the file/buffer parser.

file/buffer parser.


public void setParser(EventParser parser)
Set the file/buffer parser.

parser - file/buffer parser.


public java.lang.String getDictionaryXML()
Get the XML format dictionary is there is one.

XML format dictionary, else null.


public boolean hasDictionaryXML()
Does this evio file have an associated XML dictionary?

true if this evio file has an associated XML dictionary, else false


public int getNumEventsRemaining()
                          throws EvioException
Get the number of events remaining in the file.

number of events remaining in the file
EvioException - if failed reading from coda v3 file


public int fileSize()
Obtain the file size using the memory mapped buffer's capacity, which should be the same.

the file size in bytes--actually the mapped memory size.


public java.nio.MappedByteBuffer getMappedByteBuffer()
Get the memory mapped buffer corresponding to the event file.

the memory mapped buffer corresponding to the event file.


public java.nio.ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
Get the byte buffer being read directly or corresponding to the event file.

the byte buffer being read directly or corresponding to the event file.


public EvioEvent getEvent(int index)
                   throws EvioException
Get the event in the file/buffer at a given index (starting at 1). As useful as this sounds, most applications will probably call parseEvent(int) instead, since it combines combines getting the event with parsing it.

index - number of event desired, starting at 1, from beginning of file/buffer
the event in the file at the given index or null if none
EvioException - if failed read due to bad file/buffer format; if out of memory; if index < 1


public EvioEvent parseEvent(int index)
                     throws EvioException
This is the workhorse method. It retrieves the desired event from the file/buffer, and then parses it SAX-like. It will drill down and uncover all structures (banks, segments, and tagsegments) and notify any interested listeners.

index - number of event desired, starting at 1, from beginning of file/buffer
the parsed event at the given index or null if none
EvioException - if failed read due to bad file/buffer format; if out of memory; if index < 1


public EvioEvent nextEvent()
                    throws EvioException
Get the next event in the file. As useful as this sounds, most applications will probably call parseNextEvent() instead, since it combines combines getting the next event with parsing the next event.

In evio version 4, events no longer cross block boundaries. There are only one or more complete events in each block. No changes were made to this method from versions 1-3 in order to read the version 4 format as it is subset of versions 1-3 with variable block length.

the next event in the file. On error it throws an EvioException. On end of file, it returns null.
EvioException - if failed read due to bad buffer format


public EvioEvent parseNextEvent()
                         throws EvioException
This is the workhorse method. It retrieves the next event from the file, and then parses is SAX-like. It will drill down and uncover all structures (banks, segments, and tagsegments) and notify any interested listeners.

the event that was parsed. On error it throws an EvioException. On end of file, it returns null.
EvioException - if read failure or bad format


public void parseEvent(EvioEvent evioEvent)
                throws EvioException
This will parse an event, SAX-like. It will drill down and uncover all structures (banks, segments, and tagsegments) and notify any interested listeners. As useful as this sounds, most applications will probably call parseNextEvent() instead, since it combines combines getting the next event with parsing the next event .

evioEvent - the event to parse.
EvioException - if bad format


public void rewind()
The equivalent of rewinding the file. What it actually does is set the position of the buffer back to 0. This method, along with the two position() and the close() method, allows applications to treat files in a normal random access manner.


public int position()
This is equivalent to obtaining the current position in the file. What it actually does is return the position of the buffer. This method, along with the rewind(), position(int) and the close() method, allows applications to treat files in a normal random access manner.

the position of the buffer.


public void position(int position)
This is equivalent to setting the current position in the file. What it actually does is set the position of the buffer. This method, along with the rewind(), position() and the close() method, allows applications to treat files in a normal random access manner.

position - the new position of the buffer.


public void close()
This is equivalent to closing the file. What it actually does is clear all data from the buffer, and sets its position to 0. This method, along with the rewind() and the two position() methods, allows applications to treat files in a normal random access manner.


public IBlockHeader getCurrentBlockHeader()
This returns the current (active) block (physical record) header. Since most users have no interest in physical records, this method should not be used often. Mostly it is used by the test programs in the EvioReaderTest class.

the current block header.


public EvioEvent gotoEventNumber(int evNumber)
Go to a specific event in the file. The events are numbered 1..N. This number is transient--it is not part of the event as stored in the evio file. In versions 4 and up this is just a wrapper on getEvent(int).

evNumber - the event number in a 1..N counting sense, from the start of the file.
the specified event in file or null if there's an error or nothing at that event #.


public EvioReader.WriteStatus toXMLFile(java.lang.String path)
Rewrite the file to XML (not including dictionary).

path - the path to the XML file.
the status of the write.


public EvioReader.WriteStatus toXMLFile(java.lang.String path,
                                        IEvioProgressListener progressListener)
Rewrite the file to XML (not including dictionary).

path - the path to the XML file.
progressListener - and optional progress listener, can be null.
the status of the write.
See Also:


public int getEventCount()
                  throws EvioException
This is the number of events in the file. Any dictionary event is not included in the count. In versions 3 and earlier, it is not computed unless asked for, and if asked for it is computed and cached.

the number of events in the file.
EvioException - if read failure


public static boolean compareEventFiles( evFile1,
Method used for diagnostics. It compares two event files. It checks the following (in order):
  1. That neither file is null.
  2. That both files exist.
  3. That neither file is a directory.
  4. That both files can be read.
  5. That both files are the same size.
  6. That both files contain the same number of events.
  7. Finally, that they are the same in a byte-by-byte comparison.
NOTE: Two files with the same events but different physical record size will be reported as different. They will fail the same size test.

evFile1 - first file to be compared
evFile2 - second file to be compared
true if the files are, byte-by-byte, identical.