Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
evio::evioBankIndexCreates bank index for serialized event
evio::evioBufferChannelImplements evioChannel functionality for I/O to and from user-supplied evio buffer
evio::evioChannelDefines EVIO I/O channel functionality
evio::evioChannelBufferizablePure virtual class defines single method that implements serialization of object to evio buffer
evio::evioCompositeDOMLeafNodeSub-class of evioDOMLeafNode<uint32_t> represents composite leaf node
evio::evioDictionaryParses XML dictionary string and holds two maps, one for each lookup direction
evio::evioDOMContainerNodeSub-class of evioDOMNode represents an evio container node
evio::evioDOMLeafNode< T >Sub-class of evioDOMNode represents an evio leaf node
evio::evioDOMNodeVirtual class represents an evio node in memory, concrete sub-classes evioDOMContainerNode and evioDOMLeafNode are hidden from users
evio::evioDOMTreeRepresents an evio tree/event in memory
evio::evioExceptionBasic evio exception class
evio::evioFileChannelImplements evioChannel functionality for I/O to and from files
evio::evioSerializableInterface for object serialization
evio::evioSocketChannelImplements evioChannel functionality for I/O to and from socket
evio::evioStreamParserStream parser dispatches to evioStreamParserHandler handlers when node or leaf reached
evio::evioStreamParserHandlerInterface defines node and leaf handlers for use with evioStreamParser
evio::evioToStringConfigConfiguration options for toString() method
evio::evioUtil< T >Templated utility class has method that returns content type based on typename T
evio::evioUtil< double >
evio::evioUtil< float >
evio::evioUtil< int16_t >
evio::evioUtil< int32_t >
evio::evioUtil< int64_t >
evio::evioUtil< int8_t >
evio::evioUtil< string & >
evio::evioUtil< string >
evio::evioUtil< uint16_t >
evio::evioUtil< uint32_t >
evio::evioUtil< uint64_t >
evio::evioUtil< uint8_t >
evio::evioUtilitiesGeneral utilities
evio::isContainerBoolean function object true if container node
evio::isLeafBoolean function object true if leaf node
evio::numEqualsBoolean function object compares on num
evio::parentNameEqualsBoolean function object compares on parent tag and num
evio::parentNumEqualsBoolean function object compares on parent num
evio::parentTagEqualsBoolean function object compares on parent tag
evio::parentTagNumEqualsBoolean function object compares on parent tag and num
evio::parentTypeEqualsBoolean function object compares on parent content type
evio::tagEqualsBoolean function object compares on tag
evio::tagNumEqualsBoolean function object compares on tag and num
evio::toCoutFunction object streams node->toString() to cout
evio::typeEqualsBoolean function object compares on type
evio::typeIs< T >Boolean function object compares to content type for typename T

Generated on 4 Feb 2014 for evio by  doxygen 1.6.1