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addHistoryToPayloadText(String, String, long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method creates a string representation out of the existing payload text and the given history parameters made into payload items together.
addPayloadItem(cMsgPayloadItem) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Adds an item to the payload.
allFields - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
When converting text to message fields, convert all fields.


bigBufferSize - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
The size (in bytes) of big buffers used to send data from client to server.
biggestUdpBufferSize - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
The size (in bytes) of biggest buffers used to send UDP data from client to server.
biggestUdpPacketSize - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
The biggest single UDP packet size is 2^16 - IP(v6) 40 byte header - 8 byte UDP header.
bytesToInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Converts 4 bytes of a byte array into an integer.
bytesToLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Converts 8 bytes of a byte array into a long.
bytesToShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Converts 2 bytes of a byte array into a short.


callback(cMsgMessage, Object) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
Callback method definition.
callback(cMsgMessage, Object) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackInterface
Callback method definition.
cleanUp() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Implement IExecutorThread interface so cMsgNameServer can be run using the Commander/Executor framework.
clearPayload() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Clears the payload of all user-added items.
clearQueue() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Clears the queue of all messages.
clone() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Cloning this object does not pass on the context and copies the byte array if it exists.
clone() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Clone this object.
cloudAny - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Failover of client to a server in the cloud will go to any of the cloud servers (default).
cloudLocal - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Failover of client to a server in the cloud will go to a local cloud server first before others are considered.
cMsg - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This class is instantiated by a client in order to connect to a domain.
cMsg(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Constructor which creates the object used to connect to the UDL (domain) specified.
cMsgAlarmServer - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is a general purpose cMsg alarm server which logs special cMsg alarm messages to screen, file, and/or database.
cMsgAlarmServer() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgAlarmServer
cMsgCallbackAdapter - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This class is an adapter which implements the cMsgCallbackInterface.
cMsgCallbackAdapter() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
cMsgCallbackInterface - Interface in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This interface provides an API for the client callbacks in the cMsg system.
cMsgConstants - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This interface defines some useful constants.
cMsgConsumer - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is an example class which creates a cMsg message consumer.
cMsgDomainMulticast - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Int to send in UDP packet to cMsg name server if cMsg domain.
cMsgException - Exception in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This class represents an error that occurred while attempting to execute a cMsg method.
cMsgException(String, int) - Constructor for exception org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and a return code.
cMsgException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
cMsgException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
cMsgException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
cMsgException() - Constructor for exception org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
cMsgFileToXML - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
Dumps cMsgQueue binary files to XML;
cMsgFileToXML() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgFileToXML
cMsgFindLocalNetworkInfo - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is an class which printout out some local network information.
cMsgFindLocalNetworkInfo() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgFindLocalNetworkInfo
cMsgFindServers - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is an example class which creates a cMsg server finder.
cMsgGateway - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is a general purpose cMsg gateway which cross-posts message between two domains.
cMsgGateway() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgGateway
cMsgGetConsumer - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is an example class which creates a cMsg client that synchronously either sends and receives messages by calling cMsg.sendAndGet(org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage, int) or subscribes to a subject and type and receives a response by calling cMsg.subscribeAndGet(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int).
cMsgGetResponder - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is an example class which creates a client designed to respond to sendAndGet messages from another client (see cMsgGetConsumer).
cMsgLogger - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This class is a general purpose message logger which logs cMsg messages to screen, file, and/or database.
cMsgLogger() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgLogger
cMsgMessage - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This class implements a message in the cMsg messaging system.
cMsgMessage() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
The constructor for a blank message.
cMsgMessage(cMsgMessage) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
The constructor which copies a given message.
cMsgMonitor - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This class prints out cMsg domain system monitoring information obtained from a cMsg domain client.
cMsgMulticast - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Multicast address used in cMsg domain = ""
cMsgNameServer - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server
This class implements a cMsg name server in the cMsg domain.
cMsgNameServer(int, int, int, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Constructor which reads environmental variables and opens listening sockets.
cMsgNetworkConstants - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This interface defines some useful constants.
cMsgPayloadItem - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This class represents an item in a cMsg message's payload.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a String object.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a String array.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a byte array containing binary data.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, byte[][], int[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of byte arrays containing binary data.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of byte arrays containing binary data.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, cMsgMessage) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a cMsgMessage object.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, cMsgMessage[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of cMsgMessage objects.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, byte) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an 8-bit integer.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, short) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a 16-bit integer.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a 32-bit integer.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, long) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a 64-bit integer.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an unsigned 64-bit integer.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of 8-bit integers.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, short[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of 16-bit integers.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, int[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of 32-bit integers.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, long[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of 64-bit integers.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, BigInteger[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of unsigned 64-bit integers.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, T[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of objects implementing the Number interface.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, float) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a float.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, double) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from a double.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, float[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of floats.
cMsgPayloadItem(String, double[]) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Construct a payload item from an array of doubles.
cMsgPayloadProducer - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
An example class which creates a cMsg message producer whose messges contain many and varied payload items.
cMsgPlatformSpy - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
Thread that sleeps for 10 sec and checks to see if there is a platform running with the given EXPID
cMsgProducer - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is an example class which creates a cMsg message producer.
cMsgQueue - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This class is a general purpose cMsg queue utility that queues messages to a file OR a database.
cMsgQueue() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgQueue
cMsgShutdowner - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This is an example class which creates a cMsg client that shuts down other specified cMsg clients (possibly including itself).
cMsgStartEt - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
Created by timmer on 8/6/15.
cMsgSubscriptionHandle - Interface in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
cMsgUtilities - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg
This class stores methods which are neatly self-contained and may be used in more that one place.
cMsgUtilities() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
connect() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to connect to a particular domain.
constructServerName(String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This method tests its input argument to see if it is in the proper format for a server; namely, "host:port".
copy(cMsgMessage, cMsgMessage) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method turns the destination message into a complete copy of the source message.
copy() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Creates a complete copy of this message.
copy() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Creates a complete copy of this object.
copyPayload(cMsgMessage) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Copy only the payload of the given message, overwriting the existing payload.


debugError - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Print out severe and normal error messages.
debugInfo - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Print out all error, warning, and informational messages.
debugNone - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Print out no status messages.
debugSevere - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Print out only severe error messages.
debugWarn - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Print out all error and warning messages.
decodeCommandLine(String[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgShutdowner
Method to decode the command line used to start this application.
disconnect() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to close the connection to the domain.
domainServerPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Default TCP port at which a cMsg domain, domain server listens for 2 client connections (after that client has connected to name server) = 45001


emuDomainMulticastClient - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Int to send in UDP packet to server if Emu domain and sender is client.
emuDomainMulticastKillSelf - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Tell Emu multicast server to kill himself since server at that port and expid already exists.
emuDomainMulticastProbe - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Client is just trying to find Emu multicast servers.
emuDomainMulticastServer - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Int to send in UDP packet to Emu multicast server if Emu domain and sender is server.
emuEnd - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Will shutdown socket on other end.
emuEventTypeControl - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Must be same as
emuEventTypePP - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Must be same as
emuEventTypeRoc - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Must be same as
emuEvioEndEvent - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Evio file format data containing only END event.
emuEvioFileFormat - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Evio file format data.
emuMulticast - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Multicast address used in Emu domain = ""
emuTcpPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Default TCP port at which an Emu domain server listens for client connections = 46100
endianBig - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Data is big endian.
endianLittle - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Data is little endian.
endianLocal - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Data's endian is the same as the local host's.
endianNotLocal - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Data's endian is opposite of the local host's.
endianSwitch - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Switch recorded value of data's endianness.
error - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
General error.
errorAbort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to aborted procedure.
errorAlreadyExists - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying that a unique item already exists.
errorAlreadyInitialized - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error since already initialized.
errorBadArgument - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying a bad argument.
errorBadDomainId - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to not matching any existing domain.
errorBadDomainType - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying a domain type that does not exist or is not supported.
errorBadFormat - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying a bad format.
errorBadMessage - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to message not being in the correct form.
errorDifferentVersion - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to being different version.
errorIllegalMessageType - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying illegal message type.
errorLimitExceeded - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to a limit that was exceeded.
errorLostConnection - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error since lost network connection.
errorNetwork - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to network communication problem.
errorNoClassFound - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to no Java class found for specified subdomain.
errorNoMemory - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to no more computer memory.
errorNotImplemented - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying a feature not implemented.
errorNotInitialized - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error since not initialized.
errorOutOfRange - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying out-of-range parameter.
errorPend - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error waiting for messages to arrive.
errorServerDied - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to server dying.
errorSocket - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to bad socket specification.
errorTimeout - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error specifying a time out.
errorWrongDomainType - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Specifying a different domain type than expected.
errorWrongPassword - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Error due to wrong password.
expandedPayload - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
If the message has a compound payload, is the payload only in text form or has it been expanded into a hashtable of real objects? Is stored in the 7th bit of info.


failoverAny - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Failover of client can go to any of the UDLs given in connect (default).
failoverCloud - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Failover of client will go to servers in the cloud first, if none are available, the client can go to any of the UDLs given in connect.
failoverCloudOnly - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Failover of client will only go to servers in the cloud.
flush(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to force cMsg client to send pending communications with domain.


getAllBroadcastAddresses() - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Get all local IP broadcast addresses in a list in dotted-decimal form.
getAllIpAddresses() - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Get all local IP addresses in a list in dotted-decimal form.
getAllIpInfo() - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Get all local IP addresses, broadcast addresses and subnet masks in a single list of InterfaceAddress objects.
getBigInt() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a BigInteger object.
getBigIntArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of BigInteger objects.
getBinary() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a byte array object holding binary data.
getBinaryArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of byte array objects holding binary data.
getBroadcastAddress(String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Given a local IP address as an argument, this method will return its broadcast or subnet address.
getByte() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a byte (8-bit integer).
getByteArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get byte array of message.
getByteArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of bytes (8-bit integers).
getByteArrayEndian() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get endianness of the byte array data.
getByteArrayLength() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get byte array length of region of interest.
getByteArrayLengthFull() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get full length of the byte array or 0 if it is null.
getByteArrayOffset() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get byte array index to region of interest.
getCallback() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Gets the callback object.
getCloudStatus() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Get the status of the relationship of this server to the cMsg subdomain server cloud.
getContext() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Gets the object containing information about the context of the callback receiving this message.
getCount() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Get the number of elements if this payload item is an array, else return one.
getCurrentUDL() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the UDL the client is currently connected to.
getDescription() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the client's description.
getDomain() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the name of the domain connected to.
getDomain() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get domain this message exists in.
getDomain() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Gets the domain in which this subscription lives.
getDomainPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Get the domain server's listening port.
getDouble() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a double.
getDoubleArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of doubles.
getEndian() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Get the endian value if this payload item is a byte array containing binary data.
getEndianArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Get the array of endian values if this payload item is an array of byte arrays containing binary data.
getFloat() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a float.
getFloatArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of floats.
getHistoryLengthMax() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Gets the maximum number of entries this message keeps of its history of various parameters.
getHost() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the host the client is running on.
getHost() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Get the host this server is running on.
getInfo(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
General purpose I/O method which gets a string that the implementation class wants to return up to the top (this) level API.
getInfo() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Gets information compacted into a bit pattern.
getInt() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a int (32-bit integer).
getIntArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of ints (32-bit integers).
getItem() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Get the payload item itself as an object of class Object.
getItemsText() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method creates a string of all the payload items concatonated.
getLong() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a long (64-bit integer).
getLongArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of longs (64-bit integers).
getMatchingLocalIpAddress(String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Given an IP address as an argument, this method will return that if it matches one of the local IP addresses.
getMaximumQueueSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
Method to get the maximum number of messages to queue for the callback.
getMaximumQueueSize() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackInterface
Method to get the maximum number of messages to queue for the callback.
getMaximumThreads() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
Method to get the maximum number of worker threads to use for running the callback if "mustSerializeMessages" returns false.
getMaximumThreads() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackInterface
Method to get the maximum number of worker threads to use for running the callback if "mustSerializeMessages" returns false.
getMessage() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a cMsgMessage object.
getMessageArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of cMsgMessage objects.
getMessagesPerThread() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
Method to get the maximum number of unprocessed messages per worker thread before starting another worker thread (until the maximum # of threads is reached).
getMessagesPerThread() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackInterface
Method to get the maximum number of unprocessed messages per worker thread before starting another worker thread (until the maximum # of threads is reached).
getMsgCount() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Gets the total number of messages passed to the callback.
getMulticastPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Get name server's multicast listening port.
getName() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the name of the client.
getName() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Get the name of this payload item.
getNetworkAddressInt(byte[], short) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Get the network or subnet address (32-bit integer format) of the given IP address (byte array format) for the given netmask (# of bits format).
getNetworkAddressString(byte[], short) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Get the network or subnet address as a dotted-decimal string of the given IP address (byte array format) for the given netmask (# of bits format).
getNetworkAddressString(String, short) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Get the network or subnet address as a dotted-decimal string of the given IP address (dotted-decimal string format) for the given netmask (# of bits format).
getPayloadItem(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get a single, named payload item.
getPayloadItems() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Gets an unmodifiable (read only) hashmap of all payload items.
getPayloadNames() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get the set of payload item names (may be empty set).
getPayloadSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get the number of items in the payload.
getPayloadText() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Gets the String representation of the compound payload of this message.
getPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Get the name server's listening port.
getQueueSize() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Gets the number of messages in the queue.
getReceiver() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get message receiver.
getReceiverHost() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get message receiver's host computer.
getReceiverTime() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get time message was received.
getReliableSend() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Gets whether the send will be reliable (default, TCP) or will be allowed to be unreliable (UDP).
getReturnCode() - Method in exception org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgException
Get the return code specified in the constructor cMsgException.cMsgException(String, int).
getSender() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get message sender.
getSenderHost() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get message sender's host computer.
getSenderTime() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get time message was sent.
getSenderToken() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get sender's token.
getServerHost() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the host of the server (if any) that this client is connected to.
getServerName() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Get this server's name (host:port).
getServerPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the port of the server (if any) that this client is connected to.
getShort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a short (16-bit integer).
getShortArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of shorts (16-bit integers).
getShutdownHandler() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to get the shutdown handler of the client.
getSkipSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
Method to get the maximum number of messages to skip over (delete) from the cue for the callback when the cue size has reached it limit.
getSkipSize() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackInterface
Method to get the maximum number of messages to skip over (delete) from the cue for the callback when the cue size has reached it limit.
getString() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as a String object.
getStringArray() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Gets the payload item as an array of String objects.
getSubject() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get subject of message.
getSubject() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Gets the subject of this subscription.
getSysMsgId() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get system intVal of message.
getText() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get text of message.
getText() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Get the text representation of this payload item.
getType() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get type of message.
getType() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgPayloadItem
Get the type of this payload item.
getType() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Gets the type of this subscription.
getUDL() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the UDL of the client.
getUDLRemainder() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Get the UDL remainder (UDL after cMsg:domain:// is stripped off) of the client.
getUserInt() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get user supplied integer.
getUserObject() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Gets the subscription's user object argument.
getUserTime() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Get user supplied time.
getVersion() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Gets the version number of this message which is the same as that of the cMsg software package that created it.


hasPayload - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Does the message have a compound payload? -- is stored in 6th bit of info.
hasPayload() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Does this message have a payload?


includeMe - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
For shutdownClients, do NOT exclude the client calling shutdown from being shutdown.
includeMyServer - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
For shutdownServers, do NOT exclude the server that the calling client is connected to from being shutdown.
init_database() - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgAlarmServer
intToBytes(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Copies an integer value into 4 bytes of a byte array.
isBigEndian - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Is the byte array data in big endian form? -- stored in 4th bit of info.
isConnected() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to determine if this object is still connected to the domain or not.
isDottedDecimal(String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This method tells whether the given IPv4 address is in dot-decimal notation or not.
isGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Is message a sendAndGet request? -- stored in 1st bit of info.
isGetRequest() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Is this message a "sendAndGet" request?
isGetResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Is message a response to a sendAndGet? -- stored in 2nd bit of info.
isGetResponse() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Is this message a response to a "sendAndGet" message?
isHostLocal(String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Determine whether a given host name refers to the local host.
isHostSame(String, String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Determine whether two given host names refers to the same host.
isNullGetResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Is message null response to a sendAndGet from a responder? -- stored in 3rd bit of info.
isNullGetResponse() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Is this message a null response to a "sendAndGet" message?
isQueueFull() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
Returns true if queue is full.
isReceiving() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method telling whether callbacks are activated or not.


logToDatabase(cMsgMessage) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgAlarmServer


magicNumbers - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Ints representing ascii for "cMsg is cool", used to filter out port-scanning software.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgAlarmServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgConsumer
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgFileToXML
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgFindLocalNetworkInfo
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgFindServers
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgGateway
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgGetConsumer
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgGetResponder
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgLogger
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgMonitor
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgPayloadProducer
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgPlatformSpy
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgProducer
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgQueue
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgShutdowner
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgStartEt
Run as a stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.rcClientKiller
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Run as a stand-alone application.
makeNullResponse(cMsgMessage) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Converts existing message to null response of supplied message.
makeResponse(cMsgMessage) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Converts existing message to response of supplied message.
maySkipMessages() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
Method telling whether messages may be skipped or not.
maySkipMessages() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackInterface
Method telling whether messages may be skipped or not.
minorVersion - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Minor cMsg version number = 0
monitor(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
This method is a synchronous call to receive a message containing monitoring data which describes the state of the domain the user is connected to.
msgConnectRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Connect to the server from client.
msgDisconnectRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Disconnect client from the server.
msgGetResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Respond to a "sendAndGet" request.
msgKeepAlive - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
See if the process on the other end of the socket is still alive.
msgMonitorRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send "monitor" request.
msgRcAbortConnect - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Respond to a runcontrol server's "connect" request.
msgRcConnect - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Respond to a runcontrol server's "connect" request.
msgSendAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Get a message from a responder of a sent message.
msgSendRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send a message.
msgServerCloudLock - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Lock server from joining server cloud or accepting registrations.
msgServerCloudLockResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send a response to a server client's "cloud lock" request.
msgServerCloudSetStatus - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Unlock server for joining server cloud or accepting registrations.
msgServerCloudUnlock - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Unlock server for joining server cloud or accepting registrations.
msgServerConnectRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Connect to the server from server.
msgServerDisconnectRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Disconnect server from the server.
msgServerGetResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Respond to a server's "sendAndGet" request.
msgServerRegisterClient - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Register client from another server.
msgServerRegistrationLock - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Lock server from doing other registrations.
msgServerRegistrationLockResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send a response to a server client's "registration lock" request.
msgServerRegistrationUnlock - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Unlock server for doing other registrations.
msgServerSendAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
SendAndGet a message by another server.
msgServerSendClientNames - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send names of local clients.
msgServerSendClientNamesResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send a response to a server client's "sendClientNames" request.
msgServerShutdownClients - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Shutdown various clients.
msgServerShutdownSelf - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Shutdown various servers.
msgServerSubscribeAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
SubscribeAndGet a message by another server.
msgServerSubscribeRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Subscribe to messages by another server.
msgServerUnRegisterClient - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Unregister client from another server.
msgServerUnSendAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
UnSendAndGet to a message by another server.
msgServerUnsubscribeAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
UnsubscribeAndGet to a message by another server.
msgServerUnsubscribeRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Unsubscribe to messages by another server.
msgShutdownClients - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Shutdown various clients.
msgShutdownServers - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Shutdown various servers.
msgSubscribeAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Get a message with 1-shot subscribe.
msgSubscribeRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Subscribe to messages.
msgSubscribeResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Respond with message to the subscribe command.
msgSyncSendRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send a message with synchronous response.
msgSyncSendResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Send a response to a syncSend request.
msgUnSendAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Remove "sendAndGet" request.
msgUnsubscribeAndGetRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Remove "subscribeAndGet" request.
msgUnsubscribeRequest - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Unsubscribe to messages.
mustSerializeMessages() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackAdapter
Method telling whether messages must serialized -- processed in the order received.
mustSerializeMessages() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgCallbackInterface
Method telling whether messages must serialized -- processed in the order received.


nameServerTcpPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Default TCP port at which a cMsg domain name server listens for client connections = 45000
nameServerUdpPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Default UDP port at which a cMsg name server listens for multicasts = 45000
needToSwap() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method specifies whether the endian value of the byte array is little endian or not.
noHistoryAdditions() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Does the message record sender history (assuming history length max is not exceeded)?
nullGetServerResponse - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Does local server have no subscriber to send from sendAndGet? Is stored in 8rd bit of info.
nullResponse() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Creates a proper response message to this message which was sent by a client calling sendAndGet.


ok - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
No error.
orderIPAddresses(List<String>, List<String>, String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Takes a list of dotted-decimal formatted IP address strings and their corresponding broadcast addresses and orders them so that those on the local, preferred subnet are first, those on other local subnets are next, and all others come last.
org.jlab.coda.cMsg - package org.jlab.coda.cMsg
org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps - package org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server - package org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server


pause() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
This method stops any further calling of the callback.
payloadBin - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Binary array in cMsg message payload.
payloadBinA - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Array of binary arrays in cMsg message payload.
payloadDbl - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
8 byte double item in cMsg message payload.
payloadDblA - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
8 byte double array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadFieldsOnly - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
When converting text to message fields, only convert non-system fields.
payloadFlt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
4-byte float item in cMsg message payload.
payloadFltA - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
4-byte float array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt16 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
2 byte signed integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt16A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
2 byte signed integer array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt32 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
4 byte signed integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt32A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
4 byte signed integer array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt64 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
8 byte signed integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt64A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
8 byte signed integer array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt8 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
1 byte signed integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadInt8A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
1 byte signed integer array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadMsg - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
cMsg message in cMsg message payload.
payloadMsgA - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
cMsg message array in cMsg message payload.
payloadPrintout(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method prints out the message payload in a readable form.
payloadStr - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
String item in cMsg message payload.
payloadStrA - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
String array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadToString() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method converts the message payload to a printable string in XML format.
payloadUint16 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
2 byte unsigned integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadUint16A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
2 byte unsigned integer array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadUint32 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
4 byte unsigned integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadUint32A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
4 byte unsigned integer array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadUint64 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
8 byte unsigned integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadUint64A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
8 byte unsigned integer array item in cMsg message payload.
payloadUint8 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
1 byte unsigned integer item in cMsg message payload.
payloadUint8A - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
1 byte unsigned integer array item in cMsg message payload.
printBuffer(ByteBuffer, int, int, String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This method takes a byte buffer and prints out the desired number of words from the given position.
printBytes(ByteBuffer, int, int, String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This method takes a byte buffer and prints out the desired number of bytes from the given position.
printBytes(byte[], int, int, String) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This method takes a byte array and prints out the desired number of bytes from the given index.
printError(int, int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Method that returns and/or prints an error explanation.
printSizes() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
This method prints out the sizes of all objects which store other objects.


rcClientKiller - Class in org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps
This class simulates an rc multicast receiver, but then it commands all rc clients that attempt to connect to abort/die.
rcDomainMulticastClient - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Int to send in UDP packet to server if RC domain and sender is client.
rcDomainMulticastKillSelf - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Tell RCMulticast server to kill himself since server at that port and expid already exists.
rcDomainMulticastProbe - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Client is just trying to find RCMulticast servers.
rcDomainMulticastServer - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Int to send in UDP packet to rc multicast server if RC domain and sender is server.
rcMulticast - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Multicast address used in runcontrol domain = ""
rcMulticastPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Default UDP port at which a run control multicast server listens for multicasts = 45200
rcServerPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
TCP port at which a run control server starts looking for a port to listen for a client connection on = 45300
rcTcpClientPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
TCP port at which a run control client starts looking for a port to listen on and the port that a run control server assumes a client is waiting for connections on = 45700
readSocketBytes(ByteBuffer, SocketChannel, int, int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This methods reads a minimum of number of bytes from a channel into a buffer.
readSocketBytesPlain(ByteBuffer, SocketChannel, int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This methods reads a minimum of number of bytes from a channel into a buffer.
regimeHigh - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Client has high data/message throughput.
regimeLow - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Client has low data/message throughput.
regimeLowMaxClients - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Default maximum number of clients per cMsgDomainServerSelect object in regimeLow mode.
regimeMedium - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Client has medium data/message throughput (default).
removePayloadItem(cMsgPayloadItem) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Remove an item from the payload.
removePayloadItem(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Remove an item from the payload.
resetByteArrayLength() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Reset the byte array length to the full length of the array or zero if there is none.
resetPayload() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Clears the payload of all items including system items.
response() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Creates a proper response message to this message which was sent by a client calling sendAndGet.
restart() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgSubscriptionHandle
This method resumes any calling of the callback delayed by the cMsgSubscriptionHandle.pause() method.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgConsumer
This method is executed as a thread.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgFindServers
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgGetConsumer
This method is executed as a thread.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgGetResponder
This method is executed as a thread.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgMonitor
This method is executed as a thread.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgPayloadProducer
This method is executed as a thread.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgPlatformSpy
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgProducer
This method is executed as a thread.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgShutdowner
Run as a stand-alone application.
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.cMsgStartEt
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.apps.rcClientKiller
run() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
This method is executed as a thread.


send(cMsgMessage) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to send a message to the domain for further distribution.
sendAndGet(cMsgMessage, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
The message is sent as it would be in the cMsg.send(cMsgMessage) method.
setByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Copy byte array into message.
setByteArray(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Copy byte array into message by copying "length" number of elements starting at "offset".
setByteArray(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Copy buffer data into message's byte array.
setByteArrayEndian(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set endianness of the byte array data.
setByteArrayLength(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set byte array length of data of interest.
setByteArrayNoCopy(byte[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set byte array to the given argument without copying the byte array itself - only the reference is copied.
setByteArrayNoCopy(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set byte array to the given argument without copying the byte array itself - only the reference is copied.
setByteArrayOffset(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set byte array index to region of interest.
setDebug(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Set level of debug output.
setGetResponse(boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Specify whether this message is a response to a "sendAndGet" message.
setHistoryLengthMax(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Sets the maximum number of entries this message keeps of its history of various parameters.
setNullGetResponse(boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Specify whether this message is a null response to a "sendAndGet" message.
setReliableSend(boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Sets whether the send will be reliable (default, TCP) or will be allowed to be unreliable (UDP).
setReturnCode(int) - Method in exception org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgException
Set the return code.
setShutdownHandler(cMsgShutdownHandlerInterface) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to set the shutdown handler of the client.
setSubject(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set subject of message.
setText(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set text of message.
setType(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set type of message.
setUDL(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Set the UDL of the client.
setUserInt(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set message sender's intVal.
setUserTime(Date) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set time.
setUserTime(long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Set time.
shortToBytes(short, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
Copies a short value into 2 bytes of a byte array.
shutdownClients(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to shutdown the given clients.
shutdownServers(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to shutdown the given servers.
shutItDown() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
start() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to start or activate the subscription callbacks.
startItUp() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
startServer() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
Method to start up this server and join the cMsg server cloud that serverToJoin is a part of.
stop() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to stop or deactivate the subscription callbacks.
subscribe(String, String, cMsgCallbackInterface, Object) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to subscribe to receive messages of a subject and type from the domain.
subscribeAndGet(String, String, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
This method is like a one-time subscribe.
syncSend(cMsgMessage, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to send a message to the domain for further distribution and wait for a response from the domain that got it.
systemFieldsOnly - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
When converting text to message fields, only convert system fields.


tcpServerPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
TCP port at which a TCPServer server listens for connections = 45600
toString() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method converts the message to a printable string in XML format.
toString(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method converts the message to a printable string in XML format.


UdpClientPortMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Maximum value of a local UDP port range to avoid for client who multicasts looking a server.
UdpClientPortMin - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgNetworkConstants
Mimimum value of a local UDP port range to avoid for client who multicasts looking a server.
unsubscribe(cMsgSubscriptionHandle) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsg
Method to unsubscribe a previous subscription to receive messages of a subject and type from the domain.
updatePayloadText() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
This method creates a string representation of the whole compound payload and the hidden system fields (currently fields describing the history of the message being sent) of the message and stores it in the cMsgMessage.payloadText member.


version - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgConstants
Major cMsg version number = 6


waitUntilDone() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgDomain.server.cMsgNameServer
wasSent - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgMessage
Has the message been sent over the wire? -- is stored in 5th bit of info.
wrapChannel(ByteChannel) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
This method wraps a SocketChannel so that the input and output streams derived from that channel do not block each other (SUN java bug id 4774871).
wrapChannel2(ByteChannel) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.cMsg.cMsgUtilities
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