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addEvent(EvioEvent) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Add the given event to the event list.
addEvent(EvioEvent) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Add the given event to the event list.
addEventFileExtension(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Add a file extension for viewing evio format files in file chooser.
addEvioListener(IEvioListener) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Add an Evio listener.
allow(EvioEvent) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.Filter
Filter to apply to Evio events.
allow2(EvioEvent) - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.Filter
Filter to apply to Evio events.


BlockHeader - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
Modified copy of the org.jlab.code.jevio.BlockNode class.
BlockHeader() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.BlockHeader
BlockHeaderV6 - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
Modified copy of the org.jlab.code.jevio.BlockNode class but for evio version 6 records.
BlockHeaderV6() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.BlockHeaderV6


checkDataTypeAndPadding(int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScannerV6
Check the given data type and padding to see if they're valid (or non-null) values and consistent with each other.
clearList() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Clear the entire event list - all events.
clearList(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Clear the specified number of latest events from the list.
clearList() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Clear the entire event list - all events.
clearList(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Clear the specified number of latest events from the list.
clone() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.BlockHeaderV6
clone() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioHeader
close() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Close unneeded file channel object.
cMsgHandler - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This class handles all cMsg communications using a singleton pattern.
cMsgHandler() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
CodaBankTag - Enum in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This an enum listing the evio tag values reserved for and used by the CODA group for online designations.
connect(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Connect to the specified cmsg server.
createCmsgPanel() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Create the panel/menuitem used to handle communications with a cmsg server.
createDictionaryMenu() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Create the view menu.
createEtPanel() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Create the panel/menu-item used to handle communications with an ET system.
createEventMenu() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Create the event menu.
createFileMenu() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Create the file menu.
createFilterMenu() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Create the filter menu.
createViewMenu() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Create the view menu.


dataTypeHasPadding(DataType) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScanner
Is the given data type one that can have non-zero padding?
dataTypeHasPadding(DataType) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScannerV6
Is the given data type one that can have non-zero padding?
DictionarySource - Enum in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This enum contains the choices for a source of dictionary.
disconnect() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Disconnect from the cMsg server if any connection exists.


EtHandler - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This class handles communications with an ET system - including creating a panel to do so through the GUI - in order to get ET events which are parsed into evio events.
EtHandler() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
EventInfoPanel - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This is a panel that displays evio event info - event source, dictionary source - at the top of the GUI.
EventInfoPanel() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventInfoPanel
Create a panel that goes in the north - top of the GUI.
EventSource - Enum in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This enum contains the choices for a source of events to view.
EventTreeFrame - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This is a simple GUI that displays an evio event in a tree.
EventTreeFrame() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeFrame
Constructor for a simple tree viewer for evio files.
EventTreeMenu - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This class creates the menus used in the GUI.
EventTreeMenu(EventTreePanel, EventInfoPanel) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
EventTreePanel - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This is a simple GUI that displays an evio event in a tree.
EventTreePanel() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Constructor for a simple tree viewer for evio files.
EvioHeader - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
Abbreviated copy of the org.jlab.code.jevio.EvioNode class.
EvioScanner - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This class is used to scan a file for block info, event info, and evio errors in order to catalog them for later viewing.
EvioScanner(FileFrameBig, MyTableModel, MyRenderer, FileFrameBig.ErrorScanTask) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScanner
EvioScannerV6 - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This class is used to scan an EVIO VERSION 6 file for block info, event info, and evio errors in order to catalog them for later viewing.
EvioScannerV6(FileFrameV6, MyTableModel, MyRenderer, FileFrameV6.ErrorScanTask) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScannerV6
expandAll() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Expand all nodes.
exportToXML() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Select a file and then write into it the current event file in xml format.


FileFrameBig - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This class implements a window that displays a file's bytes as hex, 32 bit integers.
FileFrameBig(File, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameBig
Constructor for a simple viewer for a file's bytes.
FileFrameV6 - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This class implements a window that displays a file's bytes as hex, 32 bit integers.
FileFrameV6(File, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameV6
Constructor for a simple viewer for a file's bytes.
FileHeaderV6 - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
Class but for evio version 6 file header.
FileHeaderV6() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileHeaderV6
Filter - Enum in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This enum contains the choices for a filter which allows the described evio events into the event viewer.


getBankType(int) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.CodaBankTag
Obtain the enum from the tag value or null if none.
getBlockErrorNodes() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScanner
Get the list of BlockHeader objects containing evio errors.
getBlockErrorNodes() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScannerV6
Get the list of BlockHeaderV6 objects containing evio errors.
getByteAtBytePos(long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the byte value in the file at the given byte index.
getCmsgHandler() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
getCurrentEventIndex() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the index of the current event (starting at 0).
getCurrentEventIndex() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the index of the current event (starting at 0).
getDataCompressionType() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the compression type of data being viewed.
getDataCompressionType() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the compression type of data being viewed.
getDataTypeObj() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioHeader
Get the evio type of the data this evio structure contains as an object.
getDescription(int) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.CodaBankTag
Obtain the description from the tag value.
getDescription() - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.CodaBankTag
Get the enum's description.
getDictionary() - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.DictionarySource
Get the associated dictionary object.
getDictionary() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventInfoPanel
Get the displayed dictionary source value.
getDictionarySource() - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventSource
Get the associated dictionary source.
getEvent(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the specified event, index beginning at 1.
getEvent(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the specified event, index beginning at 1.
getEvent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Get the currently displayed event.
getEventFilter() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the event filter to use on each event before adding to list.
getEventFilter() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the event filter to use on each event before adding to list.
getEventSourceConfig() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
getEventTreePanel() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Get the main event display panel.
getEvioFileReader() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Get the EvioReader object so the file/buffer can be read.
getEvioVersion() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the evio version of data being viewed.
getEvioVersion() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the evio version of data being viewed.
getExtraByteCount() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the number of extra bytes at the very end of this file beyond an integral number of ints.
getFileChannel() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the file channel object.
getFileHeader() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the file header of a version 6 evio file.
getFileHeaderData() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the file header data of a version 6 evio file including index and user header.
getFilePosition() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioHeader
Get the position of this event in file.
getFileSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the file size in bytes.
getFirstDataIndex() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the number of 32 bit words comprising the file and first record headers for evio version 6 files, or comprising the first block header for evio versions < 6.
getFirstMap() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the first memory map - used to map the beginning of the file.
getHeaderPanel() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Get the panel displaying header information.
getInt(long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the int value in the file at the given word (4 byte) position.
getIntAtBytePos(long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the int value in the file at the given byte index.
getListLimit() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the maximum number of events that the list will hold.
getListLimit() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the maximum number of events that the list will hold.
getListSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the size of the event list.
getListSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the size of the event list.
getMap(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the indicated memory map.
getMapCount() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the number of memory maps used to fully map file.
getMapIndex(long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the index of the map for a given word index.
getMappedMemoryHandler() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameBig
Get the object that handles the memory maps.
getMappedMemoryHandler() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameV6
Get the object that handles the memory maps.
getMapSize(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the size of the given map.
getMaxMapSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the maximum byte size of each memory map (last one will be smaller).
getName(int) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.CodaBankTag
Obtain the name from the tag value.
getNextEvent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the next evio event from the list or null if none.
getNextEvent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the next evio event from the list or null if none.
getOrder() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameBig
Get the endianness of viewed data.
getOrder() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameV6
Get the endianness of viewed data.
getOrder() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the byte order of the data.
getPrevEvent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get the previous evio event from the list or null if none.
getPrevEvent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Get the previous evio event from the list or null if none.
getShortAtBytePos(long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the short value in the file at the given byte index.
getSource() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventInfoPanel
Get the displayed event source value.
getStructureSelection() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Get the selection path information list.
getSubject() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get current subscription's subject.
getText() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.NamedLabel
Get the text in the variable label.
getTotalFileHeaderBytes() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Get the total number of bytes in file header + index + user header for evio version 6 file.
getType() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Get current subscription's type.
getTypeObj() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioHeader
Get the evio type of this evio structure as an object.
getValue() - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.CodaBankTag
Get the enum's tag value.
getXML() - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.DictionarySource
Get the associated xml string dictionary.


hasError() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScanner
Did the scan of the file show any evio errors?
hasError() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScannerV6
Did the scan of the file show any evio errors?
hasNextEvent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Is there another evio event, after the one previously obtained, in the list?
hasNextEvent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Is there another evio event, after the one previously obtained, in the list?
haveExtraBytes() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Does this file have 1, 2, or 3 bytes more than an integral number of integers?
HeaderPanel - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This is a panel that displays the information from a BaseStructureHeader.
HeaderPanel() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.HeaderPanel


isActive() - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.Filter
isCompressed() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Does the first record of the first map contain compressed data?


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeFrame
Main program for launching the frame.
manualOpenEventFile(File) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Convenience method to open a file programmatically.


NamedLabel - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
A simple class for created a named label.
NamedLabel(String, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.NamedLabel
Create a NamedLabel--which has a fixed label (a prompt) and a variable label.
NamedLabel(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.NamedLabel
Create a NamedLabel--which has a fixed label (a prompt) and a variable label.


openDictionary() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Select and open a dictionary.
openDictionaryFile(File) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Select and open a dictionary.
openEventFile() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Select and open an event file.
openEventFile(File) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Open an event file using a given file.
org.jlab.coda.eventViewer - package org.jlab.coda.eventViewer


probablyIsBank() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioHeader
When scanning for events, the user initially clicks on a first header word value.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameBig
Handler invoked when task's progress property changes.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.FileFrameV6
Handler invoked when task's progress property changes.


refreshDescription() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Refresh description (dictionary) display.
refreshDisplay() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Refresh textArea display.
resetCurrentEventIndex() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Reset the index of the current event to -1.
resetCurrentEventIndex() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Reset the index of the current event to -1.


scanFileForErrors() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScanner
Scan the file for evio errors.
scanFileForErrors() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioScannerV6
Scan the file for evio errors.
setActive(boolean) - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.Filter
setAll(int, int, long, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EvioHeader
Set all relevant parameters.
setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
Set the byte order of the data.
setCmsgHandler(cMsgHandler) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
setDataCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Set the compression type of data being viewed.
setDefaultDataDir(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Set the default directory in which to look for event files.
setDescription(BaseStructure) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.HeaderPanel
Set the dictionary description in header panel.
setDictionary(EvioXMLDictionary) - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.DictionarySource
Set both the string and object forms of a dictionary to be associated with a particular dictionary source.
setDictionary(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventInfoPanel
Set the displayed dictionary source value.
setDictionarySource(DictionarySource) - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventSource
Set the dictionary source to be associated with a particular event source.
setDisplay(String, String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventInfoPanel
Set this panel's displayed values.
setEvent(EvioEvent) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Set the currently displayed event.
setEventFileExtensions(String[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Set all file extensions for viewing evio format files in file chooser.
setEventFilter(Filter) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Set the event filter to use on each event before adding to list.
setEventFilter(Filter) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Set the event filter to use on each event before adding to list.
setEventNum(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Set the event number.
setEventNum(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Set the event number.
setEvioVersion(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Set the evio version of data being viewed.
setHeader(BaseStructure, int, CompressionType) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.HeaderPanel
Set the fields in the panel based on the data in the header.
setIntsInHex(boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Set wether integer data is displayed in hexidecimal or decimal.
setListLimit(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Set the maximum number of events that the list will hold.
setListLimit(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Set the maximum number of events that the list will hold.
setMyForeground(Color) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.NamedLabel
Set the foreground color of the variable text.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventInfoPanel
Set the displayed event source value.
setText(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.NamedLabel
Set the text in the variable label.
setTriggerType(int) - Method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.Filter
Set the value of the trigger type which is allowed by this filter in Physics events.
SimpleMappedMemoryHandler - Class in org.jlab.coda.eventViewer
This is a class designed to handle access files with size greater than 2.1 GBytes.
SimpleMappedMemoryHandler(File, ByteOrder) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
SimpleMappedMemoryHandler(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.SimpleMappedMemoryHandler
startFillingEventList() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Create and start a thread to process ET events into Evio events.
stopFillingEventList() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EtHandler
Stop the thread processing ET events into Evio events, if any.
subscribe(String, String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.cMsgHandler
Subscribe to the given subject and type.


toString() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.BlockHeaderV6


valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreePanel
Selection event on our tree.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.CodaBankTag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.DictionarySource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventSource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.Filter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.CodaBankTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.DictionarySource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.Filter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
viewFileBytes() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.eventViewer.EventTreeMenu
Select a file in order to view its bytes.
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