JLab Pipeline TD Library  3v6.1
tdLib.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  TD_A24RegStruct


#define TD_MAX_VME_SLOTS   21
#define TD_MAX_FIBER_PORTS   8
#define TD_FIRMWARE_ID_MASK   0xFFFF0000
#define TD_FIRMWARE_TYPE_MASK   0x0000F000
#define TD_FIRMWARE_TYPE_P   3
#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TIDS   0x71D5
#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TI   0x7100
#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TS   0x7500
#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TD   0x7D00
#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_MASK   0xFF000000
#define TD_BOARDID_PROD_MASK   0x00FF0000
#define TD_BOARDID_GEOADR_MASK   0x00001F00
#define TD_BOARDID_CRATEID_MASK   0x000000FF
#define TD_FIBER_1   (1<<0)
#define TD_FIBER_2   (1<<1)
#define TD_FIBER_3   (1<<2)
#define TD_FIBER_4   (1<<3)
#define TD_FIBER_5   (1<<4)
#define TD_FIBER_6   (1<<5)
#define TD_FIBER_7   (1<<6)
#define TD_FIBER_8   (1<<7)
#define TD_FIBER_ENABLED(x)   (1<<(x+1))
#define TD_FIBER_MASK   0x000000FF
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_1   (1<<16)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_2   (1<<17)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_3   (1<<18)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_4   (1<<19)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_5   (1<<20)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_6   (1<<21)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_7   (1<<22)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_8   (1<<23)
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_TI(x)   (1<<(x+15))
#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_MASK   0x00FF0000
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_1   (1<<24)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_2   (1<<25)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_3   (1<<26)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_4   (1<<27)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_5   (1<<28)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_6   (1<<29)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_7   (1<<30)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_8   (1<<31)
#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_TI(x)   (1<<(x+23))
#define TD_INTSETUP_VECTOR_MASK   0x000000FF
#define TD_INTSETUP_LEVEL_MASK   0x00000F00
#define TD_INTSETUP_ENABLE   (1<<16)
#define TD_ADR32_MBLK_ADDR_MAX_MASK   0x000003FE
#define TD_ADR32_MBLK_ADDR_MIN_MASK   0x003FC000
#define TD_ADR32_BASE_MASK   0xFF800000
#define TD_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK   0x000000FF
#define TD_VMECONTROL_BERR   (1<<0)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_TOKEN   (1<<1)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_MBLK   (1<<2)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_A32M   (1<<3)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_A32   (1<<4)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_ERROR_INT   (1<<7)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_I2CDEV_HACK   (1<<8)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_TOKEN_HI   (1<<9)
#define TD_VMECONTROL_LAST_BOARD   (1<<11)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_P0   (1<<0)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_HFBR1   (1<<1)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_LOOPBACK   (1<<2)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_FPTRG   (1<<3)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_VME   (1<<4)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_TSINPUTS   (1<<5)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_TSREV2   (1<<6)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_PULSER   (1<<7)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_ENABLE   (1<<8)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_P2BUSY   (1<<9)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_1   (1<<12)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_2   (1<<13)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_3   (1<<14)
#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_4   (1<<15)
#define TD_SYNC_P0   (1<<0)
#define TD_SYNC_HFBR1   (1<<1)
#define TD_SYNC_HFBR5   (1<<2)
#define TD_SYNC_FP   (1<<3)
#define TD_SYNC_LOOPBACK   (1<<4)
#define TD_BUSY_P2   (1<<2)
#define TD_BUSY_TRIGGER_LOCK   (1<<6)
#define TD_BUSY_LOOPBACK   (1<<7)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR1   (1<<8)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR2   (1<<9)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR3   (1<<10)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR4   (1<<11)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR5   (1<<12)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR6   (1<<13)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR7   (1<<14)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR8   (1<<15)
#define TD_BUSY_HFBR_MASK   0x0000FF00
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_P2   (1<<18)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_TRIG_LOST   (1<<22)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_LOOPBACK   (1<<23)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR1   (1<<24)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR2   (1<<25)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR3   (1<<26)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR4   (1<<27)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR5   (1<<28)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR6   (1<<29)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR7   (1<<30)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR8   (1<<31)
#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_FIBER_BUSY(i)   (1<<(23+i))
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR1   (1<<16)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR2   (1<<17)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR3   (1<<18)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR4   (1<<19)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR5   (1<<20)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR6   (1<<21)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR7   (1<<22)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR8   (1<<23)
#define TD_FIBER_BUSY(i)   (1<<(15+i))
#define TD_OUTPUT_MASK   0x0000FFFF
#define TD_SYNCCOMMAND_AD9510_RESYNC   0x33
#define TD_SYNCDELAY_MASK   0x0000007F
#define TD_SYNCWIDTH_MASK   0x7F
#define TD_ADR24_ADDRESS_MASK   0x0000001F
#define TD_ADR24_HARDWARE_SET_MASK   0x000003E0
#define TD_ADR24_TM_NBLOCKS_READY1   0x00FF0000
#define TD_ADR24_TM_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK1   0xFF000000
#define TD_ROCENABLE_MASK   0x000000FF
#define TD_ROCENABLE_ROC(x)   (1<<(x))
#define TD_RESET_I2C   (1<<1)
#define TD_RESET_JTAG   (1<<2)
#define TD_RESET_SFM   (1<<3)
#define TD_RESET_SOFT   (1<<4)
#define TD_RESET_BUSYACK   (1<<7)
#define TD_RESET_CLK250   (1<<8)
#define TD_RESET_CLK200   (1<<8)
#define TD_RESET_CLK125   (1<<9)
#define TD_RESET_MGT   (1<<10)
#define TD_RESET_AUTOALIGN_P0_SYNC   (1<<11)
#define TD_RESET_RAM_WRITE   (1<<12)
#define TD_RESET_FIBER_AUTO_ALIGN   (1<<13)
#define TD_RESET_IODELAY   (1<<14)
#define TD_RESET_MEASURE_LATENCY   (1<<15)
#define TD_RESET_TAKE_TOKEN   (1<<16)
#define TD_RESET_BLOCK_READOUT   (1<<17)
#define TD_RESET_MGT_RX_RESET   (1<<22)
#define TD_RESET_LATCH_TIMERS   (1<<24)
#define TD_ID_TRIGSRC_ENABLE_MASK   0x000000FF
#define TD_ID_CRATEID_MASK   0x0000FF00
#define TD_ID_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK   0x00FF0000
#define TD_SLAVE_1   (1<<1)
#define TD_SLAVE_2   (1<<2)
#define TD_SLAVE_3   (1<<3)
#define TD_SLAVE_4   (1<<4)
#define TD_SLAVE_5   (1<<5)
#define TD_SLAVE_6   (1<<6)
#define TD_SLAVE_7   (1<<7)
#define TD_SLAVE_8   (1<<8)
#define TD_INT_VEC   0xc8
#define TD_INT_LEVEL   5
#define TD_I2C_DATA_MASK   0x0000ffff
#define TD_I2C_8BIT_DATA_MASK   0x000000ff
#define TD_INIT_NO_INIT   (1<<0)
#define TD_INIT_USE_ADDR_LIST   (1<<3)
#define MAX_VME_SLOTS   21


STATUS tdInit (UINT32 addr, UINT32 addr_inc, int nfind, int iFlag)
 Initialize JLAB TD Library. More...
int tdSlot (unsigned int i)
 Convert an index into a slot number, where the index is the element of an array of TDs in the order in which they were initialized. More...
unsigned int tdSlotMask ()
 Return the VME Slot mask of initialized TDs. More...
int tdCheckAddresses ()
 Test of register map. More...
void tdStatus (int id, int pflag)
 Print some status information of the TD to standard out. More...
void tdInitPortNames ()
 Initialize portName array with default names in the form: Slot%2d - Portd. More...
int tdSetPortName (int id, int iport, char *name)
 Rename a specified port to a specified 20 character string. More...
int tdGetPortName (int id, int iport, char **name)
 Get the current specified port name. More...
int tdSavePortNames (char *filename)
 Save the current port names to a file (with file name: filename) More...
int tdLoadPortNames (char *filename)
 Load the Port Names as specified in a file. More...
void tdPrintPortNames ()
 Print the current port names to standard out. More...
void tdGStatus (int pflag)
 Print a summary of all configured TD modules and ports to standard out. More...
int tdSetBlockLevel (int id, unsigned int blockLevel)
 Set the number of events per block. More...
int tdGSetBlockLevel (unsigned int blockLevel)
 Set the block level for all initialized TDs. More...
int tdSetBlockBufferLevel (int id, unsigned int level)
 Set the block buffer level for the number of blocks in the system that need to be read out. More...
int tdGSetBlockBufferLevel (unsigned int level)
 Set the block buffer level for the number of blocks in the system that need to be read out for all initialized TDs. More...
int tdGetFirmwareVersion (int id)
 Get the Firmware Version. More...
int tdEnableFiber (int id, unsigned int fiber)
 Enable Fiber transceiver. More...
int tdDisableFiber (int id, unsigned int fiber)
 Disable Fiber transceiver. More...
int tdSetFiberMask (int id, unsigned int fibermask)
 Enable/Disable fiber ports according to specified mask. More...
int tdSetBusySource (int id, unsigned int sourcemask, int rFlag)
 Set the busy source with a specified sourcemask. More...
int tdSetTriggerLock (int id, int enable)
 Set the the trigger lock mode for the specified TD. More...
int tdGSetTriggerLock (int enable)
 Set the the trigger lock mode for all initialized TDs. More...
int tdGetTriggerLock (int id)
 Get the current setting of the trigger lock mode for the specified TD. More...
int tdSetSyncSource (int id, unsigned int sync)
 Set the Sync source mask. More...
int tdSetTriggerSource (int id, int trigmask)
 Set trigger sources with specified trigmask. More...
int tdResetSlaveConfig (int id)
 Reset the configuration of TI Slaves on the TD. More...
int tdAddSlave (int id, unsigned int fiber)
 Add and configure a TI Slave for the TD. More...
int tdRemoveSlave (int id, unsigned int fiber)
 Remove a TI Slave for the TD. More...
int tdAddSlaveMask (int id, unsigned int fibermask)
 Add and configure TI Slaves by using a mask for the TD. More...
int tdAutoAlignSync (int id)
 Auto Align Sync Delay. More...
unsigned int tdGetSerialNumber (int id, char **rSN)
 Get the Module Serial Number. More...
int tdLatchTimers (int id)
 Latch the Busy and Live Timers. More...
unsigned int tdGetLiveTime (int id)
 Return the current "live" time of the module. More...
unsigned int tdGetBusyTime (int id)
 Return the current "busy" time of the module. More...
int tdEnableSyncResetRequest (int id, unsigned int portMask)
 Configure which ports (and self) to enable response of a SyncReset request. More...
int tdSyncResetRequestStatus (int id, int pflag)
 Status of SyncReset Request received bits. More...
int tdGetConnectedFiberMask (int id)
 Returns the mask of fiber channels that report a "connected" status from a TI. More...
int tdGetTrigSrcEnabledFiberMask (int id)
 Returns the mask of fiber channels that report a "connected" status from a TI has it's trigger source enabled. More...
int tdTriggerReadyReset (int id)
 Reset the triggers enabled status bits of TI Slaves. More...
int tdGetCrateID (int id, int port)
 Get the crate ID of the selected port. More...
int tdSetPortNamesFromCrateID (int id)
 Set the port names for the specified TD from the received Crate IDs from the TI Slaves. More...
void tdGSetPortNamesFromCrateID ()
 Set the port names for all initialized TD from the received Crate IDs from the TI Slaves. More...
int tdGetPortTrigSrcEnabled (int id, int port)
 Get the trigger sources enabled bits of the selected port. More...
int tdGetSlaveBlocklevel (int id, int port)
 Get the blocklevel of the TI Slave on the selected port. More...
int tdResetMGT (int id)
 Reset the MGT. More...
int tdResetMGTRx (int id)
 Reset the MGT Rx CDR. More...
void tdSlaveStatus (int id, int pflag)
 Print a summary of all fiber port connections to potential TI Slaves. More...
unsigned int tdGetBlockStatus (int id, int port, int pflag)
 Obtain the status of blocks sent readout acknowledges received from the TI Slaves. More...
int tdGetBusyStatus (int id, int port, int pflag)
int tdSetOutputPort (int id, unsigned int set1, unsigned int set2, unsigned int set3, unsigned int set4)
 Set (or unset) high level for the output ports on the front panel labelled as O#1-4. More...
unsigned int tdGetTrigCount (int id)
 Return the number of triggers received from the trigger supervisor. More...
unsigned int tdGetBusyCounter (int id, int busysrc)
 Return BUSY counter for specified Busy Source. More...
int tdPrintBusyCounters (int id)
 Print the BUSY counters for all busy sources. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAX_VME_SLOTS   21

This is either 20 or 21


#define TD_ADR24_ADDRESS_MASK   0x0000001F


#define TD_ADR24_HARDWARE_SET_MASK   0x000003E0


#define TD_ADR24_TM_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK1   0xFF000000


#define TD_ADR24_TM_NBLOCKS_READY1   0x00FF0000


#define TD_ADR32_BASE_MASK   0xFF800000


#define TD_ADR32_MBLK_ADDR_MAX_MASK   0x000003FE


#define TD_ADR32_MBLK_ADDR_MIN_MASK   0x003FC000







Referenced by tdSetBlockBufferLevel().


#define TD_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK   0x000000FF

Referenced by tdSetBlockLevel(), and tdStatus().










#define TD_BOARDID_CRATEID_MASK   0x000000FF

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_BOARDID_GEOADR_MASK   0x00001F00

Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_BOARDID_PROD_MASK   0x00FF0000


#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_MASK   0xFF000000

Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TD   0x7D00

Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TI   0x7100


#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TIDS   0x71D5


#define TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TS   0x7500


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR1   (1<<8)


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR2   (1<<9)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR3   (1<<10)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR4   (1<<11)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR5   (1<<12)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR6   (1<<13)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR7   (1<<14)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR8   (1<<15)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_HFBR_MASK   0x0000FF00

Referenced by tdResetSlaveConfig().


#define TD_BUSY_LOOPBACK   (1<<7)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_FIBER_BUSY (   i)    (1<<(23+i))

Referenced by tdGetBusyStatus(), and tdSlaveStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR1   (1<<24)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR2   (1<<25)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR3   (1<<26)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR4   (1<<27)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR5   (1<<28)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR6   (1<<29)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR7   (1<<30)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_HFBR8   (1<<31)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_LOOPBACK   (1<<23)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().




#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_P2   (1<<18)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_MONITOR_TRIG_LOST   (1<<22)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_P2   (1<<2)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().



Referenced by tdSetBusySource(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_BUSY_TRIGGER_LOCK   (1<<6)








#define TD_FIBER_1   (1<<0)


#define TD_FIBER_2   (1<<1)


#define TD_FIBER_3   (1<<2)


#define TD_FIBER_4   (1<<3)


#define TD_FIBER_5   (1<<4)


#define TD_FIBER_6   (1<<5)


#define TD_FIBER_7   (1<<6)


#define TD_FIBER_8   (1<<7)


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY (   i)    (1<<(15+i))

Referenced by tdGetBusyStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR1   (1<<16)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR2   (1<<17)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR3   (1<<18)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR4   (1<<19)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR5   (1<<20)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR6   (1<<21)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR7   (1<<22)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_BUSY_HFBR8   (1<<23)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_1   (1<<16)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_2   (1<<17)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_3   (1<<18)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_4   (1<<19)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_5   (1<<20)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_6   (1<<21)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_7   (1<<22)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_8   (1<<23)


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_MASK   0x00FF0000

Referenced by tdGetConnectedFiberMask().


#define TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_TI (   x)    (1<<(x+15))

Referenced by tdGStatus(), tdSlaveStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_ENABLED (   x)    (1<<(x+1))


#define TD_FIBER_MASK   0x000000FF

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_1   (1<<24)


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_2   (1<<25)


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_3   (1<<26)


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_4   (1<<27)


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_5   (1<<28)


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_6   (1<<29)


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_7   (1<<30)


#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_8   (1<<31)




#define TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_TI (   x)    (1<<(x+23))

Referenced by tdGStatus(), tdSlaveStatus(), and tdStatus().
















#define TD_FIRMWARE_ID_MASK   0xFFFF0000

Referenced by tdInit().



Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_FIRMWARE_TYPE_MASK   0x0000F000

Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_FIRMWARE_TYPE_P   3





Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_I2C_8BIT_DATA_MASK   0x000000ff


#define TD_I2C_DATA_MASK   0x0000ffff


#define TD_ID_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK   0x00FF0000


#define TD_ID_CRATEID_MASK   0x0000FF00

Referenced by tdGetCrateID(), and tdSlaveStatus().


#define TD_ID_TRIGSRC_ENABLE_MASK   0x000000FF

Referenced by tdGetPortTrigSrcEnabled().


#define TD_INIT_NO_INIT   (1<<0)

Referenced by tdInit().



Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_INIT_USE_ADDR_LIST   (1<<3)

Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_INT_LEVEL   5


#define TD_INT_VEC   0xc8


#define TD_INTSETUP_ENABLE   (1<<16)


#define TD_INTSETUP_LEVEL_MASK   0x00000F00


#define TD_INTSETUP_VECTOR_MASK   0x000000FF


#define TD_MAX_FIBER_PORTS   8




#define TD_MAX_VME_SLOTS   21








#define TD_OUTPUT_MASK   0x0000FFFF






#define TD_RESET_AUTOALIGN_P0_SYNC   (1<<11)

Referenced by tdAutoAlignSync().


#define TD_RESET_BLOCK_READOUT   (1<<17)


#define TD_RESET_BUSYACK   (1<<7)


#define TD_RESET_CLK125   (1<<9)


#define TD_RESET_CLK200   (1<<8)


#define TD_RESET_CLK250   (1<<8)


#define TD_RESET_FIBER_AUTO_ALIGN   (1<<13)


#define TD_RESET_I2C   (1<<1)


#define TD_RESET_IODELAY   (1<<14)

Referenced by tdAutoAlignSync().


#define TD_RESET_JTAG   (1<<2)


#define TD_RESET_LATCH_TIMERS   (1<<24)

Referenced by tdLatchTimers().


#define TD_RESET_MEASURE_LATENCY   (1<<15)


#define TD_RESET_MGT   (1<<10)

Referenced by tdResetMGT().


#define TD_RESET_MGT_RX_RESET   (1<<22)


#define TD_RESET_RAM_WRITE   (1<<12)


#define TD_RESET_SFM   (1<<3)


#define TD_RESET_SOFT   (1<<4)


#define TD_RESET_TAKE_TOKEN   (1<<16)


#define TD_ROCENABLE_MASK   0x000000FF


#define TD_ROCENABLE_ROC (   x)    (1<<(x))










#define TD_SLAVE_1   (1<<1)


#define TD_SLAVE_2   (1<<2)


#define TD_SLAVE_3   (1<<3)


#define TD_SLAVE_4   (1<<4)


#define TD_SLAVE_5   (1<<5)


#define TD_SLAVE_6   (1<<6)


#define TD_SLAVE_7   (1<<7)


#define TD_SLAVE_8   (1<<8)



Referenced by tdInit().



Referenced by tdInit().


#define TD_SYNC_FP   (1<<3)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_SYNC_HFBR1   (1<<1)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_SYNC_HFBR5   (1<<2)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_SYNC_LOOPBACK   (1<<4)




#define TD_SYNC_P0   (1<<0)

Referenced by tdGStatus(), tdInit(), and tdStatus().




#define TD_SYNCCOMMAND_AD9510_RESYNC   0x33











Referenced by tdTriggerReadyReset().








#define TD_SYNCDELAY_MASK   0x0000007F




#define TD_SYNCWIDTH_MASK   0x7F










#define TD_TRIGSRC_ENABLE   (1<<8)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_TRIGSRC_FPTRG   (1<<3)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_TRIGSRC_HFBR1   (1<<1)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_TRIGSRC_LOOPBACK   (1<<2)

Referenced by tdInit(), and tdStatus().




#define TD_TRIGSRC_P0   (1<<0)

Referenced by tdInit(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_TRIGSRC_P2BUSY   (1<<9)


#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_1   (1<<12)


#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_2   (1<<13)


#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_3   (1<<14)


#define TD_TRIGSRC_PART_4   (1<<15)


#define TD_TRIGSRC_PULSER   (1<<7)

Referenced by tdStatus().



Referenced by tdSetTriggerSource(), and tdStatus().


#define TD_TRIGSRC_TSINPUTS   (1<<5)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_TRIGSRC_TSREV2   (1<<6)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_TRIGSRC_VME   (1<<4)

Referenced by tdStatus().


#define TD_VMECONTROL_A32   (1<<4)


#define TD_VMECONTROL_A32M   (1<<3)


#define TD_VMECONTROL_BERR   (1<<0)




#define TD_VMECONTROL_ERROR_INT   (1<<7)




#define TD_VMECONTROL_I2CDEV_HACK   (1<<8)


#define TD_VMECONTROL_LAST_BOARD   (1<<11)


#define TD_VMECONTROL_MBLK   (1<<2)


#define TD_VMECONTROL_TOKEN   (1<<1)


#define TD_VMECONTROL_TOKEN_HI   (1<<9)

Function Documentation

◆ tdGetBusyStatus()

int tdGetBusyStatus ( int  id,
int  port,
int  pflag 