A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W 


addBroadcastAddr(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Adds a broadcast address to the set.
addMulticastAddr(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Adds a multicast address to the set.
alive() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Is the ET system alive and are we connected to it?
async - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
User does not wait for events to fill station's empty input list, but returns immediately.
attach(EtStation) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Create an attachment to a station.
attachmentsMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Maximum number of attachments to an ET system.
attBlocked - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An attachment is blocked on a read statement.
attContinue - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An attachment is not being told to wake up.
attQuit - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An attachment is being told to wake up.
attUnblocked - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An attachment is not blocked on a read statement.


bit64 - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Java ET systems are 32 bit since arrays can only be of size Integer.MAX_VALUE.
broadAndMulticast - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Discover an ET system by broadcasting and multicasting.
broadcast - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Discover an ET system by broadcasting.
broadcasting(boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Set true if we're broadcasting to find ET system.
broadcastIP - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Broadcast address.
broadcastPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A default port on which to broadcast when finding an ET system.
bytesToInt(byte[], ByteOrder, int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Turn section of byte array into an int.
bytesToInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Converts 4 bytes of a byte array into an integer.
bytesToLong(byte[], ByteOrder, int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Turn section of byte array into a long.
bytesToLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Converts 8 bytes of a byte array into a long.
bytesToShort(byte[], ByteOrder, int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Turn section of byte array into a short.
bytesToShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Converts 2 bytes of a byte array into a short.


close() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Close the ET system.
compatibleParallelConfigs(EtStationConfig, EtStationConfig) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Checks to see if station configurations are compatible when adding a parallel station to an existing group of parallel stations.
connect() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Creates a connection to an ET system.
createStation(EtStationConfig, String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Creates a new station placed at the end of the ordered list of stations.
createStation(EtStationConfig, String, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Creates a new station at a specified position in the ordered list of stations.
createStation(EtStationConfig, String, int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Creates a new station at a specified position in the ordered list of stations and in a specified position in an ordered list of parallel stations if it is a parallel station.


dataCorrupt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data is corrupted.
dataMask - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Parse data status information.
dataOk - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data is OK.
dataPossiblyCorrupt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data may possibly be corrupted.
dataShift - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Parse data status information.
debugError - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Print out severe and normal error messages.
debugInfo - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Print out all error, warning, and informational messages.
debugNone - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Print out no status messages.
debugSevere - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Print out only severe error messages.
debugWarn - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Print out all error and warning messages.
defaultAttsMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An ET system's default maximum number of attachments.
defaultEventSize - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An ET system's default event size in bytes.
defaultNumEvents - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An ET system's default number of events.
defaultStationCue - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A default input list cue size for a nonblocking station.
defaultStationPrescale - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A default prescale value for a station.
defaultStationsMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An ET system's default maximum number of stations.
detach(EtAttachment) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Remove an attachment from a station.
direct - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Open an ET system by specifying host and port.
disconnect() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Disconnect from the ET system server.
dump - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
User wants events automatically dumped (not put) if data is not modified.
dumpEvents(EtAttachment, EtEvent[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Dispose of unwanted events in an ET system.
dumpEvents(EtAttachment, List<EtEvent>) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Dispose of unwanted events in an ET system.
dumpEvents(EtAttachment, EtEvent[], int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Dispose of unwanted events in an ET system.


end - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Add station to end of linked list.
endianBig - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data is big endian.
endianLittle - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data is little endian.
endianLocal - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data endian is the same as the local host's.
endianNotLocal - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data endian is opposite of the local host's.
endianSwitch - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data endian is to be switched.
error - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
General error.
errorBadArg - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error when argument has bad value.
errorBusy - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying that a station's input list is being accessed by another thread or process.
errorClosed - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error when network error.
errorDead - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying that the ET system is dead.
errorEmpty - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying that a station has an empty input list.
errorExists - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying that something already exists.
errorNetwork - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error when network error.
errorNoMemory - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error when no memory available.
errorNoRemote - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error not used in java ET.
errorRead - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying problems in a network read.
errorRemote - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error not used in java ET.
errorSocket - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error when socket error.
errorTimeout - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying a time out.
errorTooBig - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error when memory asked for is too big.
errorTooMany - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying too many of something.
errorWakeUp - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error when a thread was told to wake up from a blocking read.
errorWrite - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Error specifying problems in a network write.
EtAttachment - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class defines an ET system user's attachment to a station.
EtConstants - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class defines some useful constants which are made to be identical to those used in the C-based ET system code.
EtEvent - Interface in org.jlab.coda.et
Interface used to define methods necessary to be an Event.
EtEventImpl - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class defines an ET event.
EtEventImpl(int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Creates an event object for users of Java-based ET systems or by the system itself.
EtEventImpl(EtEventImpl) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Creates an event object by duplicating another.
EtEventSelectable - Interface in org.jlab.coda.et
This interface defines a method to use for custom event selection in a station.
EtStation - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class defines a station for the ET system user.
EtStationConfig - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class specifies a configuration used to create a new station.
EtStationConfig() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Creates a new StationConfig object with default values for everything.
EtStationConfig(EtStationConfig) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Creates a new StationConfig object from an existing one.
EtStationSelection - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class contains an example of a user-defined method used to select events for a station.
EtStationSelection() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationSelection
EtSystem - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class implements an object which allows a user to interact with an ET system.
EtSystem(EtSystemOpenConfig, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Construct a new EtSystem object.
EtSystem(EtSystemOpenConfig) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Construct a new EtSystem object.
EtSystem(EtSystemOpen, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Construct a new EtSystem object.
EtSystemOpen - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class opens (finds and connects to) an ET system.
EtSystemOpen(EtSystemOpenConfig) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Constructor which stores copy of argument.
EtSystemOpenConfig - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
This class defines a set of configuration parameters used to open an ET system.
EtSystemOpenConfig() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
No arg constructor.
EtSystemOpenConfig(String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Most general constructor for creating a new EtSystemOpenConfig object.
EtSystemOpenConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Constructor for broadcasting on all subnets.
EtSystemOpenConfig(String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Constructor for broadcasting on all subnets.
EtSystemOpenConfig(String, String, Collection<String>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Constructor for multicasting.
EtSystemOpenConfig(String, String, Collection<String>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Constructor for multicasting.
EtSystemOpenConfig(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Constructor for connecting directly to tcp server.
EtSystemOpenConfig(EtSystemOpenConfig) - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Constructor to create a new EtSystemOpenConfig object from another.
EtUtils - Class in org.jlab.coda.et
Collection of methods to help manipulate bytes in arrays.
EtUtils() - Constructor for class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
eventNew - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Event has been obtained with newEvents, not getEvents.
eventUsed - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Event has been obtained with getEvents, not newEvents.


fileNameLengthMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A limit on the length of the ET system (or file) name's length.
fileNameLenMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Maximum characters allowed in et file name.
functionNameLenMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Maximum characters allowed in station filter function name.


getAge() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the age of the event, either Age.NEW if a new event obtained through calling EtSystem.newEvents(EtAttachment, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Mode, int, int, int) or Age.USED if obtained through calling EtSystem.getEvents(EtAttachment, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Mode, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Modify, int, int).
getAge() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the age of the event, either Age.NEW if a new event obtained through calling EtSystem.newEvents(EtAttachment, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Mode, int, int, int) or Age.USED if obtained through calling EtSystem.getEvents(EtAttachment, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Mode, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Modify, int, int).
getAllBroadcastAddresses() - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Get all local IP broadcast addresses in a list in dotted-decimal form.
getAllHosts() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets all host names when multiple ET systems respond.
getAllPorts() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets all port numbers when multiple ET systems respond.
getAttachmentsMax() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the maximum number of attachments allowed in the ET system.
getBlockMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station configuration's block mode.
getBlockMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the block mode.
getBroadcastAddrs() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets multicast addresses.
getByteOrder() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the event data's byte order.
getByteOrder() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the event data's byte order.
getConfig() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets a copy of the configuration object used to specify how to open the ET system.
getConfig() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets a copy of the EtSystemOpenConfig configuration object.
getControl() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the event's control array.
getControl() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the event's control array.
getCue() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station configuration's cue.
getCue() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the cue size.
getData() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the data array which is backing the event's data buffer if there is one.
getData() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the data array which is backing the event's data buffer if there is one.
getData() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets all information about the ET system.
getDataBuffer() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the event's data buffer.
getDataBuffer() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the event's data buffer.
getDataStatus() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the status of the data (set by the system), which can be OK DataStatus.OK, corrupted DataStatus.CORRUPT, or possibly corrupted DataStatus.POSSIBLYCORRUPT.
getDataStatus() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the status of the data (set by the system), which can be OK DataStatus.OK, corrupted DataStatus.CORRUPT, or possibly corrupted DataStatus.POSSIBLYCORRUPT.
getDataStatusValue() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Get int value associated with DataStatus enum.
getDebug() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the debug output level.
getDebug() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the debug output level.
getEndian() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the endian value of the opened ET system.
getEtName() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets the ET system name.
getEvents(EtAttachment, Mode, Modify, int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Get events from an ET system.
getEventsDump() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Gets the number of events dumped (recycled by returning to GRAND_CENTRAL station) through this attachment.
getEventsGet() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Gets the number of events gotten from the ET system by this attachment.
getEventSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the "normal" event size in bytes.
getEventSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the size of the normal events in bytes of the opened ET system.
getEventsMake() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Gets the number of new events gotten from the ET system by this attachment.
getEventsPut() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Gets the number of events put into the ET system by this attachment.
getFlowMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the flow mode.
getGroup() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the group the event belongs to (1, 2, ...) if ET system events are divided into groups.
getGroup() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the group the event belongs to (1, 2, ...) if ET system events are divided into groups.
getGroupCount() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the number of groups events are divided into.
getGroups() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the array defining groups events are divided into.
getHeartbeat() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the ET system heartbeat.
getHistogram() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets histogram containing data showing how many events in GRAND_CENTRAL's input list when new events are requested by users.
getHost() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the ET system's host name.
getHost() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets the ET system host name or general location of ET system.
getHostAddress() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the address (dot decimal) of the host the opened ET system is running on.
getHostAddresses() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets list of all the IP addresses (dot decimal) of the host the opened ET system is running on.
getId() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Gets the id number of this attachment.
getId() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the event's id number.
getId() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the event's id number.
getId() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station id.
getInputCount() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the number of events in the station's input list.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Get the data input stream to talk to ET system server.
getJni() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the object used to access native methods when using local, C-based ET system.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the ET system's implementation language.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the language used to implement the opened ET system.
getLength() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the length of the data in bytes.
getLength() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the length of the data in bytes.
getMemSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the size of the data buffer in bytes.
getModify() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the event's modify value when receiving it over the network.
getModify() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the event's modify value when receiving it over the network.
getMulticastAddrs() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets multicast addresses.
getMulticastPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets port number to multicast to.
getName() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station name.
getName() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the name of the ET system (file).
getNetworkContactMethod() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets the means used to contact an ET system.
getNetworkInterface() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Get the network interface used for connecting to the ET system.
getNumAttachments() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station's number of attachments.
getNumAttachments() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the number of attachments in the ET system.
getNumEvents() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the number of events in the ET system.
getNumEvents() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the total number of events of the opened ET system.
getNumMulticastAddrs() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets the number of multicast addresses.
getNumProcesses() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the number of local processes in the ET system.
getNumStations() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the number of stations in the ET system.
getNumTemps() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the number of temp events in the ET system.
getOutputCount() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the number of events in the station's output list.
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Get the data output stream to receive from the ET system server.
getOwner() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the attachment id of the attachment which owns or got the event.
getOwner() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the attachment id of the attachment which owns or got the event.
getPid() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the UNIX pid of the ET system process.
getPrescale() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station configuration's prescale.
getPrescale() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the prescale value.
getPriority() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the event's priority, either high Priority.HIGH or low Priority.LOW.
getPriority() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the event's priority, either high Priority.HIGH or low Priority.LOW.
getPriorityValue() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Get int value associated with Priority enum.
getProcessesMax() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the maximum number of local processes allowed in the ET system.
getRawByteOrder() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Gets the raw byte order data (0x04030201 or 0x01020304).
getRawByteOrder() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the raw byte order data (0x04030201 or 0x01020304).
getResponders() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets a map of the hosts and ports of responding ET systems to broad/multicasts.
getResponsePolicy() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets policy on what to do about multiple responding ET systems to a broadcast or multicast.
getRestoreMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station configuration's restore mode.
getRestoreMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the restore mode.
getSelect() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets a copy of the select integer array.
getSelectClass() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the name of the class containing the station's user-defined select method.
getSelectClass() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the name of the class containing the user-defined select method.
getSelectFunction() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the name of the station's user-defined select function.
getSelectFunction() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the user-defined select function name.
getSelectInts() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the number of station select integers of the opened ET system.
getSelectLibrary() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the name of the library containing the station's user-defined select function.
getSelectLibrary() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the name of the library containing the user-defined select function.
getSelectMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station configuration's select mode.
getSelectMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the select mode.
getSelectWords() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station's select array used for filtering events.
getSizeLimit() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Gets the size limit of the data buffer in bytes when using a C-based ET system.
getSocket() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the socket connecting this object to the ET system.
getStation() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Gets the object of the station attached to.
getStationParallelPosition(EtStation) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the position of a parallel station in its ordered list of parallel stations.
getStationPosition(EtStation) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the position of a station in the ordered list of stations.
getStationsMax() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the maximum number of stations allowed in the ET system.
getStatus() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station's status.
getSys() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Sets the EtSystemUse object for using the ET system.
getSys() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the ET system object.
getTcpPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the tcp server port number.
getTcpPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the tcp server port number of the opened ET system.
getTcpPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets TCP server port number of the ET system.
getTcpRecvBufSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Get the TCP send buffer size in bytes.
getTcpSendBufSize() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Get the TCP receive buffer size in bytes.
getTempsMax() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets the maximum number of temp events allowed in the ET system.
getTTL() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets time-to-live value for multicasting.
getUdpPort() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Gets UDP port number for broadcasting or sending udp packets to known hosts.
getUserMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Gets the station configuration's user mode.
getUserMode() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Gets the user mode.
getVersion() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets the major version number of the opened ET system.
getWaitTime() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
If no ET system is available, the number of milliseconds we wait while trying to open it.


high - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
High event priority.
hostAnywhere - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Allow any host when opening an ET system.
hostLocal - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Specify a local host when opening an ET system.
hostRemote - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Specify a remote host when opening an ET system.


init() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Initialize an event's fields.
init() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Initialize an event's fields.
initialSharedMemBytes - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Shared memory layout from Java language ET system.
intToBytes(int, ByteOrder, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Turn int into byte array.
intToBytes(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Copies an integer value into 4 bytes of a byte array.
ipAddrStrLen - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
String length of dotted-decimal, ip address string Some systems - but not all - define INET_ADDRSTRLEN ("ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd\0" = 16)
isBit64() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets whether the operating system is 64 bit or not.
isBroadcasting() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Are we broadcasting to find ET system?
isConnected() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets whether the ET system is connected (opened) or not.
isConnectRemotely() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Are we going to connect to an ET system remotely only (=true), or will we also try to use memory mapping and JNI with local C-based ET systems?
isNoDelay() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Get the TCP no-delay setting.
isUsable() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtAttachment
Tells if this attachment object is usable.
isUsable() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Tells if this station object is usable.


kill() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Kill the ET system.


langC - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
ET system was implemented in the C language.
langCpp - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
ET system was implemented in the C++ language.
langJava - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
ET system was implemented in the Java language.
longToBytes(long, ByteOrder, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Turn long into byte array.
longToBytes(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Copies an long (64 bit) value into 8 bytes of a byte array.
low - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Low event priority.


magicNumbers - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Ints representing ascii for "cMsg is cool", used to filter out portscanning software.
maxHostNameLen - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
MAXHOSTNAMELEN is defined to be 256 on Solaris and is the max length of the host name so we add one for the terminator.
minorVersion - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Minor ET version number.
modify - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
User intends to modify the event's data.
modifyHeader - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
User intends to modify only the event's header information.
multicast - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Discover an ET system by multicasting.
multicastAddr - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A convenient multicast address used for finding an ET system.
multicastPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A default port on which to multicast when finding an ET system.
multicastTTL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A default time-to-live value for multicasting.
mutexLocked - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A mutex is locked.
mutexNoShare - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
The local UNIX operating system does not allow multiple processes to share POSIX mutexes.
mutexShare - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
The local UNIX operating system allows multiple processes to share POSIX mutexes.
mutexUnlocked - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A mutex is not locked.


needToSwap() - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Tells caller if the event data needs to be swapped in order to be the same byte order as the local JVM.
needToSwap() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Tells caller if the event data needs to be swapped in order to be the same byte order as the local JVM.
netAlive - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netAttDump - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netAttGet - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netAttMake - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netAttPut - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netClose - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvDump - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvDumpL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvGet - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvGetL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvNew - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvNewL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvPut - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvPutL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsDump - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsDumpL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsGet - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsGetL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsNew - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsNewGrp - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsNewGrpL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsNewL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsPut - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netEvsPutL - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netFClose - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netKill - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatAtt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatClass - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatCrAt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatDet - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatEx - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatFunc - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGAtts - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGBlock - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGCue - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGPos - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGPre - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGRestore - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGSelect - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGSw - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatGUser - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatInCnt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatIsAt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatLib - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatOutCnt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatRm - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatSBlock - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatSCue - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatSPos - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatSPre - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatSRestore - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatSSw - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatStatus - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netStatSUser - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysAtt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysAttMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysData - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysGrp - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysGrps - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysHBeat - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysHist - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysPid - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysProc - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysProcMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysStat - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysStatMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysTmp - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netSysTmpMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netWait - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netWakeAll - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
netWakeAtt - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
newEvents(EtAttachment, Mode, int, int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Get new (unused) events from an ET system.
newEvents(EtAttachment, Mode, boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Get new (unused) events from a specified group of such events in an ET system.
newHead - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Make added station head of a new group of parallel stations.
noSwap - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data does not need to be swapped to be the same endian as the local host's.


ok - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
No error.
open() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Open the ET system and set up buffered communication.
orderIPAddresses(List<String>) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Takes a list of dotted-decimal formatted IP address strings and orders them so that those on local subnets are first and others come last.
org.jlab.coda.et - package org.jlab.coda.et


policyError - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A policy that throws an EtTooManyException when multiple ET systems respond when broadcasting and/or multicasting to find an ET system anywhere or remotely.
policyFirst - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A policy that chooses the first ET system to respond when broadcasting and/or multicasting to find a system anywhere or remotely.
policyLocal - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A policy that chooses the first local ET system to respond when broadcasting and/or multicasting to find a system anywhere or remotely.
priorityMask - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Parse event priority information.
putEvents(EtAttachment, List<EtEvent>) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Put events into an ET system.
putEvents(EtAttachment, EtEvent[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Put events into an ET system.
putEvents(EtAttachment, EtEvent[], int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Put events into an ET system.


removeMulticastAddr(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Removes a multicast address from the set.
removeStation(EtStation) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Removes an existing station.


select(SystemCreate, StationLocal, EtEvent) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventSelectable
An event selection method must follow this form.
select(SystemCreate, StationLocal, EtEvent) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationSelection
selfConsistent() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Determine if vital parameters are set and all settings are self consistent.
serverPort - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A default port on which ET system TCP server makes connections with users.
setAge(Age) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the age of the event which is Age.NEW for new events obtained by calling EtSystem.newEvents(EtAttachment, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Mode, int, int, int)), or Age.NEW for "used" event obtained by calling EtSystem.getEvents(EtAttachment, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Mode, org.jlab.coda.et.enums.Modify, int, int)).
setBlockMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Sets the station's block mode dynamically.
setBlockMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's block mode value.
setBroadcastAddrs(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the collection of broadcast addresses.
setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Set the event data's byte order.
setByteOrder(int) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Set the event data's byte order by using values consistent with C-based ET systems, EtConstants.endianBig, EtConstants.endianLittle, EtConstants.endianLocal, EtConstants.endianNotLocal, or EtConstants.endianSwitch.
setByteOrder(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Set the event data's byte order by using values consistent with C-based ET systems, EtConstants.endianBig, EtConstants.endianLittle, EtConstants.endianLocal, EtConstants.endianNotLocal, or EtConstants.endianSwitch.
setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Set the event data's byte order.
setConnectRemotely(boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets whether we going to connect to an ET system remotely only (=true), or whether we will try to use memory mapping and JNI with local C-based ET systems.
setControl(int[]) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Sets the event's control array by copying it into the event.
setControl(int[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the event's control array by copying it into the event.
setCue(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Sets the station's cue size dynamically.
setCue(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's cue size.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the event's data without copying.
setDataBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the event's data buffer (must be backed by data array).
setDataStatus(DataStatus) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the event's data status.
setDebug(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Sets the debug output level.
setDebug(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Sets the debug output level.
setEtName(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the ET system name.
setFlowMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's flow mode value.
setGroup(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the group the event belongs to: (1, 2, ...) if ET system events are divided into groups, or group = 1 if not.
setHost(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the ET system host name or broad/multicast destination.
setId(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the event's id number.
setLength(int) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Sets the event's data length in bytes.
setLength(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the event's data length in bytes.
setLengthFromServer(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Set the length of valid data from server where sizeLimit may be 0.
setMemSize(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the size of the data buffer in bytes.
setModify(Modify) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets whether the user wants to read the event only, will modify only the event header (everything except the data), or will modify the data and/or header.
setMulticastAddrs(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the collection of multicast addresses.
setMulticastPort(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the port number to multicast to.
setNetworkContactMethod(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the means or method of contacting an ET system.
setNetworkInterface(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Set the network interface (in dotted-decimal format) used for connecting to the ET system.
setNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Set the TCP no-delay setting.
setOwner(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the owner of the event (attachment using event or system).
setPrescale(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Sets the station's prescale dynamically.
setPrescale(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's prescale value.
setPriority(Priority) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Sets the event's priority, either high Priority.HIGH or low Priority.LOW.
setPriority(Priority) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Sets the event's priority, either high Priority.HIGH or low Priority.LOW.
setRawByteOrder(int) - Method in interface org.jlab.coda.et.EtEvent
Set the event data's byte order as big with 0x04030201 or as little with 0x01020304.
setRawByteOrder(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtEventImpl
Set the event data's byte order as big with 0x04030201 or as little with 0x01020304.
setResponsePolicy(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the policy on what to do about multiple responding ET systems to a broadcast or multicast.
setRestoreMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Sets the station's restore mode dynamically.
setRestoreMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's restore mode value.
setSelect(int[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's select integer array.
setSelectClass(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the class containing the user-defined select method.
setSelectFunction(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's user-defined select function.
setSelectLibrary(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the library containing the user-defined select function.
setSelectMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's select mode value.
setSelectWords(int[]) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Sets the station's select array - used for filtering events.
setStationPosition(EtStation, int, int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Changes the position of a station in the ordered list of stations.
setTcpPort(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the TCP server port number of the ET system.
setTcpRecvBufSize(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Set the TCP receive buffer size in bytes.
setTcpSendBufSize(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Set the TCP send buffer size in bytes.
setTTL(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the time-to-live value for multicasting.
setUdpPort(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Sets the UDP port number for broadcasting and sending udp packets to known hosts.
setUserMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStation
Sets the station's user mode dynamically.
setUserMode(int) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtStationConfig
Sets the station's user mode value.
setWaitTime(long) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
If no ET system is available, set the number of milliseconds we wait while trying to open it.
shortToBytes(short, ByteOrder, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Turn short into byte array.
shortToBytes(short, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Copies a short value into 2 bytes of a byte array.
sleep - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
User sleeps when waiting for events to fill a station's empty input list.
stationActive - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station's status meaning it exists and has at least one attachment.
stationAttached(EtStation, EtAttachment) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Is given attachment attached to a station?
stationBlocking - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station accepts every event into its cue and may block the flow of events.
stationCreating - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station's status used in C implementations meaning the station is currently being created.
stationExists(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Does given station exist?
stationIdle - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station's status meaning it exists but has no attachments.
stationNameLenMax - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Maximum characters allowed in station name.
stationNameToObject(String) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Gets a station's object representation from its name.
stationNonBlocking - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station will not block the flow of events.
stationParallel - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events flow in parallel through stations in a single group.
stationParallelHead - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events flow in parallel through stations in a single group with this station as the head of that group.
stationRestoreGC - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events owned by a crashed user process are restored to the ET system by putting them in GRAND_CENTRAL station (recycling them).
stationRestoreIn - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events owned by a crashed user process are restored to the ET system in the input list of the attachment's station.
stationRestoreOut - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events owned by a crashed user process are restored to the ET system in the output list of the attachment's station.
stationRestoreRedist - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events owned by a crashed user process attached to a parallel station are restored to the ET system by redistributing them among that group of parallel stations (recycling them).
stationSelectAll - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
All events are placed into a station's cue with no filtering applied (besides prescaling).
stationSelectEqualCue - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events are placed into the cues of a single group of parallel stations in an algorithm designed to keep the cues equal in value.
stationSelectInts - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A default value for the number of integers associated with each event that stations may use to select or filter that event.
stationSelectMatch - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events are placed into a station's cue with a predefined filtering applied (besides prescaling).
stationSelectRRobin - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events are placed into the cues of a single group of parallel stations with a round robin distribution algorithm.
stationSelectUser - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events are placed into a station's cue with a user defined filtering applied (besides prescaling).
stationSerial - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Events flow "normally" - that is serially - through a station.
stationUnused - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station object's status meaning it has not been fully created yet.
stationUserMulti - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station may have multiple attachments.
stationUserSingle - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
A station may only have one attachment.
structNew - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
C structure state value for talking to C language ET systems.
structOk - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
C structure state value for talking to C language ET systems.
swap - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
An event's data needs to be swapped to be the same endian as the local host's.
swapArrayInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Swaps 4 bytes of a byte array in place.
swapArrayShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtUtils
Swaps 2 bytes of a byte array in place.
system - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
System is event owner
systemTypeC - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Shared memory layout from C language ET system.
systemTypeJava - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Shared memory layout from Java language ET system.


timed - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
User waits for a specified time when waiting for events to fill a station's empty input list.
toString() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpenConfig
Method to create a string representation of this object


usingJniLibrary() - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystemOpen
Gets whether a local, C-based ET system was opened and a JNI library was used to access events directly instead of over sockets.


version - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Major ET version number.


waitMask - Static variable in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtConstants
Parse event waiting information.
wakeUpAll(EtStation) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Wake up all attachments waiting to read events from a station's empty input list.
wakeUpAttachment(EtAttachment) - Method in class org.jlab.coda.et.EtSystem
Wake up an attachment that is waiting to read events from a station's empty input list.