JLab Pipeline TI Library  3v6.1
JLab Pipeline TI Library Documentation
   Copyright (c) 2012        Southeastern Universities Research Association, *
                             Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility  *
     This software was developed under a United States Government license    *
     described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.     *
     Authors: Bryan Moffit                                                   *
              moffi.nosp@m.t@jl.nosp@m.ab.or.nosp@m.g                   Jefferson Lab, MS-12B3       *
              Phone: (757) 269-5660             12000 Jefferson Ave.         *
              Fax:   (757) 269-5800             Newport News, VA 23606       *
      Primitive trigger control for VME CPUs using the TJNAF Trigger
      Supervisor (TI) card